The Six Immortals

Chapter 197 – Convincing w.a.n.g Zhong

Chapter 197 – Convincing w.a.n.g Zhong


Bi Fan’s friends were enjoying their new company so much that they took almost two hours to finish their lunch.

As the afternoon hours approached, Bi Fan’s party decided to head back to their hotel.

“Brother Jing Feng, what about Brother w.a.n.g? Can we take him back to the hotel with us?” Bi Fan asked.

Jing Feng thought for a second and then replied: “It’s not impossible….. we could say that he’s our friend, and doesn’t have a place to stay since all the other inns are overcrowded at this time inside the city….. we could get him settled in one of the empty rooms in our inn.”

“It would be amazing if Brother w.a.n.g could stay with us.” Bi Fan seemed very happy at the thought of it.

w.a.n.g Zhong laughed: “I would also like getting to know you guys a little better, so it would be amazing if we could all stay together.”

“Great! Let’s head back to the hotel then.”

Bi Fan and his five man group continued to shop on the way back to their hotel, and were only able to make it back by dinner time.

Seeing that Bi Fan had returned with a stranger, Luo Sheng immediately spoke up: “Well, you guys have brought a stranger to our hotel!”

“Deputy Master, wise Elder, Brother w.a.n.g Zhong is our friend… he arrived in the Jiu Yu City and doesn’t have a place to stay; could we accommodate him here for the time being?” Jing Feng explained.

w.a.n.g Zhong cupped his hands in salutation and said: “I apologize for the inconvenience my seniors.”

Ling Xin Ya smiled and said: “Since you’re a friend of Jing Feng’s, you can stay with us.”

Seeing that Ling Xin Ya had already given his word, Luo Xiao Tian didn’t argue, and simply nodded in agreement.

w.a.n.g Zhong had already decided to follow Bi Fan, and seemed very happy to know that he’d get more chances to train with Bi Fan

“Master, wise Elder, thank you!” Bi Fan was very grateful.

Jing Feng and Bi Fan took w.a.n.g Zhong upstairs and helped him in picking a room.

Once they had made arrangements for w.a.n.g Zhong, they all had their dinner, post which Bi Fan decided to return to his room; but Yan Yu Si stopped him.

“Bi Fan, what’s the case with w.a.n.g Zhong?” Yan Yu Si asked.

Bi Fan replied with a smile: “Miss Yan Yu Si, Brother w.a.n.g is my friend; we met inside the Devil’s Abyss and we battled together for months. I can a.s.sure you that there will never be an issue with Brother w.a.n.g, and he’s not a.s.sociated with any Sect, so you shouldn’t worry about him being a spy either.”

He paused, and then continued: “Moreover, Brother w.a.n.g is only living with us temporarily, so there’s no need to worry about anything.”

“I’m not afraid of w.a.n.g Zhong harboring any ulterior motives. I noticed that w.a.n.g Zhong is a very talented youngster, which is quite rare.” Yan Yu Si said with a smile.

“Miss Yan Yu Si, do you mean……” Bi Fan understood her intention in a heartbeat; Yan Yu Si seemed interested in pulling w.a.n.g Zhong into joining the Quinyang Sect to increase the Sect’s talent, which would help in building a better future for the Sect.

“Yes, if you could make w.a.n.g Zhong join the Quinyang Sect, then with his talent, he could certainly become a pillar for the Sect in the future.” Yan Yu Si stated her intentions.

Bi Fan pilfered a glance towards her face and realized that she seemed very hopeful; naturally, Bi Fan couldn’t disappoint her.

“Miss Yan Yu Si, I’ll talk to Brother w.a.n.g, but I cannot promise since I don’t know how he’d feel about it.” Bi Fan replied.

“Bi Fan, you must think of a way to make him join the Quinyang Sect. The Quinyang Sect’s talent acquisition has been withering in these past few years, and we desperately need to add some talented fresh blood to the Sect.” Yan Yu Si spoke in a very earnest tone.

The manner in which Yan Yu Si uttered these words made Bi Fan very excited, and he decided to go straight to w.a.n.g Zhong in the hope of persuading him to join the Sect.

Just the idea of making Yan Yu Si happy was enough to make Bi Fan happy.

“Don’t worry Miss Yan Yu Si, I’ll spare no effort in persuading Brother w.a.n.g.” Bi Fan tried to a.s.sure her.

“I knew you’d agree.” Yan Yu Si laughed out, feeling very pleased.

Yan Yu Si’s laugh was so terrific that it could bring about the downfall of an entire nation; Bi Fan was just left standing dumfounded in his stead, while his mouth inadvertently murmured: “Miss Yan Yu Si, you’re so beautiful! You’re even more beautiful than a fairy!”

Bi Fan was mumbling mindlessly since he had lost control over his heart’s desires.

Bi Fan had just uttered these words, and then he suddenly snapped out of it fearing that Yan Yu Si would stir a scene.

Bi Fan sneakily looked at her face, only to realize that her face was blushing red.

“Miss Yan Yu Si, I was just talking nonsense, please don’t pay any attention to it.” Bi Fan was inwardly laughing as he said these words.

Even though Bi Fan knew that his words weren’t appropriate, he was at least able to tell that Yan Yu Si didn’t resent him in any way.

“Please let me know how w.a.n.g Zhong responds; I need to go back and rest.” Yan Yu Si turned around and quickly sped away, but Bi Fan could tell from behind that even her ears were turning red.

“Ha ha, Miss Yan Yu Si was so shy…… it seems that I could try and joke about with her in future….. it will definitely give me a chance to get closer to her.” Bi Fan thought to himself.

Even the thought of getting a chance to talk and joke about freely with Yan Yu Si was enough for Bi Fan to risk death.

But now that he had promised her, Bi Fan straight away went to w.a.n.g Zhong’s room to persuade him into joining the Quinyang Sect.

“Brother Bi Fan, what brings you here?” w.a.n.g Zhong asked.

“Brother w.a.n.g, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Bi Fan seemed very embarra.s.sed as he opened the discussion.

“Brother Bi Fan, you’re my master; your words are my commands.” w.a.n.g Zhong smiled.

Bi Fan took a deep breath: “Brother w.a.n.g, Miss Yan Yu Si wants you to join the Quinyang Sect…. what do you think about it?”

“What do you want Brother Bi Fan? If you want me to join the Sect, then I’ll just follow your orders.” w.a.n.g Zhong replied without even thinking about it.

“I just wish to know your thoughts on the subject. If you don’t wish to join the Sect, then I will not force you by any means.” Bi Fan smiled.

w.a.n.g Zhong replied after giving it some thought: “You, Mo Nan, Jing Feng, Ji Ying Lan are all members of the Quinyang Sect, so it’s definitely a good place for me…. And then it will also give us all more chances to train together and learn new skills.”

“Brother w.a.n.g, is that a yes?” Bi Fan was amazed.

Nowadays, Bi Fan was becoming increasing loyal to the Quinyang Sect, so he naturally wanted the Sect to have good and powerful future.

“Yes! And once I have the support of a martial Sect, then I think that my problems will also reduce.” w.a.n.g Zhong laughed.

“Brother w.a.n.g, this is great! We will certainly get a lot of chances to learn together and grow together.” Bi Fan was extremely excited.

Bi Fan immediately thought of telling the news to Yan Yu Si, and couldn’t help to dash out of w.a.n.g Zhong’s room.

“Brother w.a.n.g, I’ll go and convey this good news to Miss Yan Yu Si; I’ll take your leave now…..”

“He left in such a hurry…. It seems that Brother Bi Fan really likes Miss Yan Yu Si.” w.a.n.g Zhong shook his head.

Bi Fan hastened out of w.a.n.g Zhong’s room, but only to realize that he didn’t know which room Miss Yan Yu Si resided in. Left without any reasonable options, he decided to wait until tomorrow.

Bi Fan was certain that Yan Yu Si would be very happy after knowing that w.a.n.g Zhong had agreed.

Bi Fan was in the stairwell when he ran into Luo Xiong and Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng said in a cold tone: “Bi Fan, don’t think that just because you’re the champion now, that you can even bring about strangers to our Sect; and don’t even think of trying anything fishy.”

“Well! What fishy things could I do? Brother w.a.n.g is my friend, and is only staying with us temporarily; I don’t see anything wrong with that. Also, if there are any issues with this regard, then I will obviously take full responsibility for it, so you needn’t go about meddling in other people’s affairs.” Bi Fan replied coldly.

“Bi Fan, don’t be so arrogant; you might have to pay for it one day.” Luo Xiong b.u.t.t in.

Bi Fan laughed: “Arrogant? I’m afraid that you’re the one who’s being arrogant right now. Even the elder and the Deputy Master didn’t have an issue with this, so why are you sticking your leg in?”

“We don’t intend to be nosy, but we felt that it was necessary to remind you.” Luo Sheng replied.

Then, Luo Xiong and Luo Sheng left; Luo Xiong coldly eyed Bi Fan as they walked past him.

Bi Fan felt a chill running all over his body, but couldn’t understand the reason behind it.

Bi Fan returned to his room, and started to practice.

w.a.n.g Zhong’s practice speed was adding more propulsion to his ambition.

“I have to try harder; I cannot let Brother w.a.n.g Zhong overtake me.”

‘Against the Devil’ body burst was far superior to the laws that he had taught Jing Feng and the others, so naturally Bi Fan wanted to take full advantage of his knowledge.

Bi Fan started concentrating on his practice of ‘Against the Devil’ body burst, and hoped that he’d reach the next level soon.

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