The Locked System

Chapter 48

The sensei arrived with a very serious face to the cla.s.sroom, she stands up in front of her desk

to then tell us that Hayato died from brain damage

I get up from my desk, knocking down my chair from how abrupt I got up, every one of my cla.s.smates turned to see me with surprise

My heart was beating so hard from the fear " No.. it can"t be... " I take my stuff to then leave the cla.s.sroom, I could barely hear the sensei screaming my name when I leave

I went to see the to ask him where Hayato lived, at first he told me the same thing as the sensei but then I explain to him a few things and he finally gives me the direction. I get out of school without asking for any permission and then I went to Hayato"s house

When I arrived I saw various police cars outside his house, then I walked to one of the police officers and I asked what happened and then he confirmed my greatest fear, Hayato was truly dead. The last thing I remember was that fell on my knees, I don"t even know how I arrived at my house, maybe my parents went for me

Three days pa.s.sed when I hear that he pa.s.sed away, I came to the school after those three days, I barely sleep or eat, just the thought that I won"t be able to see him again made me lose my will to live

I don"t know how but I can feel he is alive and that gives me a reason to live, but sometimes I confess that I thought that that is just a delusion, the culprits of that were those two, why? if it wasn"t for them, maybe he would still be by my side

I went to his funeral with my parents, but I only saw elderly people there maybe 10 of 15 of them, it seemed that his uncles and his sister didn"t want to be there, they put untroubled faces all the time, that moment I understood why he always was all the day outside

" They really don"t care what happened to him, those a**holes, I"m sure that he suffered a lot with them " Time to time I saw them with hatred

My life changed since then, I stopped speaking with the ones who treat him bad that were almost everyone, now I pa.s.sed my time alone on the cafeteria, watching where Hayato used to sit

" If it wasn"t for that b*tch and that f*cking idiot he... he.. " My desire from revenge grow bigger and bigger " I can"t revenge now, I need money and power, that will take a long time, but someday they will regret everything even his so-called family will pay "

I made a long term plan for revenge, but fate smiled at me and then one day when I was on the school studying like crazy, a red circle appeared under my sit

" What is this!? " I screamed and I closed my eyes for a moment after the red light banished, I opened my eyes again

I was sitting on the floor on a dark room surrounded by strange people, I was about to speak when someone began to yell

" Where are we!? who the h.e.l.l are you!? " It was that b*tch Kaori " What!? is she here too? " she sees me, but she ignores me, then someone approaches her

" Stop it Kaori-san, maybe I know what"s going on, so just calm down a little "

" It"s that a*hole Akira! even that piece of garbage is here!? " I was surprised by seeing those a*holes but then I realized that I read about something like this on a light novel

" That means that we are Heroes!? but, why those two? they have of Heroes what I have of hate towards Hayato that is nothing, why they were chosen? " I have a face of suspicion seeing those two then I hear those idiots say...

" Ok, I will do it, but I can"t speak for them " Akira turns his head towards me and that b*tch Kaori

" I will help you AkirKun " That b*tch Kaori shows a face full of resolution

" They are seriously saying that? they maybe want to use us for their own benefit, they should doubt them at least a bit " I can"t believe how stupids they are so I say " What a pair of idiots " and it seems that I made that b*ch angry that made me a little happy.

I discussed with those idiots for a little bit until I say

" HA! you are the same as her! why you don"t stop thinking with your d*ck and you begin to use your brain! if it wasn"t for you two…..! " That moment I remembered all the manga and novels that I read, they can kill their enemies without any consequences, they only need to be stronger than them and if I"m in a world like that, then, I will make this two pay for what they did to my Hayato

I acted in front of that old man that calls himself a king and after that, they started to leave the room, leaving me behind

" I can"t wait for the moment that I can take your f*kcing lives " I leave the room with a big smile

The king guide us to a big courtyard where some white knights were training, there are some in perfect formation running around and they are others fighting with swords, we wait until a young man approaches us and the king presents us

" This is Wallace Holland, he is the son of Duke Brendan, his potential is great, so he will be your partner " The stupid king smiles proudly when he sees him, maybe they are family, I don"t really care

" It"s a pleasure to serve the Heroes " The blond idiot grins and bows

" The pleasure is ours sir Wallace " The stupid Akira bow with a smile

He tries to hide it but I can feel his gaze on me, hmph, like I care if he likes me.

We have been training for a while, I made a different type of training I want to become stronger than them, so some times I went to the castle library to study about a lot of things that could help me, the only thing I hate was that I haven"t been able to make that blond idiot to stop chasing me, he is really persistent, one day I was practicing my sword techniques and that idiot Akira came to see me

" Maysan, can I speak with you? " That idiot Akira made a serious face

" You already are doing that, what do you want? " I frown and I respond to him coldly as I continue training

" I know that we had our differences in the past, but now we are in a dangerous world, so I hope that we can work together to survive " That idiot Akira made a calm face

I stopped my training and I turn to see him with a cold face" You really think that I didn"t think that? I have no other option "

" I only wanted you to know, I will leave know " That idiot Akira leaves and after that, that blond idiot came again

" Wait until I surpa.s.s you I will kill her before your eyes " I didn"t put attention to the blond I just kept doing my training

I went to the castle library again but there I found something useful, Sense Presence, an ability that let me detect any life energy around me, I think that will be handy so I took the book f how I can use it, I will burn the book later, I don"t want that those two can use it

We went to the dungeon the next morning, after killing some Trolls we came back and the King made us a parade to celebrate that we cleared the ninth floor, I thought that that was a waste of time, I should be training, no sending greetings to these world"s people

I was walking in the middle of the street with those two at my left, the people were cheering us there is a lot of people but they were stopped by a lot of knights at both sides. This was some boring until I felt something in the sky

I raise my head " What is that? a bat? "

" What"s wrong Maysan? " That idiot Akira saw me and in response, he turns to see where I"m seeing " It"s a monster! Wind Slash! " he takes out his sword and he sends a small white wave that travels on the sky cutting the bat in two and just before it lands it banishes leaving nothing " Hehe, I became really strong " That idiot laughs proudly

I clenched my fists in frustration " I hate to admit it but he has the same strength than me, doubt I can beat them if they work together "

We kept walking at a slow phase and just before we arrive at the castle I felt the great strength of a monster, I turned to see my right as I was walking and I saw two beautiful women, they and I made eye contact " The one with red and white hair is not dangerous but the one with black hair is definitely a monster, her energy feels strange, I should tell them...? no, I don"t really care about this people I"m just here for one thing " I ignore them and they leaved

The next day we will go to defeat the Dungeon boss, no one knows what kind of monster is, but I"m sure that t won"t be easy

We walked through the forest to arrive at the Dungeon and there we found all the guards unconscious

" What happened? " One of the knights that were with us said with surprise. They are our escort, a group of six knights

One of them walked near the guard leader, he kneels and checks his pulse then he turns to see us and says " They are alive, but they are in a very deep sleep "

" Did someone attack them? " That idiot Akira said with doubt as he walks near a guard

" I can feel some presences inside the Dungeon they must be the culprits " After feeling those presences inside the Dungeon I spoke in a high voice without intention

The blond idiot sees me with a surprised smile " My lady, you know how to use Sense Presence? "

I ignore him and I say " We are going to talk or we will go for them "

That idiot Akira nods and say " Maysan is right, we need t stop those people, let"s go! "


(Hayato"s POV)

Maya"s face changed from time to time as she was speaking with me, sometimes she showed sadness and others she showed me a dazzling smile

" When I saw your partners on the Dungeon, I immediately recognized them so I thought that they will help me to kill Akira but he didn"t take the bait " Maya made a wry smile

I only nodded slightly and I ask her " So you tried to kill them because you like me? "

Maya shakes her head a little as she makes a sweet smile " No you dummy, I did because I love you " she walks in front of me and she hugs me again whispering in my right ear " You are my first and only love " she separates a little from me but she still has her arms around my neck

She tilts her head to the left a little and says with a smile " If you are uncomfortable, I can wait for you but you can"t stop me from showing you my love to you " and she gives me a quick kiss on the lips

" Ok... " I responded to her with a soft voice but a surprised face

" Good, now Hayato, can you explain to me how your body changed and how do you ended here? " Maya sees me directly to the eyes as she smiles

I nodded and I say " Ok, but let"s sit " Maya sits on my left with a very curious face

" All began when I died... " I started to explain to Maya what happened till this day without hiding anything, I don"t know why but I feel that I shouldn"t hide her anything

Maya has her small pink lips slightly open as she was hearing with amazement, but that doesn"t stop her from sitting on my lap and embrace me, some times she kissed me on the cheek

" Wow, a system, that explains the Jutsus and your Sharingan " Maya makes a wide smile and then she says " But you know I thought that you are going to kill me on that Dungeon " Maya makes a cute pout

" I never had the intention to do that, you were the one who hurt me first, remember the cut on my face and the stab on my shoulder? " I said with a wry smile

Maya makes an ashamed smile " Hehe, I"m sorry, if I had known it was you, I would never have done that "

" Haha, now let"s go we have to leave " I made Maya stand up

She sees me with curiosity and says " Where? "

" To the Monster Continent "

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