Publishedat 13th of September 2019 03:03:57 PMChapter 244

The night was going smoothly that everyone seems to be having fun as they commemorate the third year anniversary of Aisha"s death . But Ethan couldn"t even smile just like the others does . How could he live a happy life if he keeps remembering her tragic death? Ah, Rio is right . he must have been punis.h.i.+ng himself for what had happened .

Although he wanted to move on, a part of his heart was still hoping --- hoping for Aisha to return, though he knew that its futile to wait for a dead woman to come back to life .

Caleb and Hunter was having a conversation about their wives . They were sharing some of their unfortunate experiences especially during the first trimester of their wife"s pregnancy . And it was definitely a h.e.l.l of a ride .

Yes, Caleb was able to obtain the blessing of Lisa"s parents . They had agreed to continue their marriage with the help of Sahaya . Although Lisa and Caleb was considered legit husband and wife, they still decided to hold a wedding ceremony inviting the families of both parties . But they didn"t get married until the first year of Aisha"s death . Now, Lisa is 8 months pregnant and a few weeks from now, they will be expecting a baby boy to be added in the family . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Hunter and Sophie, on the other hand, had a break up after Aisha"s funeral . The death of her Best friend pushed Sophie to cut her relations.h.i.+p with Hunter since they hadn"t reached an agreement about Hunter"s profession . Sophie wants him to retire being an agent in the organization but Hunter couldn"t do it so they separate ways .

However, a few months later, Archie helped Hunter to court Sophie once again . Archie helped the young man to find a decent job but hunter decided to create his own firm . An IT firm that specializes on tracking and training government agents on missions . They got married last year and now Sophie is four months pregnant with a baby girl .

As for Stacy, she married Johnny six months after Aisha"s death . They don"t want to waste any more time since they had wasted years already . And now they have a two-year-old son named Robi .

As for Eli, he had been crying for how many days when he learnt about the death of his mom, but thank goodness, Sahaya and Lisa where there to be his comfort .
Ethan smiled suddenly . Everyone is happy . Even Rio and Cherry was living a satisfying relations.h.i.+p . Seems like everyone was redeeming the time they have lost for their love ones .

For Les, Ethan decided to take him as his new personal driver . But Mr . Tanner continued to be their family driver--- Eli"s personal driver to be exact . And right now, he is flirting with Jane, the lady who helped Aisha escaped from the prison bars during that time . Jane was of great help for Aisha and so Cherry decided to take her in .

Cherry was sure that if Aisha is alive, then she will do the same thing she did . Rio and Cherry decided to adopt the young lad . Uhm, how old was she again, 16 or 17? Not sure too . Jane was a jolly girl and her foster parents are happy to have her .

Ethan was looking at everyone who appears to be contentedly getting together . The yearly commemoration for Aisha now seems to be a reunion for everyone . was he the only one who"s not enjoying the night? he sighed .

But what if Aisha didn"t die that day? what could she be doing? What does their baby look like? How happy could she be with her friends right now? She died not knowing the truth about her true ident.i.ty . It was the worst thing ever for someone to die carrying some lies .

After a few hours, his phone ringed . He glanced at the caller id and saw his grandpa calling him .

"How is the new construction going?" the old man asked .

"It"s doing good . I will be visiting the site tomorrow to check the progress . " He replied .

"Okay, good . you can drop Eli tomorrow in my place if you will be staying there for a few days . "

"I will . " He a.s.sured the old man then hung up . As soon as the call ended, he went to where Cherry and Rio was and bid them goodbye . He needs to prepare for his business trip tomorrow .

Eli bid farewell as well . he is now a grown-up man, 8 years old to be exact and that they are attending a private school with Sahaya and Yohann . Their friends.h.i.+p is kinda amazing and Ethan was thankful that Eli has someone on his side .

It was thirty minutes to be exact before they have reached the house . Eli was sleeping soundly at the backseat so Ethan carried him to his room . as soon as the young man settled on his bed, Ethan went to his room as well .

He was changing clothes when he accidentally glanced at Aisha"s photo, it was their photo together .

Then he picked it up and sat on the edge of the bed . His fingers trace the woman"s face and tears started to gush out from his eyes .

Aisha… he muttered as pain started to saturate his heart was again .

"I"m sorry… I"m truly sorry . please forgive me . " he cried . Unknown to him, a young child was hiding from a corner watching and listening at the man"s agonizing cries . He shed a tear as well . he doesn"t want to his dad crying in despair as he blames himself for the woman"s death .

The young lad run back towards his room and closed the door . He cried silently as he remembers the memories of her mother . But he was crying more because his father was sadder than anyone in the world .

He was embracing his knees as tears flows from his eyes . but after a few minutes, he wiped his tears and uttered a sincere prayer .

"Lord, my dad is miserable because you took my mom away . Please Lord, please, comfort my dad and make him happy . Please don"t make him cry anymore . I feel sad when dad is sad . Please Lord, make my dad happy again . " After his short prayer, he went back to sleep .

Unknown to him, Ethan heard the young lad . He was supposed to go to the kitchen to fetch a drinking water when he heard the young man"s sob, so he opened the door to check on him . surprisingly, he heard Eli"s prayer .

he was in daze while walking towards the kitchen . Does Eli notice him? he felt guilty . As soon as he went back to his room, he stood up near the window and looked at the sky above .

"Looks like Eli was greatly affected on my behavior . I didn"t notice it because I was so consumed with my sorrow . I"m sorry Aisha, you will probably get mad at me once you see how irresponsible I am with him . " then he released a sigh .

"I guess I really have to move on . I don"t mean to forget all about you but I will try to live a fulfilling life . I will try to be happy just like everyone else . I will try, Aisha… I will try . "


It was exactly a two hours" flight .

Ethan has to visit the Estrella City to check on their new building project and will be meeting a few investors during his stay .

The hotel manager had been waiting for Ethan outside the airport and as soon as he spotted him, he opened the car"s door after greeting him . then the hotel manager cued the driver to start the engine .

The hotel manager was following behind Ethan . The employees greeted him but he casually looked at them . he was sure cold and distant just like the rumors says he is . He knew about all those s.h.i.+tty comments but he doesn"t care at all .

He was on the other line when the door to the elevator opened . He casually entered and heedlessly punched the 10th floor .

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shocked . It was as if his world was in slow motion while the door to the elevator slowly closed .

His world suddenly stopped spinning around .

That woman! she looks entirely like … . Aisha?!

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