Goose Giblets boiled. 260

Grand Sallad. 268

Gammon of Bacon Pie. 298

Green Sauce for Pork. 305


Hasty Pudding. 199

Hasty Pudding. Ib.

Hasty Pudding. Ib.

Hare Pie. 203

Hashed Meats. 217

Herring Pie. 220

Herb Pie. 226

Haunch of Venison rosted. 273

Haunch of Venison boiled. 275

Haggus Pudding. 294

Hasty Pudding. Ib.


Italian Pudding. 254

Ice and Snow. 303


Kickshaws to bake or fry. 254


Lobsters b.u.t.tered. 175

Liver Fritters. 177

Loaves to b.u.t.ter. 206

Limon Cakes. 212

Loaves of Curds. 213

Lobsters rosted. 227

Lamb Pie. 233

Leg of Mutton rosted. 266

Leg of Mutton boiled. 238

Leg of Mutton with Oysters. 270

Loin of Mutton stewed. 274

Lark pie. 286

Lettuce pie. 287

Lampry pie. 292

Lenten Dish. 307

M. [Transcriber"s note: heading omitted in original.]

Metheglin. 160

Misers for Childrens Collation. 208

Minced Pies. 212

Made Dish of Rabbet Livers. 241

Mutton smoored. 261

Mutton smoored. 262

Mutton Pie. 303


Neats Tongue Pie. 194

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