8) Ranking War (2)

-The Demon Lord Gremory and her contractor Lee Shin have arrived at the 1st full length Asteia battlefield.

o people arrived at Asteia first.

“Are you confident?”

Gremory asked.

She had planned on 10,000 but ended up pledging 20,000 magic power. Lee Shin had chosen 20,000 as the bet for Gremory.

But if they lost then it would be huge damage. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

“I will defeat an enemy like that.”

“It is rea.s.suring. But you definitely have to win. My territory and the future of my army is up to you.”

Gremory had fallen up the way from the 56th rank. If she was deprived of the status of Demon Lord then she would lose everything.

‘I will also suffer.’

If she was defeated and lost the status of Lord then he couldn’t return to his original world.

It wasn’t just that.

Under the agreement, the stopped time in the original world would flow again. Lee Shin’s body would continue to sleep in the bed until he returned.

‘There would be quite an uproar.’

Lee Shin not waking up. The tragic character wounded by gunmen and forced to retire would make the press. He didn’t want to look that pitiable. bvhdbfauihasjdkasbdksajdba

There was a risk but Lee Shin wasn’t concerned. Lee Shin inherently had a lot of courage when it came to victory.

-The senior demon Eltima has arrive at the 1st full length Asteia battlefield.

Eltima appeared.

Then Eltima saw Lee Shin and laughed.

“You are Gremory-nim’s new contractor?”

“That’s right.”

That’s right?

Eltima frowned. A mere human was rude to a demon. But then he had a thought and approached Lee Shin.

“Your att.i.tude is quite amazing for someone not of this world. There must be a reason a Demon Lord selected you as a contractor.”

“I won’t tolerate useless gossip.” Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

Gremory decisively cut off the conversation.

“Yes, excuse me.”

Eltima retreated.

Gremory warned Lee Shin.

“Eltima has the ability to detect ‘lies.’ He can see through the lies of his opponents so don’t answer any questions.”

“See through lies?”

Gremory healed his body and the senior demon Eltima had a special talent as well. Eltima approached again while Lee Shin was busy thinking. Gremory had no time to stop him.

“You have the talent to detect lies?”

“Yes, you insolent human.”

“So check if this is false or not.”

Lee Shin looked into Eltima’s eyes. Lee Shin wasn’t afraid at all when confronting a senior demon. urheurjheaorahdksadnsajdksndas

“I will win this fight.”


Eltima looked confused for the first time.

“I’m telling you this. I am very confident.”


Lee Shin smiled coldly.

“Tell me. Am I lying?”


Eltima fell into a panic.

He doubted is ability to detect lies. Since the opponent wasn’t lying.

‘Well, I lied thousands of times during the practice games back in my days as a player.’

Anyway, this punch was good enough.

A demon that craved the status of 72nd Demon Lord. And he had just felt threatened. These two things combined would cause impatience.

Lee Shin returned to Gremory.

“I’d like to start.” Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

“I understand.”

-The Ranking War between the Demon Lord Gremory-nim and the senior demon Eltima-nim.


The outcome of the war will affect the rank or magic power. 40,000 magic power has been bet.

40,000 magic power will be spread through the battlefield.

Please select a species.


Lee Shin said first.

A somewhat relieved expression appeared on Eltima’s face. It was fortunate that the opponent had picked weak humans. Read at rainbowturtletranslation.com


Lee Shin also laughed at Eltima’s choice. As expected, the most preferred option were the creatures.

Eltima’s play style was drawn in his head.

‘Creatures are the most aggressive species.’

It was a species more specialized in attack than defense. The biggest reason behind the opponent picking that species was impatience.

‘It is coming.’

Lee Shin never lost when he felt like this.

-The Ranking War has started.


The Demon Lord Gremory-nim’s contractor will fight against the senior demon Eltima-nim.

Lee Shin and Eltima’s bodies were teleported. Lee Shin started at the 11 o’clock position in Asteia.

“Oh, is it Contractor-nim.”

“Please give a command.”

“I will work harder!”

The 4 slaves greeted him when he appeared.

“Gather magic power.”

The 4 slaves started gathering magic power according to Lee Shin’s instructions.

The game had begun. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

*     *     *

‘Is what he said true?’

Eltima felt confused.

A demon and human fighting. It was ridiculous to think that he wouldn’t win. But his opponent wasn’t lying. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

‘Maybe Gremory picked someone great as the contractor. I can’t fail.’

Eltima was a bold demon.

He had gone through numerous struggles in the Demon World before being able to challenge the throne of a Demon Lord.

Eltima had been fairly cautious and waited until today to challenge. He challenged as soon as he heard the news that the weakest Demon Lord had a new contractor.

A new contractor was still inexperienced in the Ranking War!

Eltima had been sure of his victory until a little while ago. But the earlier conversation with Lee Shin had caused some anxiety.

‘A Demon Lord would probably take a human hero as the contractor. Such an amazing human was in front of me.’ uhughjdfioahjdjgkdhfka

Fortunately, Eltima’s plan hadn’t collapsed yet.

The human had become a contractor just days before. No matter how great they are in the human world, the Demon World is completely different.

He recognized the ambition and talent but the human was still immature in regards to the Ranking War.

‘Choosing the weak humans is evidence that he is still immature.’

The human probably conducted humans because he was familiar with them.

‘This war will be quite different. I will show it.’

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