Deacon Bai felt a chill down his spine. He looked at the 100 or sosnakes fearfully. They belong to two different kinds – silver jade snake andgolden banded snake. Both were of the highly poisonous type.

If they still had their old ability, they wouldn’t think twiceabout these snakes, they could use their chito shocked all the snakes to death. But, not only where they imprisoned herenow, they also lost all their chi,making them the same as your usual people.

Never in a million years would they had imagined that coming tosend the Cheng’s a message would turn out like that. Facing over 100 snakes,any attempts to escape from them would turn them into snake food.

Deacon Lin didn’t hear a respond and a hint of regret flashedthrough his eyes. Had he not underestimated the Cheng’s and offended them, theywouldn’t have ended up here. Similarly, it was his idea to come to the Cheng’slast night to send a message. This was all his fault and he dragged Deacon Baiin as well. Now they had no idea how to get out.

Of course, he was more p.i.s.sed at the Cheng’s; if it wasn’t forthem, he couldn’t have came to Willow Village at all, let along being trappedhere. Deacon Lin gritted his teeth in hatred and regret.

He sore, he would pay them back one day for the insult of beingtrapped!

Deacon Bai next to him seemed to have sensed his distress and saidlightly, “Don’t worry, they didn’t kill us last night. I don’t think they willkill!”

“I don’t know how we can escape. If it was just the snakes, wemight be able to distract them; but did you feel that these vines are strange?It was like they have a mind of their own, we couldn’t move at all.”

“This….” Deacon Lin struggled against the vine, it made the vinetightened it’s grip rather than the other way round. He looked even moredistressed.

Deacon Bai sighed, “We will just have to wait for Innkeeper Zhu tosend help now. I don’t think we will be able to get out of here ourselves!”

“…..” Lowering his head, Deacon Lin hid the murderous look in hiseyes.

A few fast horses ran out of the small town, three of the riderswere young and handsome men, the rest were all hired hands of the Ning’s. Theywere headed directly toward Willow Village that were miles away.

Shi di1, Ihope you didn’t lie to me!” said a young man in blue to Ning Xunzong.

Ning Xunzong replied definitively, “Shi xiong2 Zhou, trust me. My grandpa won’t lie to me.There’s a mythical well in Willow Village!”

“That will be great. Then the School of Divine Condor will alsosend their people over. I think we will be rewarded handsomely!” said anotheryoung man in white.

“Naturally!” said Ning Xunzong proudly, “Shi xiong Zhou, shi xiong Gu,don’t worry. When the time comes, I will say we discovered the mythical welltogether!”

Shi xiong Zhou and shi xiong Gu looked at each other and smiled. Toward the proud one,they said, “Well then, thanks in advance, shidi!”

“Ha ha ha, you are welcome. Let’s hurry up and get to WillowVillage and check out this mythical well. Ka!”


Six fine horses rushed on the small path in the rural road andkick up a storm behind them. The horses ran faster and faster and quicklydisappeared at the turn of the road.



1.Shi – literally meaning was teacher. Di – young brother. How people refer tomale colleagues that are young than them.

2.Older male colleague.


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