Violet Evergarden

Chapter 9

Violet Evergaden: Chapter 9

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The Groom and the Auto-Memories Doll

The MorningMoon ascended in azure. Its faint form was not enough to overwhelm those wholived under the light of the night sky’s Moon. However, just as the full moon,the moon of a gentler color that melted into the sky had a charm that wouldstop time and make people contemplate it. Combined with the pastoral poem-like landscapeof prairies and small flowers that spread beneath it as far as the eyes couldsee, it was like an ill.u.s.tration out of a fairy tale book.


Amidst sucha heavenly scenery, without so much as batting a lash at the moon, a young manran about intently. In his extreme hurry, he had dressed himself in a pair ofpants and a shirt. He wore nothing but that.

The area wasnamed Eucalypt Basin and had plenty of undeveloped land, with the distance fromtown to town and village to village being of about half a day. Regular servicevehicles pa.s.sed by only once a day, and if missed, local residents andtravelers had no choice but to rely on their own feet or other means oftransportation. Looking for a person in that world of rice fields seemed easyconsidering the small number of obstacles, but in reality, it was not.


Theamplitude itself was the main hindrance when pursuing someone. Thoroughsearches took too much time. It was difficult to notice even if a target moved fromthe place being looked through to another.

“Dammit,why did things turn out like this…?” the young man impatiently wiped thesweat trailing down his forehead with his shirt’s sleeve.

The feetthat had been running in the fields until then had slowed down, only walking,and eventually stopped. Perhaps as he did not have time to put on shoes, he wasbarefoot. His feet bled, maybe from having stepped on twigs or rocks. Was theone he looked for worth a chase obsessive enough for him to acquire suchinjuries? The youth himself incidentally wound up reflecting on it.

In spite ofthe question that had been born within him and the lack of a precise answer toit, the young man resumed running. The small white flowers he stepped on weredyed in blood. The dismal pain braked his thought process.

“Call… myname, Mom.”

Should hego back or not? Abandon the one he searched for or not?


If he wereto choose not to, he simply had no choice but continue looking. In suchcirc.u.mstances, indecision was the biggest waste. For instance, perhaps a cluecould be found those infinite fields.


A dark redribbon suddenly flew into the youth’s vision. The red fluttered into a world ofnothing but greens, blues and whites. In front of him, a red unlike the onefrom the blood he had shed gently flowed in the breeze. Instinctively, hestretched his hand out to it. He slowly took into his palm what seemed like apresent from the heavens.

The youngman turned his head towards the direction of the wind. He could seesilhouettes. They were the figures of a few people surrounding a motorcycle.One of them had left the spot and was running towards him. Once closer, hecould tell it was a woman. On top of that, she had a captivating beauty. Hergolden hair hovering amongst scattering flower petals, she stopped before the youthand stared intensely at his face.


Her blueorbs held a mysterious charm and made him feel as if they stripped him naked.

“Pleased tomake your acquaintance. I rush anywhere my customer desires. I am from theautomated dolls service, Violet Evergarden.” Like a puppet, she bowed gracefully.

Much likeher appearance, the sound that came out of her finely shaped crimson lips waslovable and pure, but the contents of her words were mismatched for such aplace. The young man was no customer of hers either, nothing but a stranger.

Perhapsthinking the same as him, she corrected herself, “I made a mistake. Pardon me. Thisis like an occupational disease; I end up automatically saying my introductionspeech to whomever I meet for the first time…”

“No… it’sokay. Erm… I’m Silene. Could this be yours?”

As shenodded mutely, Silene handed her the ribbon. He himself was surprised at howmuch he trembled as their fingertips touched. Although covered by gloves, herfingers felt stiff and were obviously not human.

“Here yougo. Also, there’s something I want to ask. I’m looking for someone…”

“Asilver-haired woman in her 60’s who specializes in hairdressing?”

“Y-Yes. Mymother used to work as a hairdresser in the past… How did you…?”

The girlheld down her hair, unraveling in the wind due to being untied, and pointed atthe direction she had come from. Despite hardly visible because of thedistance, a short person that he believed to be his mother was there.

“We werelooking for you as well.”

No matterwhat she did, she was a woman beautiful enough to become a painting, Silenethought.

The oneswho had taken care of Silene’s mother were an Auto-Memories Doll and a postmanin the middle of a journey. It seemed they were on standstill as theirmotorcycle had malfunctioned, and had sighted his mother wandering around themeadows.

“She saidshe was going up to the mountains to look for her husband and son. It’s weirdfor someone to be walking around wearing rolls at early morning, right? We werealready having problems, but when people see someone even more troubled thanthemselves, they stay composed. V.” while fumbling with the defectivemotorcycle, the man opened a hand towards the young woman.

“My name isnot ‘V’. It is ‘Violet’.” Placing her side-locks behind her ear, she squatteddown. Taking a tool from a bag lying on the ground, she handed it to the man.

Ignoring herremark, he resumed working silently. “Take a look at V’s hair. She said it waspretty and asked ‘please let me touch it’, so we let her play with it just likethat. I was caught up over here. V was entertaining the Granny. And then youshowed up.”

“My mother…is a little… wrong in the head… We’ve caused you trouble.”

“Seems so…well, fellows like that aren’t rare. It’s easy for thoughts and memories tobecome confusing on their own. You don’t even have to be old for that to happen…It’s not working… Enough. Gimme a hand towel.” Easily wiping off black oilstains, he stood up.

He was a bittaller than Violet. His light blond hair was of a shade that resembled sand.His hairline was short, yet a part of his forelocks hung lengthier on one side.His cool, sky blue orbs bore thorns within their softness.

Just bylooking at the curves of his body, one could tell he was wearing tight laserpants. In contrast, his upper part was clad in a loose spring-green shirt andsuspenders. The heels of his boots were too tall. Said heels were cross-shaped.It was quite a flashy get-up. However, even if he took off all of it, he hadthe looks of someone that could effortlessly lead a woman or two by the nose.

“This… iscompletely hopeless. Out of all things, for it to break in the middle of thiscountryside that has nothing but gra.s.sland is just…” The man roughly wipedoff a bead of sweat with his arm. He seemed rather fatigued.

“Benedict,I really should run to the city we parted from and request help. It is fasterto go back than go forth.”


Not hearingSilene’s attempted statement, the man – Benedict – scowled at Violet’s words.“Even if you possess a strength so ridiculous that it’s almost like a joke,there’s no way I could let a woman do that alone. Even if you say that way iscloser, it’s still pretty distant. Also, the outcome would be that I’d bescolded by the Old Man.”

Violetslightly tilted her neck. “Is that so? Benedict, you are already clearlyexhausted by the everyday postal deliveries and take on the additional duty ofpicking me up along the way, so in this situation, is it not better for the onewith more stamina to make a move? Being male or female is unrelated. Thisdecision is for the sake of our survival.”

“Hum, likeI said…”

“Nope, Ican already see it. Old Man going like, ‘Benedict… you… why did you makeLittle Violet do something like that? You made her run?’ and then criticize meabout the manners of a gentleman that he’s so good at.”

What heimpersonated with so much emotion was most likely an imitation of a certainpostal company’s boss.

“You…will answer anything when asked, right? You can’t lie.”

“I do notlie to President. There are only truths in my reports.”

“Then,isn’t it no good after all?”

“I willtell the truth but I will give you cover, Benedict. I will say that I was theone who proposed it.”

“Yourcovering fire is the best when it comes to actual ammo but it’s fruitlesseffort when it comes to everyday conversations, so stop that.”

“Hum!” AsSilene spoke loudly, the two finally looked his way.

Perhapstired from walking so much, his mother was asleep as he carried her on hisback. Violet brought her index finger next to her lips.

Silenesmiled bitterly. “If you’re having a hard time, I’ll guide you to my village asthanks for taking care of my mother. Can you push the motorcycle? If you can goon pushing, it might take a little while, but I’ll show you to someone who canfix it.”

“You’d dothat?”

Silenenodded. “The village is a bit crowded at the moment, so it will take sometime… that’s right. If you could… stay there for a day, we could work itout. We do receptions as well. To tell the truth, a wedding is going to happen.In this region, whenever someone is getting married, the entire village gathersto open banquets. During them, we invite and welcome anyone. It’scoincidentally the best time to entertain guests.”

“Do youhave drinks?”


“What aboutdancer girls and good food? Also, places to sleep.”

“Aboutwomen, erm… Mister Benedict. It would depend on you, but we’ve got everythingelse ready.”

Afterballing his fists and revering the heavens, Benedict turned to Violet andoffered both hands. Violet stared at them fixatedly.

“You do itlike this. Like this.” Benedict vehemently took Violet’s hand and made herraise it together with his. “We did it.”

“‘We didit’?”

“You don’thave to do that much.” Benedict laughed. “This is part of that thing calledfate. I have no idea who they are, but let’s join the toast of this happycouple.”

Silene alsolaughed at Benedict’s words. Upon looking once at his mother on his back, hissmile soon disappeared, but he forced himself to muster out a cheerful voice,“Yes, I’m from the household of this happy couple.”

The placeSilene led them to was a village named Kisara. Its houses had been built as to forma semicircle. In its center was a hall with a stone pavilion and a well. Mostlikely, they were the only things in that s.p.a.ce at first, but currently, acrowd crammed around the pavilion. It was filled with women to the point thatone could ponder whether every woman in the village had a.s.sembled there. They werevigorously cooking and decorating the hall with ornaments.

Violet andBenedict observed the scene as if it were something unusual. As Benedict askedSilene where the men were, the latter pointed at a set of tents located just alittle apart from the village. The lined-up tents made of colorful cloths shoneoutstandingly against the blue skies and green land. It appeared they werebeing put up to serve as temporary bedding for guests. By the looks of it,those people truly meant to warmly welcome whoever came by without rebuffinganyone.

For thetime being, the group was headed to Silene’s home. The village’s only roadwaywas narrow and full of things – flowers blooming all over wooden vats placed bythe front doors, dried crops, cats slipping past their legs. From somewhere inthat midst, the sound of bells rang. Silene explained how several chimes thatproduced sound by colliding with each other upon being blown by the wind were thevillage’s specialty articles of folk craft.

Lookingupwards, they could see cords pa.s.sed through the houses’ windows across the street,from which their residents’ laundry hung. Chimes hung from them as well. Younggirls chatting with one another pulled in the cords as though having fun. Whilethey did so, the chimes simultaneously rang. When Benedict turned his gazetowards them, they let out a laughter akin to a scream and closed the windows.

The villagehad a tranquility that did not exist in big cities, characteristic of small communities.

Once theyhad pa.s.sed the narrow road, it broadened at once, and beyond it was an isolatedhouse that was bigger than the rest. Although not so well tended to, bushes ofroses grew in its garden. Two anxious-looking women stood in front of theentrance.

“Aah, so shewas all right?!” The one who rushed over as fast as she could was a middle-agedlady clad in an ap.r.o.n dress.

After adeep sigh, Silene spoke to her in a low tone, “Don’t ‘she was all right’ me.Are you okay with this? Don’t tell me this always happens…”

“Yesterdaynight, I had properly locked Madame’s room. Master, could it be you went thereafterwards? Did you lock it? It only opens from outside.”


“For the fewyears that everything has been entrusted to Master, I haven’t gone looking forMadame like that.”

“My bad.That was my bad…”

The air oftheir exchange could not be described as pleasant.

The otherwoman walked to Silene’s side. She had brown skin and gracious facial features.She bowed her head to Violet and Benedict, who wordlessly watched everything. Itwas then that Silene finally realized there was someone other than his relativebeside him.

“S-Sorry…I’ll introduce you. This is… erm… the one who will become my wife tomorrow,Misha. And my mother’s servant, Delit. I don’t live with my mother. Misha,Delit. Those two took care of Mom.”

Theyunderstood how much the last statement meant they were supposed to showgrat.i.tude towards the duo with the expression he showed right after. Both Delitand Misha let them into the house as if dealing with saints. Following that, theyhad a busy time. The bride and groom, who were about to marry the next day,seemed to have greetings to give in various places, and so had gone out bythemselves. They apologized for being unable to entertain the guests appropriately,yet Violet and Benedict were satisfied enough just by having a place with aroof to cool down at and saw them off without minding it.

As it wasclose to midday, the servant Delit treated the travelers to a meal out ofconsideration. Perhaps due to being significantly tired, Benedict wound upfalling asleep immediately after eating, as if his battery had run out. Atfirst, he had started nodding off, and soon, unable to withstand it, he restedhis body against the sofa and closed his eyes.

The work ofa postman consisted of all-day delivery duties. Moreover, he had driven to pickup Violet on the way of his trip, and as his motorcycle had broken, he had worriedabout the repairs, therefore becoming completely exhausted.

Seated onthe same sofa, Violet silently allowed him to sleep by her side as he leanedagainst her, and once everything became quiet, she finally observed the environment.There were chimes on the house’s window as well. They rang in jingles. Thesounds of Delit washing dishes could be heard from the kitchen. Along with Benedict’ssleeping breath, the afternoon of an extremely peaceful summer day ensued.

Albeit notfeeling sleepy, Violet closed her eyes. It was as if she had come to know the gentlenessof the sounds of everyday life composed her surroundings for the first time. Hernew home, the Evergarden household, was a mansion which size could not bematched unless so many of the village’s houses were put together, andtherefore, it was strange for her to be in a house where she could merely existand relax without having to do any work. However, as soon as she heard a clattercoming from the front door, she reached for the handgun inside her jacket.

“My, my.Might it be the person that will fix the motorcycle?” her footsteps echoing, Delitwalked up to the entrance.

Looking ather side, Violet could see Benedict thinly opening his eyes. He also had hisfingers on his handgun. “It is all right to continue sleeping.” She told him, andhe closed his eyes again as if relieved.

The two ofthem were slightly alike. Due to their hair and irises being of similar colors,they almost looked like siblings when next to one another.

Wonderingif there were anything she could do to offer a.s.sistance, Violet was about tohead to the entrance as well, but upon noticing that someone was calling amidstthe everyday life sounds, her feet halted. She had heard it coming from thesecond floor. She then remembered that Silene’s mother had been taken to it as thoughbeing pushed back when they had arrived at that house. Climbing the woodenstairs, Violet stood at the corridor of the second floor and stayed put tolisten once more.

“Darling…?”The voice of an elderly woman resounded. “Or could it be Jonah?”

She wasmost likely mistaking Violet for a family member.

“It isViolet. You tied my hair this morning.” As if replying to her, Violet whisperedby the room’s door.

It was asmall village, yet the banquet would gather all of it. One by one, they bowedtheir heads in grat.i.tude to everybody. It was by the time the Sun had set thatSilene and Misha had gone home.

“My, the bride is not from around here?”

“She understands our language. But her speechis broken. It’s cute.”

“Silene, treat her well. Doesn’t it feel likeshe can only rely on you?”

Givinggreetings had not made him feel particularly disturbed, but after them, he was pryinglyinterrogated by older women about his fiancée, Misha. As Silene had done most ofthe talking on behalf of the timid Misha, who was not too good atconversations, his throat was parched.

“It’sgotten dark, huh?” Misha muttered curtly and Silene nodded.

The villagewould normally be calm at sunset, but today, it had been rather noisy. Everyoneis was on festive spirits. Just when he was thinking that everything was forhis and Misha’s sake, Silene had come to understand that a wedding ceremony wasnot only for two people. He then took hold of Misha’s hand in a natural manner.

“Fufu.” Shelet out a shy giggle. “The people of this village… are kind.” Perhaps feelingat ease when speaking only to Silene, she started talking. “My brother, who hadraised me in place of our parents, pa.s.sed away in the Great War. I’m glad I’mable to marry you. I was able to… have a family again.” She smiled bashfully.“Miss Delit is great at cooking. She has taught me what foods you like.Mother’s house… is big. It’s grandiose, and makes me think… that everyonecan live in it.”

Although itwas a peaceful chatter, Silene wound up coldly spitting out, “You don’t have tobe so cautious.”

Misha’sstopped walking. Her hand, still connected with his, was pulled as he continuedgoing ahead, causing her to stumble. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m…sorry too.”

“No, I’mthe one who’s sorry… I said something… uncalled for. I… even… know…that you left that house because you hate it and your mother.”

What Silenehad become enamored with in Misha was exactly that. She was honest, caring andkind.

“But, Ihaven’t properly asked why you hate them. It’s better to cherish your parents.”

And she hadprinciples.

Sweatbeaded in the hand he was using to hold hers. Silene wanted to let go to wipeit but did not do so, instead tightening his grip even more. He did not wish toinstigate disgust in the person that would always be by his side from then on.

“Nothing…gets through Mom.”

UnlikeSilene, who would not meet her eyes, Misha directed her gaze straight at him. “Yes.”

“It’s been thatway since I was little. She isn’t like that because of her age. I used to havea father too, and… an older brother… but one day, my father took my brotherand left.”


“I was toosmall so I don’t remember it well. It was probably… the usual… theirrelationship as a married couple was bad. They… fought very often. I had seeneither of them stomp out of home a lot. That’s why I thought he would surely beback soon that time too…”

But he hadnot returned.

——Back then, why did Dad take Brother and notme?

Was itbecause his brother was the firstborn? Their age gap was of only three years,yet he had always felt that his father would prioritize his brother in whateverhe did. For instance, in the order of giving away presents, frequency withwhich he would pat their heads, or the difference of the words he used topraise them. From others’ point of view, none those would be a big deal, butchildren are sensitive to such things.

——I’m sure… he took the one he was mostattached to. That’s what I feel.

“From thatpoint on, Mom started getting weird. Slowly, slowly… she broke, like a screwfalling off a machine. First, she started calling me by my brother’s name.Whenever I would say, ‘no, I’m not Jonah, I’m Silene’, she’d apologize andcorrect herself. But it didn’t stop at just saying the wrong name.”

Mishaplaced her other hand along the one that was joined with his. She wasattempting to smolder the hardships that her lover had faced during his life.It was but a simple gesture, yet it made Silene unbearably contented. He wasable to strongly reconfirm that it was something he had yearned for.

“Momstarted to hallucinate that I’m either Dad or big brother Jonah.”

His pastself did not have such joys.

“When shethinks I’m Dad, she scolds me while crying and hits me. When she thinks I’mBrother, she simply hugs me and asks where I’d been. This has continued on forseveral years.”

Silene didnot think of himself as pitiful.

“But, see,when I got my growth spurt, I became taller. I actually don’t resemble Brotheror Dad at all. I really… think that was… a good thing.”

However, healso did not think of himself as a happy one. In retrospect to his childhood,there was never anything enjoyable. He had to start working as his motherbecame unable to, and would be feeling miserable when coming home.

“I was freefrom being mistaken with someone else.”

It was asuccession of occurrences.

“But then anew curse was cast on me.”

A sorrowfulsuccession of occurrences.

“Now I’mthe one that doesn’t know who I am.”

In order toput an end to them, he had to be apart from her.

“Mom alsodoesn’t know who I am. She only remembers the me from my childhood. Delit toldme… that she’s been looking for me lately. Isn’t it… kinda laughable? I hadalways, always, always…”

Preciselybecause they were family, he had to be apart from her.

“…alwaysbeen by her side.”

Although itcould be considered heartless, that was the last thing Silene wanted to give upon. The villagers already knew, but it was his first time discussing it with anoutsider. He had grown up, learned how to work, launched himself into theoutside world, fallen in love with a girl he had found there and was at lastfreed from his sadness. He would not let anyone interfere with that.

“That’s whyI won’t live with Mom.”

Silene wasdesperate to haul the happiness that he had finally managed to grasp ontowith his own hands.

As they gothome, Delit came to greet them outside with a, “I’ve been waiting for you.” Shewas holding several letters in her hands. They had brought about a hugeincident in the absence of the two. Congratulatory telegrams from far-awayfriends and relatives who would not be able to make it to the ceremony hadarrived.

The townSilene and Delit lived in was at a short distance from the village. He hadactually wanted to hold the ceremony there and leave his mother out, but Mishahad not agreed to it. “If you have at least one parent, you should show it toher,” she had told him. For that reason, the people they were currently a.s.sociatedwith had become unable to attend.

“Whatshould we do about these… according to marriage etiquette?” Silene coylyasked the old Delit.

“Well, theymust be wholeheartedly recited. Haven’t you requested anyone to do that?”

Sileneturned to face Misha. The couple had not been taught by the nearby elderly oneabout situations in which they would have to make requests and were unfamiliarwith nuptial protocol.

“We’re introuble… if it has to be someone from this area… maybe the lady from thegeneral store?”

“No way…we can’t ask so suddenly. The ceremony is tomorrow.”

“Then,Master, this means you also haven’t thought about your love poem for the bride.You have to do that too.”

It was atraditional custom for the bridegroom reciting a poem written by himselfcontaining his feelings towards his loved one in the middle of the ceremony.

“I wasthinking about not making one since it’s embarra.s.sing…”

“That’s nogood! A wedding ceremony without that… would be a disappointment to the peopleinvited.”

Upon beingadmonished with an incredibly threatening att.i.tude, Silene shrank back.

“Holding aceremony in our land means getting ready and spending efforts so that we canshare a wonderful moment in exchange of being congratulated by many people. Wecannot discard traditions. Everyone… is volunteering for a lot of things,aren’t they? That’s due to mutual support and encouragement. You’ll be d.a.m.nedif you don’t earnestly correspond to that sincerity.”


Who in theworld were they supposed to seek for help?

Perhaps asthey were having a heated debate, one of their guests opened the window andpoked her head out as if inquiring what was going on. She held a letter in herhand as well.

“Aah, isn’tthere someone who’s just perfect for the job?!”

“No, but…they’re guests.”

“But she’san Auto-Memories Doll, right? Isn’t recitation and writing their forte? Master,you can leave it to her.”

DespiteDelit’s optimistic words, Silene’s constraint was more prominent, rendering himunable to say anything.

“I accept.”


“I accept. Iwill take on the reciting and writing… as a one-night favor.”

Unexpectedly,Violet was the one to a.s.sume the responsibility. Not even a full day had pa.s.sedsince they had met, yet he somehow felt he would not be able to say such thingshimself. Silene thought she was a modest woman.

“It is animportant ceremony, after all.”

The wordsof Violet Evergarden weighted heavily on Silene’s heart.

The bridalcostume from the outskirts of Eucalypt Basin consisted of a red robe withdetailed goldthread embroidery. On the bride’s head lay a flower crown, and arose-colored make-up was applied on her eyelids and lips. In contrast, thegroom was clad in a white robe. He carried a shield that represented the protectionof their household and a small sword painted in gold, as it was a symbol ofwealth.

The groomand bride walked receiving blessings from the people in the street thatmorning. Afterwards, a banquet was held in the village’s hall. The stage of theceremony, which the female villagers had been preparing since the day before,turned out splendid. The hall’s pavilion was decorated with white seven-sistersand red roses and two seats made of vines were set up. A long tables and chairshad been lined up as to surround the pavilion and guests were already seated onthem. They greeted the arrival of the young couple with applause.

Only on suchday, those who would usually be working a.s.siduously were also dressed up and partic.i.p.ating.Gorgeous ornamental hats, vividly colorful dresses. And adults are not the onlyones dressed up. The figures of children running and walking around with angelfeather ornaments on their backs were adorable.

Once theceremony began, an orchestra started playing and the food was served. Next, itwas time to dance for a while. Initially, the women that received dance lessonsdisplayed a group ch.o.r.eography. People gradually mixed up with it, but when theblond postman made his entrance, the cheers from female villagers rose. As Benedictdanced about brilliantly in boots much like the ones women wore, after he wasdone, rather than being by both of his arms, young lady villagers as pretty asflowers cornered him from all sides and caused an uproar.

VioletEvergarden, who had offered to do the recitation, did not do anything as flashyas Benedict. She simply stood still and awaited her cue in silence. Perhaps becauseof her almost mystical beauty, she did not become a target of the men’sflirting, and not even a single person with enough courage to as much as talkto her had come by.

By the timeit was finally her turn, she caused the attendees’ eyes to glue on her with theconglomerate of telegrams. There was not even any need to say “quiet down” inorder to silence those who were causing a ruckus. So long as there wassomething that they wished to hear, people would fall silent on their own.

Regardlessof the anxious couple, the ceremony went on free from disturbances for thevillagers who were already used to it. Misha quietly whispered into Silene’sear, “It seems this will end well, right?”

Althoughshe was his own bride, she looked so beautiful that he was slightly startledwhen her face drew closer. “Yeah, really… this is thanks to the people of thevillage.”

“Your lovepoem… was wonderful.” After saying so, Misha laughed a bit. It was probablybecause his figure had looked funny in her eyes as he ended up mumbling thelove poem he had dedicated to her, due to becoming stiff as a statue out ofnervousness.

“MissViolet wrote most of it, though…”

“That’sright. I had never… been told such things.”

“Don’ttease me so much… I’m no good with embarra.s.sing stuff.”

“It’s greatthat we were able to meet such wonderful travelers. Mother also seemed to haveenjoyed herself.”

“It’ll begood if that’s true.” Silene’s voice was a little down.

He hadconstantly prayed that she would stay put at least on that day, yet she hadstarted aimlessly loitering around by the middle of the ceremony and begunlooking for him by the latter half of it, so as per his request, Delit hadtaken her back home. As the villagers knew of the circ.u.mstances, there was no commotionon their part – rather, the one that had become disconcerted was Silene.

——So embarra.s.sing.

He felt asif the most important day of his life had been ruined by his heartbrokenmother.

——I’m glad that the one I married was Misha.

There weresurely people who would have become irate had the same happened to them. Justas himself.

——I’m glad… that it was Misha.

Silene tookMisha’s hand, tracing the wedding ring he had put on it with a finger. It was aproof that he was no longer alone. The way that very ring felt gave him a senseof reality.

“Lastly,here is a letter by the precious mother of the groom, containing her blessingsfor the marriage of her son, Sir Silene, who has chanced upon the marvelous daythat is today.”

Anincessant clapping outburst at Violet’s words. Silene confusedly turned hishead to every direction. Misha seemed to think it were yet another program ofthe event and accepted it, but Silene had not been told about such a thing byanyone.

“Lady Fran,I humbly thank you for allowing us to be sitting in such an honorable placealong with all of you.” Violet took out a letter similar to the one she hadbeen holding the evening before and opened its envelope. “By your respectablemother’s request, I shall vocally deliver to Sir Silene the letter of maritalblessings that is packed with feelings.”

——I haven’t heard about it. I haven’t… heardabout any of this.

Was it notbetter for him to stop her? There was no way the words said by a heartbrokenperson could be of any decency. The place would merely become disheveled by herstrange manner of speech and conduct. Silene attempted to rise from his seat.

However,the blue orbs of the Auto-Memories Doll seemed to sew his own shadow onto himas she entreated for restraint on the spot, “It might become a little abstract,but please do listen to it.” A sigh escaped Violet’s rose-like lips. As ifreciting, she read out the blessing poem, “‘I know that the most beautifulversion of myself is the one reflected in your eyes. That is because I cherishyou as if I were admiring a flower. I can see the gleam of stars in yourpupils. That is because I think of you as dazzling. You did not know how tospeak when you were small. I taught you words so that you would be able to,right? The color of the sky, the coldness of night dew, the lines you would spoutwhen doing bad things… if only I could convey to you the joy I felt whentalking with you about them. I wonder if you have realized that any harsh wordsI ever directed at you were out of love too. Similarly, no matter how much youmay have hurt me, the fact that you were born erases all of it. You do not knowthat, do you? My son. Do you know the beauty in the eyes of the person you willbe together with for the rest of your life from now on? Can you remember whatcolor they are even after closing your own eyes? Do they shine? If you lookbeautiful when reflected in her orbs, you are loved by her. You must never letthat become lax. You must not neglect love. A light can keep on shiningprecisely when it is polished. That jewel is in only your care. Do not neglectlove. My son. Have you ever peeked into my eyes? If not, then by all means, trydoing so. They are already enveloped in a world of night, but stars twinkle inthe night sky. Please, just quietly peek into them. If you think that whatsurfaces in my eyes – what is reflected in them – is beautiful, that means youlove me. I cannot speak much. That is why, please, take a peek. Please do thatwhenever you become restless. Wherever you go, my eyes should be able to becomeone of the beautiful things that exist in this world for you. This is the truthof a promise between you and me. My son, this is my love towards you. So,please, do not forget the color of my eyes.’”

Theapplause started out as a noiseless ripple and gradually morphed into the greatswirl of a wave. After bowing beautifully in an Auto-Memories Doll-like way,Violet stepped aside.

Silenecould not remember his mother’s eye color. He had been with her today and theday before.

“Silene?Are you okay?”

Nevertheless,he could not recall it. He had avoided looking at her face. And he had done so onpurpose.


Beingcalled by someone else’s name whenever they locked eyes was too hard for him. Itwas painful that he did not have what his mother sought after. No matter whathe did, he was unable to correspond her expectations.


If the onehis father had taken away had been Silene himself instead of his brother,perhaps his mother’s heart would not have been damaged to that extent.


If she werenot with a son that would make his father and mother think of him asunnecessary, but a better one…

——So embarra.s.sing.

The reasonwhy he was no good with embarra.s.sing things…

——So embarra.s.sing.

…was thatthey would cause him to become aware…

——So embarra.s.sing.

…that hewas an embarra.s.sing existence to someone else.

“Darling,don’t cry.”

As Mishawiped his tears, he realized that he was crying. He hurried to turn backwards.More tears poured.

——So embarra.s.sing. So embarra.s.sing. I am… soembarra.s.sing.

TheAuto-Memories Doll’s letter made his chest ache. He was embarra.s.sed of havingdragged with him the past he was unable to love until the present moment andrunning away from the person he was supposed to protect. His mother, despitethinking he was gone, and despite being broken, had gone out to look for him.

“Sorry,I’ll leave the seat for a bit.” He informed Misha and walked away from theceremony.

“Are youheaded to where Mother is?”

As he kepthis eyelids still and nodded at the question, she pushed his back.

“Off yougo.”

Whilethinking he was the worst groom ever for abandoning the ceremony, he paced pastthe guests. Even with him leaving, the attendees had become exalted as the timeto dance had come once again.

He wentpast the narrow road, towards the house he had lived in with his mother.Silene’s legs hurried to the house that he had left as if running away. As hearrived by its front, Violet Evergarden, who was supposed to be at theceremonial hall, was there. He could not see Benedict’s motorcycle anywhere.The repairs had most likely been completed.

“We aremuch obliged.”

It seemedthey planned to depart without seeing the end of the ceremony.

“Same here.Hum… thank you very much. I took notice of my failures… with the words Ireceived. Mom told you some sort of nonsense… and you… wrote it beautifullyinto a letter just like that, right? She made you do something so troubling… She…often makes selfish requests. It was like that even back when we livedtogether. Even today, when she was told that it was the day of the weddingceremony, she was adamant that we gave her a white hat that had already beensold ages ago…”

“I am sorryfor having done this on my own accord.”

“No, it’sfine…”

“While SirSilene and Lady Misha were out, I accepted a job offer from your mother. Theoffer was only for me to deliver the letter, but I ended up doing somethingintrusive. Your mother said that you might not have read the letter if she hadgiven it to you, Sir Silene… I, too, chose a method of definitively transmittingher words to you. Since there is no letter… that needn’t be delivered.”Violet said.

Silene’s browsfurrowed. He could picture his mother making the request. However, he thoughtit was odd for her to say he might not have read it.

“I wonderwhy my mother would say this… that I might not read the letter.”

“She saidit was because she was always causing problems to Sir Silene. Since, due to losingpart of the family, she wound up hammering you with lonely memories.”

——That’s a lie.

“No, that’sweird.”

“What is?”

——That’s a lie, that’s a lie.

“She’s…not supposed to say anything so reasonable. She says things like ‘I want to dothis’ or ‘I want to do that’. But… that’s weird. It’s almost like… Imean…”

——There’s no way.

“It is notweird. All the while when talking to me, your mother was lucid. When we firstmet, too, she was like that for a moment. She talked about you.”

——There’s no way.

Silenestaggered to pa.s.s by Violet’s side and opened the house’s entrance.

From behindhim, Violet’s voice resounded, “Well, then, we will take our leave.”

Without botheringto even turn around, he climbed up the stairs and headed to the front of a roomin the second floor. What was his mother currently doing in that room whichcould only be locked from the outside? Taking off the padlock, he spun thedoork.n.o.b. The window was probably open. Wind was circulating in the room.

His mother wasby said window, observing the center of the village where the ceremony wastaking place.

“M-Mom.” Hecalled. “Mom.” He called for her countless times in that manner.

His mother stirredher head towards him, but her gaze immediately returned to the window. “Hey,quiet down… Jonah.”

She rarelyever turned to look at him.

“Mom…Mom… M-Mom…”

Ever sincetheir family fell apart, there had not been a single occasion in which she hadlooked at him soberly.

“I’m ontosomething very important right now.”

Not evenone.

“I wonderwhere Silene is.”

“Mom, I’m…right here.” He let out a childish voice.

As he didso, his mother’s body twitched once as if startled, and she slowly turnedaround. She eyed Silene from head to toe with apparent interest. Her gaze wasnot the same as ever.

Silenestared back into his mother’s...o...b... They were of a stunning amber hue.

——Aah, that’s right. That was their color.

He rememberedthat her irises were of the same color as his own.

His motherwalked to his side, and with a hand of increasing brown spots, she touched hischeek. All along, he was shedding tears.

“My… don’tcry.” She seemed happy. “You’ve grown so much, huh, Silene.”

Only Silenedwelled within her amber eyes.

“Congratulations…on your marriage.” She smiled.

During thatinstant, his mother undoubtedly had sanity. It was lost by the moment Silene embracedher.

“Hey, where’sSilene?”

“I’m… notgoing anywhere anymore.”

However,her love definitely existed.

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