Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 101


When Xu Yun did things, naturally he wouldn’t let people say something bad. Since he gave that ponytailed, beautiful guest soup for free, he also went to the kitchen to get several small dishes such as aged vinegar peanuts for regular guests.

“Boss Xu, don’t be too unfair – be careful or the lady boss will have you kneel on the washboard.” This Uncle Li was a long-time customer of the panacea restaurant, so sometimes he would make jokes about Xu Yun and Ruan QingShuang. The two of them knew he didn’t have any bad intentions, nor did they mind.

Xu Yun waved his hand. “Our restaurant’s lady boss wouldn’t be so petty.”

Very quickly, ShanZi finished the two signature dishes that Xu Yun chose for the ponytailed beauty. Lu WenYi saw Xu Yun chatting with these guests, then went to the kitchen carrying the two signature dishes to take over to Ponytail.

Ponytail quietly waited as the dishes were taken to her. Her finger suddenly slightly trembled, rubbing her napkin into a paper ball, changing into a flying white flash that was extremely difficult for the naked-eye to see……

Lu WenYi was already about to carry the dishes before the guest, but suddenly felt her knee suddenly go numb, instantly losing strength, and the center of gravity of her whole body suddenly lost balance. With the a ya scream she was about to fall onto the floor!

As soon as it happened, suddenly Xu Yun charged over in one step, his left hand grabbing onto Lu WenYi about to fall, right hand grabbing onto the parsley black bean sauce peppers and cut eel dish thrown out and quickly putting it on the table. Then hopelessly like scooping the moon from the bottom of the sea, like a thunderbolt but too late for the momentum of the fall, he stubbornly grabbed onto the steamed duck and yam that nearly fell onto the floor!

“Phew!” Xu Yun let out a breath, putting the steamed duck and yam onto the table in front of Ponytail while at the same time steadying Lu WenYi.

Lu WenYi was startled till she had a sweat, but finally she was scared but not endangered. She wasn’t afraid of throwing a dish, after all she knew Ruan QingShuang’s gentle nature; she was just afraid that if maybe it dirtied a guest’s clothing it would be trouble.

“It’s fine, nothing wrong. Get busy.” Xu Yun rea.s.sured the shy Lu WenYi.

Lu WenYi nodded, shyly leaving, going to bring that bowl of soup over.

“Sorry, must’ve scared you.” Xu Yun said apologetically to Ponytail. “A little lady that just graduated from university, she has no experience in anything. Hehe, really sorry.”

Ponytail lightly smiled, “It’s okay.”

“This meal is free as an apology,” Xu Yun generously said.

“Would you like to sit and eat together?” Ponytail with a face of smiles looked upwards at Xu Yun.

Xu Yun hesitated, thinking that this ponytailed beauty was suspecting his words. “No need. Eat, I’ve got to get busy.”

Ponytail watched Xu Yun leaving for the background, the smile on her face slowly turning suspicious. She picked up a chunk of yam and put it in her mouth. The flavor was indeed not the same – it truly was exceptionally delicious.

Ponytail then tasted the fine dishes while she thought. Earlier that waitress being unable to stand steady was completely because she shot out that paper ball. The objective of her coming to the panacea restaurant wasn’t just for fine dishes, she also wanted to know who that hidden expert at that lady cop’s side was that Chief Chen spoke of.

Because Ponytail suspected the quietest, lowest profile female server, so she acted on her, but apparently it wasn’t her.

And that smooth talking “Boss Xu” also appeared a bit suspicious – a person able to protect someone in that situation without letting the dishes break. If he didn’t do acrobatics, then he was definitely an elite.

Xu Yun chatted and smiled as he went into the kitchen. After walking into the kitchen, he opened up his palm. In his palm was a napkin rolled into a paper ball; the paper ball was very hard, absolutely not something that someone within the bounds of conventional reasoning would have the strength able to shape it.

This was something that he unintentionally saw when he caught that plate of steamed duck and yam, so he readily picked it up.

It seems that Lu WenYi’s fall wasn’t because she wasn’t being careful, but that someone secretly made her trip.

With a tight pepper-seed sized paper bowl able to hit the knee’s numbing meridian, this absolutely wasn’t something ordinary people could do. Even a 1st-tier elite may not necessarily be able to do so.

Because this was the hidden weapons hand technique, Purple Lightning Pierces Clouds!!

This kind of hidden weapons technique wasn’t something that ordinary people could study and acquire. Xu Yun was so clear about it because he had also studied a type of hidden weapons technique, and it just happened to be this hidden weapons technique, Purple Lightning Pierces Clouds.

Then just who was the ponytail? Xu Yun couldn’t help but to go into circles of suspicions.

“Yun-ge, what are you thinking about?” Liang Shan suddenly cut Xu Yun’s thinking. “Table 13’s dishes are done, the folks have hurried us a few times.”

Xu Yun came back to his senses, and lightly smiled, “Got it, got it.”

Amidst serving, Xu Yun again pa.s.sed the side of Ponytail’s table, and he clearly saw a torn corner on Ponytail’s napkin. Without a doubt, just now the paper sphere shot out by the Purple Lightning Pierces Clouds technique had to be this pure-looking ponytailed beauty.

Such a young girl able to enter the 1st-tier elite realm absolutely wasn’t an ordinary person.

Xu Yun silently without a sound carried the dishes to table 13. Even though he was already clear about Ponytail’s ident.i.ty, but by no means did he expose it – because she had chosen to use a paper ball, this showed that she didn’t want to wound anyone, but just what she wanted to do, Xu Yun was unclear.

At this moment Ponytail suddenly put down her chopsticks, got up and walked towards Ruan QingShuang.

Xu Yun’s eyes slightly narrowed, his breathing suddenly slowed down, practically stopping. As long as Ponytail had any kind of unusual movements, he would absolutely subdue her at the first instant. After all, he already broke through into the realm of the Ultra Elites, and Xu Yun’s strength was already incomparable to the past. He had long gone past the three stages of the First Glimpse Gateway, becoming a true elite among elites.

“How much?” Ponytail’s expression didn’t have anything unusual, and she very naturally took out her purse finding her money.

Ruan QingShuang glanced at Xu Yun to the side, slightly smiling, “Just now we weren’t careful and frightened you. This meal is free.”

Ponytail slightly smiled to Ruan QingShuang, “No need, I’m not used to eating and not paying. Thank you.” With that, Ponytail took out 100 Yuan and put it on top of the table. “I think this should be enough.”

“No need for so much,” Ruan QingShuang quickly said.

Ponytail without the least bit of stinginess praised, “No need for change, thank you for letting me eat such good panacea cuisine.”

Xu Yun had already walked over. “Sorry, we’re also not used to taking more money from our guests. Fifty Yuan is enough.”

“At night I’ll come again to eat. Payment in advance, is that okay?” Ponytail said softly.

The corner of Xu Yun’s mouth slightly rose, revealing a coldly evil smile, “Sorry, we don’t have the capability of scheduling it in advance, and don’t welcome guests who waste food.”

As he spoke, Xu Yun pointed at Ponytail’s table. Very much of the two dishes were still remaining, and only one bowl of soup had been drunken.

Ponytail didn’t continue to retort with Xu Yun, and she directly turned and left.

“Xu Yun, what’s wrong?” Ruan QingShuang felt that something was a bit off with Xu Yun. At first he was especially polite to this ponytailed girl, why would he suddenly speak like a barbed thorn?

Xu Yun realized that Ruan QingShuang was still there, then laughed dryly twice, “Nothing, just that I felt that this type of girl that doesn’t know how to appreciate food – after a few bites she stopped eating, too wasteful, and she didn’t pack it to go.”

“Maybe she doesn’t like to eat panacea cuisine.” Ruan QingShuang helplessly smiled. Even though she also didn’t like guests who wasted food, but it was hard to put an end to these kinds of people. Fortunately, the people who came here weren’t especially wasteful – the truly wasteful were those corrupt officials. The biggest place that wasted food were banquets for entertainment.

Xu Yun of course wasn’t angry because of wasting those dishes. Compared to those corrupt officials’ meals for several tens of thousands of Yuan, one bottle of wine for several tens of thousands, this was comparably nothing.

At this time Shan JiaHao suddenly pushed open the door and entered. In the instant he entered the panacea restaurant, his whole body was exactly like he was paralyzed.

Ruan QingShuang was hugely shocked, why did this guy suddenly come?

“Huuu……. huuuu…….. water……” Shan JiaHao’s throat was smokey, his speaking was unbearably hoa.r.s.e.

Lu WenYi quickly took a cup of water over, and this kid didn’t bother with formalities – holding it up with both hands with a gedunk gedunk he directly drank the whole thing into his belly. After drinking it all down the first word was still wanting to drink water, and after continuously three cups of water he finally felt comfortable.

“You trying to study from Kua Fu and his race against the sun?” Xu Yun frowned and asked, “Look at what time it is, don’t want to work do you?”

Shan JiaHao’s face had a wronged expression, raising up a bag of wolfberries in his hand. “Yun-ge, it was you that wanted me to run to the Virtuous Bright Pharmacy in Central District every day to buy wolfberries. You said if I could manage then you would take me as a disciple!”

“You’ll believe whatever I say? If I told you to shoot down the moon before I took you as a disciple, would you do it?” Xu Yun was speechless.

“Shooting the moon isn’t something I can do, of course I wouldn’t do it. But this I can do.” Shan JiaHao seriously said.

Xu Yun pointed at the clock on the wall. “See it? Everyday at 10 in the morning the shop needs to prepare for business, but it’s 12:30 before you came. You do the odd jobs. This is the equivalent to not coming. Me wanting you to come to work isn’t just for you to buy wolfberries.”

Shan JiaHao suddenly neither angry nor hurriedly said, “Yun-ge, I understand! Tomorrow I’ll definitely buy the wolfberries and come to the panacea restaurant by 9:30 to do work!”

d.a.m.n. Xu Yun was speechless, this guy was truly putting his life on it.

“Alright. If you can do it, I won’t stop you.” Xu Yun was too lazy to bother with him. “9:30 come to wash and cut vegetables, and also sweep and mop the floors and wipe the tables, and all odd jobs. Work must be in your eyesight.”

Shan JiaHao put the wolfberries in Xu Yun’s hands. Without another word he directly rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen, the exhaustion from earlier seemed to have been swept clean away.

Ruan QingShuang couldn’t help but to be a bit mad. “Xu Yun, isn’t this a bit too much?”

Xu Yun dully smiled, “Kids this age all do things like this, hot for three days, then after a few days he’ll quit. Don’t worry, he can’t die from it.”

Suddenly his cell rang, and Xu Yun quickly answered.

It was GuoGuo calling saying that she wouldn’t come back for lunch. Teacher Su invited her and Qiu Yan-jiejie to a buffet, and three people going to a buffet could have one go for free, so GuoGuo asked if Xu Yun wanted to come.

Originally Xu Yun didn’t intend to go, but Ruan QingShuang wanted him to go. Anyways the shop wasn’t short on helping hands.

But even if it was like this, Xu Yun still didn’t intend to go face Qiu Yan, after all that episode of him leaving this morning caused a bit of a panic. Thinking that right now Qiu Yan still hadn’t forgiven him, but Xu Yun suddenly heard a familiar voice coming out of the phone.

“XiaoRan, what a coincidence! I hadn’t thought I would come across you, hehe, this beauty is your friend right? Aren’t you going to introduce her to me?”

This voice, this way of addressing someone, clearly was that vulgar teacher called Liu-something.

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