The Lone Dragon

Chapter 30

After collecting all the valuable parts from the two beasts, Eluraa then checked her updated stats on the xenon.

Name: Eluraa; Affinity: White; Level: 1

Kill count: 2; Contribution points: 2

t.i.tle: Academy student

Currency: 10 silver

Health: 400; Mana: Unknown

Health regeneration rate: 250/per hour

Mana regeneration rate: Unknown

Physical Strength: 270; Soul Strength: Unknown

Stamina: 270; Agility: 270; Vitality: 270

Focus: Unknown; Intellect: Unknown

Sword mastery- duel swords: Stage one

Bow mastery: Stage one

Secondary skills: Alchemy Beginner

Equipped: None; Armor: None;

Haste: None; Critical strike: None; Versatility: None

Beasts bound: None

"One second. Let me scan our surroundings again and make sure we are not stepping into some higher level magical creatures territory."

The trio then continued to walk forward. Fortunately, they didn"t meet with any other combat requiring incidents that day. They, then, stopped for the night and set up base near a huge boulder, under the shadow. Same as before, taking turns, each of them were trying their best, to get a little bit of sleep, before continuing with their journey the next day.

Meanwhile ....

The huge boulder they were leaning against was sweating profusely. It was jiggling and wiggling and was as if it was trying its best to not arouse the suspicions of the trio.

"Ahhh.. What sins have I committed in my previous life !"

"I just managed to almost escape from those nasty druids. But those tree hugging jerks camped near me, roused all the beasts in the area and started some sort of killing spree in this vicinity. It has been three whole days now and they are not budging."

"And finally, I caught a lucky break and thought of this heaven shattering boulder disguise idea. And to top it off, it has been super perfect so far. Even that cat eyed a.s.shole who keeps flying around here and there, scanning for me hasn"t caught a whiff of me."

"But these annoying b.i.t.c.hes came out of nowhere and are even sleeping on top of me. That one jerk even p.i.s.sed on me a little. What the f.u.c.k !? And to make things worse, anytime now the cat eyed jerk will fly around here again searching for me. I have to drive these pests away now ! Else he is going to spot them and then obviously spot me."

"There we go. I see some bat prowlers near by. If I just get their attention a little bit, all of this nuisance will go away. He he he. Another brilliant idea. Wow I amaze myself sometimes."


It was Shi Meng"s and Jian Tan"s turn to guard, but Jian Tan was already drooling on one side and half asleep.

Suddenly, there was a loud screeching noise. And all of them were jolted awake. Eluraa immediately got up and tried to sense if something was amiss in the surroundings.

"Dude dude !! look there !!" Jian Tan yelled frightened. There were six pairs of bright red glowing eyes staring at them from the dark. Eluraa immediately triple cast a defensive boundary spell and started casting fire blast and fire strike spells again aiming at them. And just like that, again within a blink of their eye, their enemies were shot down.

Shi Meng and Jian Tan were looking at Eluraa dumbstruck. Shi Meng chuckled and just simply joined Eluraa to help her collect the drops from the beasts. And Jian Tan just stood there and didn"t know whether to laugh or cry.

Ding. +250 exp

Ding. +250 exp

Ding. +250 exp

Ding. +250 exp

Ding. You have levelled up.

Ding. +250 exp

Ding. +250 exp

Eluraa ignored the notifications and continued skinning the beasts. "Wow! These were actually bat prowlers. They have venomous fangs and it is extremely difficult to fight against them without weapons and a proper heads up. It"s amazing that you were able to take them all down in an instant at this level", Shi Meng removed the meat carefully and pa.s.sed it to Eluraa.

While the trio were busy scavenging ...............

The boulder almost did a face palm. "f.u.c.k ! What the h.e.l.l. I thought that these three were just random pests. How did they manage to kill six of those bat guys. Arghh what to do now?"

"And what"s with that girl. Why is she shining like one of those ancient creatures?" The boulder again jiggled, wiggled and also winced in pain this time, "s.h.i.t! Why is it hurting so much?! Those druid b.a.s.t.a.r.ds will pay for this heavily. Hmph. Let me just heal for a bit and then we will see who is the boss."

"He he he. That was so much fun though. I completely tricked those rat b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. He he he. You are tracking me huh. Come back in a million years and try again. And this time I will hide in a dungeon with even more ferocious monsters."

"Just because I am in a dungeon, doesn"t mean I am guarding something. What the h.e.l.l is wrong with these druid idiots. If only they would just leave me alone. Tracking me for decade after decade and annoying me."

Suddenly the boulder lit up, "f.u.c.k ! This is amazing. Why didn"t I think of this before?! The heavens have finally showered some love on me. Now all that is left for me to do is some more trickery. He he he"


Clearing it"s throat and faking a deep dusky voice, the boulder slowly tried to communicate with Eluraa, "h.e.l.lo, young child of this planet. I am an ancient creature from the legends. You have been blessed with heaven defying luck.

You have all the necessary physical attributes to bond with me harmoniously. Place a drop of your blood on this boulder and willingly accept me as your master. I will then impart to you all the legendary techniques recorded in the .. umm ..legends. Fast child. I only have a little time left."

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