Time Traveler

Chapter 4

Volume 1 Chapter-3 Ability User

Right now, Liu Yanzhi has been busy playing on his newly bought mobile phone. Initially, he was only infatuated with single-player puzzle games but after he discovered Wireless Internet access in mobile phone, it was as if he discovered a new world, as after all he has a youngster’s temperament. Besides meal and sleep, he is always on his mobile phone playing, leading to sleep deprivation for whole night. Mother was all along spoiling him and only rebuked him with few words, nothing more.

The thing he liked to do most on mobile was to search Baidu, which was an endless treasure, as almost all the answers to questions can be found on it. But when he typed “Rapidly healing burns”, he could only see a list of medical websites which were all bragging one by one, making him incomparably sad. So, Baidu is also not reliable ah!

Everyday lying in bed jobless, along with body gradually recovering had to seek work and marriage partner, resuming his normal life was all included in his daily planned schedule. First of all, he needs an ID card.  His ID card was still registered with outdated credentials from 1997. Moreover, it was burned along with household register in the fire. Therefore, mom took him to the local police station to re-register his ident.i.ty.

But a problem occurred, with no household register and ID card, local police station could not confirm from the compiled records that the person in front of them is her son Liu Yanzhi. The policeman in charge of household registration told them to go to neighborhood committee for proof, but Old Liu’s wife registered home location was already transferred for rebuilding at an earlier time. The new community center also did not have their data, so they went back to their current residence for proof. Mother and son were kicked back and forth like a ball, rushing around here and there, but also were not able to get anything in the end.

Liu Yanzhi in a fit of anger didn’t say anything and returned to the shed alone. He found someone waiting outside for some time, it was the police officer Zhen from the fire brigade. Only she was not wearing her uniform but a casual dress, looking easy-going.

“I am Zhen Yue from Yun Shan Fire Brigade. I want to have a chat with you.” Policewoman stated, “It will not take too much time.”

“You can talk.” Liu Yanzhi impression of the woman fireman was very good and in addition, the other party was also a beautiful girl. He was happy to chat with her.

“You were in an unexpected accident in 1997 leading to coma for 20 years, right?” Zhen Yue got straight to the point, “and right until three days ago, you suddenly woke up when you encountered a fire.”

“Yes, it was like this” Liu Yanzhi answered.

“This is a miracle, you know, a medical miracle” Zhen Yue solemnly said, “This is a chance for you to save many people, including burn patients and bed-ridden people in vegetative state, are you willing?”

“How?” Liu Yanzhi was somewhat apprehensive. He was unwilling to be sent to a research organization to get dissected. But her words also greatly moved his heart. In hospitals, burned patients lying in bed were living in so much pain that they do now want to live and vegetative people’s family were frequently on the verge of collapse, all this he has personally experienced and could feel empathy. If his body’s miracle can give them a hope, then it was worth it.

“Follow me to the hospital for a thorough examination.” Zhen Yue looked at her mobile for a while, her mobile phone was completely different from Liu Yanzhi’s; no frame design, lean body, and bigger screen. A time display was shown lightly for a little while then a nine-grid menu appeared.

“Your phone is pretty good, what brand?” Liu Yanzhi changed the topic and asked, his mobile was a domestic product hammer t5, compared to this phone was way inferior.

“This is Future mobile phone, I just bought it.” Zhen Yue helplessly laughed. Although Liu Yanzhi was 40 years old, he was acting like a 20 years old youngster. He unexpectedly changed the conversation to mobile-phones.

“Let me take a look?” Liu Yanzhi looked at the Future mobile phone in Zhen Yue’s hand almost drooling. Nowadays, there were innumerable brands of mobile phone. The familliar brand such as Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola have long became history. The brand name such as Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, and so on are popular. And this Future mobile is even more of an latest up-and-coming edition; light, durable, expensive leading in the world as a Chinese brand name.

Zhen Yue handed her mobile to Liu Yanzhi, briefly explaining: “Don’t mess up and look through the photo alb.u.m oh! ”

Liu Yanzhi merely played around for a moment and returned it back to her, his face exuding reluctance.

“I will promise you, I will give you a Future mobile phone.” Zhen Yue was. .h.i.t by an inspiration, but seeing his indifference also hurriedly added:  “In addition, an 11-inch Future tablet.”

“Deal!” Liu Yanzhi with a heh heh laugh extended his hand.

Zhen Yue brought her car over.  He boarded her car Great Wall SUV,  but he couldn’t even buckle up the seat belt. She had to help him buckle it up, then they made a beeline for Medical Inst.i.tution, the car speeding along all the way.

“Are we not going to buy mobile first?” Liu Yanzhi was glancing left and right.

“First Inspection. As I have also invited a reporter, others are already anxiously waiting. Can’t you do without mobile for sometime.” Zhen Yue felt herself coaxing a child.

Medical Inst.i.tution Burn Division; Director w.a.n.g, Doctor Li and two reporters from television station have been waiting here. Zhen Yue introduced them to Liu Yanzhi. Afterwards, reporter Jian Zheng carried out a thorough inspection for factual proof. Patient’s burns have already started recovering. Although the surface still has some leftover dead skin, new skin has already started growing.

White-haired Director w.a.n.g supported his gold-rimmed gla.s.ses with hand, personally inspected Liu Yanzhi’s skin and said while nodding: “It is indeed a newly grown skin. I have been in medical science for 40 years and it is the first time that I saw a case like this.”

Doctor Li speaks “Patient when you had recently admitted to the hospital, apart from that when have you treated your wound. As there was no late-stage medical treatment, it must have fully self-recovered. If we can discover the mystery behind it and apply its uses, then it will be good news for burn patients worldwide.”

Doctor, nurse, and reporters nodded their head with a solemn expression as if witnessing the announcement of a new n.o.bel Prize in medical science.

Director w.a.n.g had the nurse draw one tube of blood from Liu Yanzhi’s for an advanced laboratory test, and once again arranged for him to be hospitalized.

“I can’t stay in the hospital.” Liu Yanzhi was determined.”Give me the mobile and I will go.”

Everyone was puzzled. When Zhen Yue explained the reason, Director w.a.n.g burst into loud laughter: “Young man, you cooperate with us. We will take care of your eating and sleeping arrangements. Each month will also give you Five, no, Eight thousand allowance. What do you say?”

“Ten thousand.” Liu Yanzhi knew that he was a rare commodity worth h.o.a.rding, so he should take advantage of the situation to ask for an exorbitant price, his eyes flashed with a sly gleam.

“Ten thousand then” Director w.a.n.g gave a final verdict on the spot.

Liu Yanzhi went with the nurse to go through the procedure. Everyone was excited. Director w.a.n.g said in a teasing manner: “We have picked up Tang Sanzang*1. We had better not hide him selfishly. So contact Director Xu of Neurology to share with him the news and tell him to come and research how the bedridden vegetative person who stayed in bed for 20 years recovered. ”

Reporter Zhang from television station spoke: “wake up, wake up. The crucial point is he recovered very fast. It’s simply unimaginable.”

Doctor Li says: “Mysteries of a human body can still be not researched thoroughly using current medical science standard. It is the first very good opportunity. I have a premonition that a major event will soon occur.”

Zhen Yue spoke: “You had a great harvest. But I had been unlucky, owing him a mobile phone and a tablet which will cost me twenty thousand. I don’t care, you have to pay.”

Director w.a.n.g says, it’s on me. Reporter Zhang also spoke that he will take charge as he knows the executive of Future Science and Technology and ask for a free try out quota.


Liu Yanzhi had completed the hospital procedures, but he did not start living there yet. Rather he returned home to inform mother about the good news. Mother was also very happy after being told that her son has place to live. Furthermore, he will receive salary and can also be counted as standing on his feet.

Evening, Liu Yanzhi returned to the hospital and was just about to enter the gate when he was tripped by a man and not being able to react was already handcuffed on his wrists. Four black-clothed SWAT members stuffed him in a police car, the whole process not exceeding 10 seconds.

Liu Yanzhi was led into the police station. He was detained in name because of the fight. Fortunately, police did not make things difficult for him giving him a single room to stay and also fetched him a boxed meal to eat.

After being locked up for a whole night, someone finally brought him for the interrogation. Liu Yanzhi was on tenterhooks while sitting on a chair and wearing handcuffs. He scrutinized the interrogator sitting opposite him.

The police officer in charge of interrogating him took out a photo: “Do you recognize this person?”

Liu Yanzhi heart calmed down. The photograph was of a man wearing small flower cap, high nose, sunken eyes; seemingly familiar.

“The man is dead. There were twenty-five knife cuts on his body. He died the day before yesterday in the hospital.” Police officer took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, propped it up while lighting it himself.

Liu Yanzhi licked his lips non-stop. The thing he was worried most about still happened. He was a criminal in a homicide case.

The police officer was silent for a moment then using one hand he brought out a Yingjisha Pocket Knife from a plastic bag: “This knife has your fingerprints. What else do you have to say?”

“He was a thief.” Liu Yanzhi had hardly replied and said, “They hit me, I could not help it…..”

“Well, never mind, smoke?” The police officer handed over a cigarette, Liu Yanzhi was somewhat startled but still accepted it. The police officer helped him light it up and changed his expression to a light smile: “You are right. They were a thief gang. An internal strife occurred and a person died which have no relationship with you whatsoever. I had asked you here for a different matter.”

Liu Yanzhi was even more stunned and couldn’t understand. What has he got up his sleeves?

“You will no go the hospital for examination. You also do not have any extraordinary ability.” The police officer asked, “Do you understand what I mean?”

“Understand, either go to the hospital or go to jail.” Liu Yanzhi was no fool. The other party’s intention was quite clear only he could not understand the reason why.

“You are very clever, you can leave now.” The police officer handed over a business card, “I am Wu Dongqing. If you have any trouble, you can call me for help.”

Liu Yanzhi again returned below the sunlight, his entire body was soaked with sweat. For the first time, he felt that freedom like this was very precious. He has really killed a person, so for the mother and for freedom he can only comply with Wu Dongqing’s arrangement.

The hospital side was waiting for the not yet arrived examination target. Doctor Li was anxiously running around in circles. He had gone and asked the laboratory testing division about yesterday’s delivered blood sample for if it has anything special. But, he received a reply that it was a common AB type blood, hemoglobin slightly high and there was nothing special about it.

Doctor Li was perplexed despite thinking so much. He took out his mobile and opened microblog. Reporter Zhang was being impatient and had already exposed the said discovery about a miracle person who self-healed from burns. Because he was a very popular reporter, his post was re-posted many times. Doctor Li couldn’t help but bitterly laugh. Nowadays, it was an Information Explosion Era. It can be said that there was no secret whatsoever. After thinking for a bit he also commented underneath indicating himself as one of the eyewitnesses.

After finishing work when he once again selected microblog, he discovered that Reporter Zhang’s post had been deleted. He filled with suspicions drove his car to return home. When he parked his car in the neighborhood underground parking lot, suddenly a man pulled a black hood over his head and squeezed him into a commercial car with No License Plate.

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