The Tiger Within

Chapter 526

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:28 PMChapter 526

Each princess stepped behind their own chest to reveal their kills . Kyera stood behind her own, completely unaware of how beautiful she was right now . The light riding dress she was wearing made her figure stand out, including the of the baby . She glowed in the midday sun, but seemed as though she would even glow in the pitch black . She met Clovis" eyes and smiled softly . The pair pa.s.sing unspoken promises for the night to come as each Princess before her opened their trunk and presented their kills .

As Melania opened her trunk, she felt nervous . Her palms were sweaty as her eyes dashed toward her husband . As always, his expression was hard to read, but he was focused on her . That was important, he did care how she did . She pretended for just a moment it wasn"t just about the crown but for her . With a flick of her wrist and a gentle hand she opened the trunk to reveal the pelts carefully cleaned, tanned and folded so the myriad of colors could be seen . "Seven Kills, the largest being a Winter Moose . " Melania announced glancing toward him . There was a hint of a smile on his face as he nodded at her . Warmth flooded her as she realized that was what she was hoping for . He was proud of her… there was warmth in his eyes .
Lalia opens her own trunk to show her pelts . There are fewer colors, but two of them are large . She took the White out and unfurled it . "Winter Wolf is my largest kill . Second was a doe . Total of 5 kills to feed the people . " She points to the less furry pelt next to the wolf . Alexi clapped silently and teasingly for his wife . She made a crossbow motion as the majority of attention fell on Feya, and he caught the pretend bolt and pressed its tip to his lips theatrically making Lalia chuckle .

Feya was getting a bit nervous as she opened her own trunk . Inside were several pelts but none of them were incredibly large . However, the largest kill in the trunk was deep black in color . Kyera recognized the pelt and her hands balled into fists . "My biggest kill that wasn"t  interrupted was a pair of matching dire wolves . " Feya flared out the large black fur coat of the wolf . Anger burned in Kyera"s heart .

"Uninterrupted?" Bastil asked glancing at his mother then his wife . Feya suddenly looked very troubled, biting her lip as if she had been horribly wronged . She appeared hesitant to speak as if she hid a horrid secret . The Empress Vivian became concerned as she looked at her Grand Daughter in Law .

"Did someone interfere with your hunt?" Empress Vivian asked a bit carefully . This was unusual in their lands .

"Yes, I am afraid so . My largest Kill should have been a fully mature Ursa Superior . " Feya said carefully, her expression appropriately conflicted . It was enough to gain sympathy as the men kinda exchanged glances .

"Oh? Then why do you say it was interrupted?" Bastil asked carefully leading her into what he hoped would be an argument . He wanted this to become something that damaged the other Princesses and he could only pray she was that smart .

"The bear was rescued and healed from my arrow while I tried to wait out its death . " Feya explained and The Empress was suddenly appalled as was her son . Bastil made a fist with his hand angry and it appeared to be because his wife had been wronged . What man could stand aside for that? It couldn"t be over the lost kill .

"Who would do such a thing?" The Emperor began and then his eyes flicked to his lion, Rashan . He looked at Kyera . "Did you dare to interfere with another Princess"s hunt? Did you not hear the rules of this ceremony?" He raged at her . Kyera raised an eyebrow seeing how this was going . Bryson went to say something but her signal bid him not to .

"You think because you are pregnant with Clovis" b.a.s.t.a.r.d child we would allow such misbehavior?" Kira growled, her arm linked with her husband . Feya looked properly pitiful and tugged at Empress Vivian"s heart strings more . Kyera flinched and her hand came to rest on the blade on her hip . The roar of Ember and Ivory deafened the crowd for a long moment . One wrong move and there would be dragon fire .

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