"Aahhh!!!!!" She suddenly felt a pain stirring from her stomach but she tried not to carelessly scream to avoid drawing unnecessary attention from the men who was constantly hunting her. She wanted to tighten her grip on her belly but she was worried about the child in her stomach. What is happening? She couldn"t understand a thing but she was praying for the baby"s health.

"Ahh... sweetie, please hold on for a little longer." She wanted to shed a tear because of the pain, but she suppressed it. "Just a little more time then we"ll be home..." She caresses her womb.

They were searching for her thoroughly; day and night. It appears that they were all in a rush to capture her. As for Les, Liam ordered all the men to make an in-depth search since they need to find the woman and present her to Silver on or before Friday. Did something possibly happen? She thought.

Aisha has been running and hiding to and fro around the Island for the past few days. She made sure to be cautious and vigilant but this time, she might be caught in no time. But she was hoping that Les will be successful to send her message to either Ethan and Rio.


"Les, make sure to send my message to the exact address that I wrote on those paper. But be careful to who you hand it to. Don"t just give it to anyone but make sure to hand it over only to those two." Aisha carefully commanded the young man.

"I understand. But you have to do your best not to be caught until they arrive here. It might take me a day and a night before I reach the central city." Les uttered full of concern then he stared at the woman"s womb. Her belly is pretty obvious right now. Anyone who sees her will definitely tell that she"s pregnant.

"Thank you for your concern, Les." She smiled. "Now go before someone looks for you."

"I"ll get going then." The young man stood up but before he totally leaves, he faces the woman for the last time. "By the way, the s.h.i.+p is going to sail tonight. I won"t be here tomorrow so please be careful."

"I know…good luck and take care of yourself too."


"Ah, please be fast." Aisha uttered desperately as she continues to caress her womb.

She hid herself in a small cave at the north side of the island, not far from a river bank. But she made sure to conceal the small hole that served as the entrance using some twigs and broken branches all over it, hoping that they will pa.s.s through it. she needs to take cover until the pain from her womb subsides.

Unfortunately, she unconsciously dozes off while waiting for the time to pa.s.s.

"Search everywhere, every spot, every corner and every hole!" A masculine voice echoed at the north side and that there were at least thirty men searching the river bank area.

One man came across a small hole covered by twigs and branches. Well, a child or a lady could crawl underneath it, might as well check what was inside.

The man started removing the twigs and branches and tried to peek inside. Could he crawl? Wait! There"s more inside it! It"s not just a mere hole... its actually wide and deep when you look inside it... Hmmm... The man was in deep thought. But after a few minutes, he decided to approached his leader.

"What is it?" The commander asked.

"I have something to tell you, sir!"

The commander creased his brow. "Spit it out."

Meanwhile, Sherry took a bath and fixed her make up. She wanted to be stunningly beautiful today. She could pull this through! She encouraged herself.


Sherry joined Stacy for breakfast before she heads out. But Stacy was acting up and couldn"t even touch her food.

"Stacy, why aren"t you eating? Don"t you like the food? I can order a different dish if you want." Sherry voiced.

"Mom... It"s today right?" She lowered her head.

Sherry gently placed the spoon and fork on each opposite side and looked at the gloomy woman. She knew she"s bothered about something.

"Ehm." Sherry casually answered.

"Mom! Don"t go! Please!" She suddenly burst. "I"ve been feeling this for a while but please, don"t go."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.


"Silver never honors his promise. You know that, right?"

"Stacy... Your sister... She"s probably waiting. I can"t possibly abandon her, especially now."

"But what if he breaks his promise? What if he will not hand Erika?!"

"What if he will?" Sherry b.u.t.ts in. "What if he will return your sister?"

Stacy suddenly went silent and averted her eyes somewhere. She"s mad but she"s nervous as well. d.a.m.n that vicious man! Why can"t he just leave them alone? She snorted.

"I know your worried. But I have to get your sister back; we need to save her. I can"t simply sit here and wait for a miracle to happen. I want to cause a miracle if it"s the only means to pave way for us to retrieve your sister."

"But mom…"

"Stacy, I"ll be going any minute now. but I need to see you smile before I go."

Stacy hesitated a bit but then after a while, she looked at her mom and sighed.

"I know I can never change your mind, but you have to promise that whatever happens, you will come back…to me… to us."

Sherry finally beamed. "I am looking forward for it as well." then she kissed her forehead before she left.

Good thing Rio a.s.signed five skilled men to watch over the room day and night. at least she can leave her daughter peacefully.

"Sir, she just came out of the room." one of the men who was a.s.signed for the morning s.h.i.+ft reported to Rio.

Rio checked his time, it"s already nine o"clock. One more hour to go. "Okay, thank you. watch over Stacy for now and don"t ever let your guard down." he demanded.

"Yes sir." The man a.s.sured before he dropped the call.

As for Sherry, she grabbed a cab and provided the address that Silver gave her.

"I"m on my way and I want to see my daughter as soon as I arrive." Sherry sent a message but she didn"t receive the answer that she was expecting.

"Stand in the middle of the ground."

What? what kind of response is this? she scoffed. he didn"t a.s.sure her about her daughter so Sherry kinda felt that she won"t be able to see her Erika today.

The driver dropped her at the exact location and as soon as Sherry got off the car, she inspected the surroundings. There are hotels and commercial buildings at each sides. Then she spotted the target hotel. The silence was deafening but the environment is somewhat eerie. It doesn"t look like one of those on the horror films but it gave her some chills.

She suddenly jolted when her phone rang as soon as she reached the middle area of the ground.

"One of my men is coming down to get you." the man instructed. "Just follow him and don"t ask anything." Then he hung up.

She jeered but she couldn"t do anything. She needs to hold back until she sees Erika. Then after a few minutes, the man appeared in front of the her and guided her to where Silver was.

They entered a huge hotel building and proceeded to the elevator. As soon as they reached the19th floor, the elevator opened and they continued to walk the long hallway that seems to be leading into a presidential suite room.

"Please enter, Miss Sherry." The man who escorted the woman knocked three times before opening the door.

She entered and walked towards the living room. but she halted when she got a glimpse of the man"s silhouette who was looking outside the window. she was facing the man"s back.

"Silver!" she bellowed.

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