Caleb opened the lunch box in his hands. He saw his favorite dishes. Did she cook all of these? He pondered. Did he really hurt her that much? The image of Lisa crying in the hallway makes his heart ache even more. He placed the lunchbox on the table then he took his phone out. He dialed Lisa"s number but she"s not answering. He tried to call her numerous times but she never answered the call. If he can only walk then he might have chase her, unfortunately he can"t walk straight yet. his foot is still under bandages. He cursed.

Lisa didn"t notice that she"s been sitting while crying on the staircase for almost thirty minutes. Her eyes became saggy. She remembered that she has somethings to do so she stood up as she walks down the condescending stairs.

Lisa drove to her favorite café outside the company premises. She can"t go to work with her big eye bug. Aisha will surely pester her. As soon as she paid her drinks, she mindlessly walks towards an empty table when someone suddenly hit her. No, wait! She into someone! Her milk tea spilled on the floor.

"I"m sorry!" She kowtowed apologetically.

"It"s okay miss. I should be the one to apologize since I was not looking at my way." He kindly held her arms.

"S-sorry!" she insisted.

"Too bad you spilled your drink, please let me buy you another one." The stranger pleaded.

"O-okay," Lisa cannot resist anymore.

After the man paid for their drinks, they sat on a single table.

"By the way my name is Kian," the man offered his palm.

"Lisa." She received it.

"Looks like you"re having a bad day,"" He a.s.serted. Lisa, who"s about to sip her drink chortled.

"Ah, It"s nothing. It was just the movie that I watch earlier. It made me cry a lot." She feigned a smile.

"Oh, so you"re a tear-jerker too. Awesome! Hha."" Kian laughs heartily. "Are you perhaps working at the Saphiro Gentz Company?"

"Ehm, yes." she answered plainly.

"Same here!" his eyes lit up. "So what are you?"

"Just a secretary for the White Lotus department,"

"Whoa! What a coincidence! I use to work there before as well, but not now, of course. but I was a salesman before."

"Oh, that"s nice." She"s not actually in the mood to talk right now.

"But I just started working here today at the I.T department." He explained, "I don"t know anyone here so is it okay to be-friend you?"

Lisa was startled. This stranger was asking him to be a friend! Is he somehow hitting on her? maybe yes and maybe No? Lisa was in deep thought. She looked at him. he seems to be a good person, a genuine one, unlike that someone she knew.

"Sure why not? I could use a friend too." She smiled. Kian also initiate an exchange of number unfortunately she can"t save Kian"s number since her phone is dead.

"It"s okay, I"ll just call you then." Kian smiled at her captivatingly then he bid goodbye. Lisa was left all by herself.

*** Unknown to Aisha, Eli dragged his father in a jewelry store in the Saphiro mall. Aisha was still in the office sorting some doc.u.ments when Eli asked Mr. Tanner to bring him to his dad"s office. Eli pleaded his dad to accompany him to buy a present.

"A present for who?" Ethan asked his cheerful son as they make their way towards the jewelry store.

"Dad, you don"t know the date today?" Eli looked at him in disappointment. Ethan shook his head. He doesn"t have any clue as to why his son is so hyper at the moment.

"So you forgot a very special day? how could you!" Eli yelled at him then he run inside the jewelry store.

"How can I help you?" The lady asks the child. Ethan just entered the store when he heard his son.

"I want the best ever gift for my mom!" He told the lady. Ethan was stunned in a moment. Ah yes! it"s Stacy"s birthday. How could he forget?

"Is it her birthday?" The lady asks enthusiastically.

"Ehm!" Eli nods, "I want the most beautiful one!" he added. Ethan stared at his son. He was surprised to see him chose a gift for his mom. It would be the very first time that he will give her a birthday gift since he never did it before. What"s gotten into him suddenly? Ethan creased his brow as he looks at his blissful son.

The Lady came back with a small box in her hands then she opened it for the young boy to see. Eli"s eyes grew in amazement.

"Wow! It"s beautiful!" His eyes lit, "Dad! Look! Do you think mom will like it?" Eli pulled his dad to see the gold infinity necklace. He smiled.

"I"m sure she will love it!" he encourages his son. Eli grinned from ear to ear. Ethan may be surprised at his son"s sudden action but the happiness that he is seeing in Eli"s face gives warmth into his heart.

"And can I also see that gold phoenix hairclip?"" Eli pointed out the one that was sealed in a box. The lady stood up immediately to get it. When Eli saw it in closer view, he instantly fell in love with it.

"I want these too, dad!" he exclaimed.

"Please wrap the bracelet and the hairclip." Ethan ordered the lady.

"It"s $950 in total, Sir." Ethan handed his card to the lady then she shuddered when she saw that it was Ethan. The great CEO, Ethan Saphiro Williams!

The lady immediately returned the card after swiping it then she handed the boxes to Eli.

"Thank you Sir, enjoy the rest of your day!"

Eli got a hold of the two boxes then he happily dances as he exited the jewelry store. Suddenly, he paused to face his father.

"Dad, aren"t you going to buy mom a present?" he was curious. His face is somewhat accusing his dad. Ethan chuckled.

"No, I have the best present for her." he a.s.sured his son. As soon as they exited the store, Ethan called their household butler to prepare some special meals for dinner. The Stacy he knew before doesn"t like celebrating her birthday in a grand manner. The Stacy now is also a simple woman, maybe she doesn"t like celebrating her birthday"s too. Ethan doesn"t know but he will try.

*** Somewhere in the VIP lounge at the Saphiro Gentz Company, a young man and a middle age man is having a cup of coffee.

"So how"s your first mission Kian?" the mysterious man asked.

"Hha! Of course I did a very good job! getting close to that woman is pretty easy!" he bragged.

"Just so be careful. Don"t do anything stupid that would raise any suspicion. Your main target is to get close to her friend." The man reminded him.

"Don"t worry Father, I know that full well." Kian chuckled

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