The Locked System

Chapter 31

Hayato walked to the red carpet taking some distance from the knights, while he observed the old man with hostility

The knights and the king are viewed him with wonderment but the old man had a cold face

" Father? why are you questioning that knight? " The King turned to see the old man with a face full of doubt

" He isn"t a normal Knight " The Old King said the to the King with calm, then he puts his attention in Hayato again and says " Or all the Golden Knights never discovered the power of this knight or he is an intruder "

" ..!! " The King had an incredulous look and he turns to see Hayato with a serious face

" ..... " Hayato didn"t say anything but *PUFF* he undoes his Transformation and everyone present and even the old man were surprised after seeing that

" Your Majesty! he-he has the same features that the witnesses described! he is one of those who escaped from the mansion of the Brywood family after the Count was found decapitated! " One of the knights yelled with surprise after he saw Hayato"s mask

" What!? he is the one culprits!? " The Captain of Golden Knights yelled in surprise and turns to see Hayato

" So you were the one who killed Gerald and Beatriz " The King clenched his fist and said with an angered voice

" Not exactly, I just killed a cowardly guy named Bennett " Hayato said carelessly " Although Bennet was killed by Dye I will take the blame for that "

" What did just you say!! you killed little Bennett!! " The King was furious right now

" Yes I killed him, but in my defense, he and his uncles tried to kill me but they were the ones that died instead of me " Hayato said with an innocent voice

" b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! you even killed Andrew and Allen!! " The King clenched his teeth with anger, he was ready to attack Hayato

Hayato turned serious and he activated his Sharingan and Demoniac Transformation

" Stop right there Dalibor! I will deal with him " The Old King said with a cold voice

" But father! he killed the fiance of my daughter! It should be me the one who kills him! " The King said with a surprised voice

" A few moments before, you were stronger than him, but now his energy changed completely, it looks darker... more powerful... you can"t beat him " The Old King turned solemn and the King and all the knights present were very shocked

" How is it that this Old man can see my power? He even revealed my transformation... Don"t tell me! he has the same eyes as the princess "

Hayato puts more attention on Old King"s eyes, scanning him with his Sharingan

" Yes the same energy as the princess, so that"s a hereditary power just like the Sharingan "

The Old man began to walk towards Hayato, releasing a powerful killing intent

Hayato paid attention to the knights and there he saw Conrad, making a surprised face

" Sorry Conrad, I really hope you can survive this "

Hayato makes quick hand seals and the Old King makes a face of doubt, Hayato finishes the hand seals but he didn"t attack

" Well Old man, I really would like to stay to have a better conversation with you, but I have to go now, Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku! (Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame) " Hayato began to fill the chamber with fire

" WATCH OUT!!! " The Knights retreated to the bottom of the chamber but the Golden Knights started to move forward and all of them stabbed the ground with their swords at the same time to then yell

" Sword Shield Pillar!!! " A white light rose from the swords of the Golden Knights until they form a pillar that reached the roof of the chamber, causing some cracks, the pillars gathered together creating a large white wall

*BOOM* Hayato"s attack impacted the white wall and it started to crack *BOOM* the white wall exploded sending the Golden Knights flying backward " Argh!! " but they achieved to stop Hayato"s attack

Half of the chamber was burned even some stone pillars are gone. On King"s sided the pillars, the roof, and the floor was damaged from the explosion, The King and the Old King used their arms as shield resisting the explosion of the white wall but all the Knights were in the ground

" What was that!! even I can"t destroy the Sword-Shield Pillar from the ten Royal Guards!!" The King yelled with astonishment

" You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, to be able to do that at least you have to be an Intermediate Earth Magic Swordsman " The Old King said with hatred

" That means he is stronger than me??!! " The King was startled

" At least son, but he maybe is stronger, I will kill you right here that way I will eliminate a huge threat to my Kingdom " The Old King said with a cruel face

" I already told you old man, I will leave now...and you can"t stop me " Hayato said coldly, he turned around to started to run to the wooden door, *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* He cut the door in pieces with his katana without stopping running

" I will show you that you are wrong! Great Speed Boost! " The Old King began to chase Hayato at great speed with the king behind him

Conrad was getting up after the impact, he just suffered some small injuries " I know that Master killed Bennett and his uncles, but killing the whole Brywood family is something I doubt he has done, maybe there is something else I don"t know "

" Ugh... d.a.m.n it.. we are tired after using the Sword-Shield Pillar... but we need to help the King and his Royal father " The Captain of the Royal Guards said with frustration and all the Golden Knights start to stand up slowly they seem very tired

" Don"t worry sir, I think that the King and his Royal father can beat him without our help " One of the Golden Knights said with confidence

" Captain Conrad, go to sound the alarm, make sure to advise the Wyvern riders, that way he can"t escape the castle " The Captain of Golden Knights said with a tired voice

" Yes sir " Conrad left through the door where the king entered to the throne chamber " I will try to gain you some time Master, I hope you can escape safely "


Hayato was running as fastest as he can, he memorized the way he took to the throne chamber and now he was near to the room of the princess

" I"m almost there when I get out I will use my Shadow Clones to distract them " Hayato pa.s.sed the hallway that went to the princess"s room but a shadow materializes on his left side " What!? "

" You are so slow " The Old King said with a cold voice and *PAM* he punched Hayato"s left arm with a lot of strength

" Argh! "*PUM* Hayato was sent flying to the wall and his body makes a crack on the wall. He stands up slowly but now his left arm was hanging and bleeding

" F*ck, that old b.a.s.t.a.r.d broke my arm with just a punch " Hayato was bleeding his back too

" Prepare to die " The Old King charges against Hayato again

" d.a.m.n it!! Chidori!! " Hayato swings his katana covered with Chidori, from up to down, trying to cut the Old King " Impossible " Hayato sees the Old King moving slowly, but he can"t react quickly

The Old King evaded the attack of Hayato and he punches Hayato left ribs, sending him flying again, but this time he went through a window that was on the hallway, shattering the gla.s.s that made him a few cuts all over his body

Before he can land the Old King appears in front of him and he punches his face causing his mask to break in some parts, his mouth and right eye are now expose

Ugh… he broke my ribs too... I don"t think I can use hand seals anymore now what I"m going to do " Hayato was bleeding from his mouth and nose. He puts his right hand on his left side ribs and then he stands up slowly "

" What happened? You didn"t say you could escape from me? " The Old King said mockingly and then the king arrive behind him

" Father!! finish him off!! " The King screamed with hate

" d.a.m.n you! old b.a.s.t.a.r.d you think that this is my limit " Hayato made and angered face and he activates his Mangekyou Sharingan, he begins to release a purple smoke around his body

" Hmm? " The Old King made a very solemn face

" ....!! " The king was horrified taking a few steps back

" I was planning to use the Susanoo later but this is my only way to escape... Wait! I know a better way! Syt, buy me the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder G.o.d Jutsu) "

[ " -5,000 System Points " ]

[ " You still have: 6,550 System Points " ]

" Now give me the kunai! "

[ " You have learned it but you have to buy the Kunais apart " ]

" F*ck, I don"t have enough System Points then I will put the seal on my Katana " Hayato places the seal on the katana and some seals appear

" ....!! " The Old King was already in front of Hayato ready to crush his skull with a punch

" You will remember this day " Hayato said with a cold voice and he covers his katana with his Chidori again

" ... " Hayato throws his katana to the air and then he disappeared evading the Old King punch "..!? " The King and the Old King had incredulous faces, then the Old King turns to see above him and saw Hayato throwing his katana far away, to then disappear again

" !!?? " The Old King was speechless again

" Where did he go!? " The king was searching him everywhere with a very startled face

" s.p.a.ce magic! I never thought he was capable of using such legendary magic " The old king turned to see his son and yelled " Call the Wyvern Riders! we can let him leave the kingdom! make sure that anyone that has the same injuries than him gets arrested! " The Old King said in a serious voice

" Yes! father! " The king responds and leaves


Hayato catches his sword on mid-air, then he throws it again into the roof of the hostel where Alyra and Dye are and finally he teleports again

Hayato landed on the roof to then fall on his knees, putting both of his hands on his broken ribs

" *CAUGH* " Hayato caught some blood and he extended his right hand to remove his cracked mask " I have... to use... my last... Senzu Bean "

[ "-1 Senzu Bean" ]

The Senzu Bean appeared in Hayato"s right hand and he eats it making all of his injuries disappear " Now I have to leave this kingdom with Dye and Alyra, that Old b.a.s.t.a.r.d was really strong but soon I will surpa.s.s him " Hayato walked on the wall of the hostel and he entered his room through the window

" Hayato you are here! " Alyra receives him with a sweet smile

" I hate your Grandfather " Hayato said with a little smile

" Eh? " Alyra was confused

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