Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 106

Locked Up

The head of security that originally didn’t know what happened had just come back from a walk. Seeing a car driving out of the entrance so quickly, and a guard under his charge actually letting him go, he immediately became angry, directly scolding the security guard under his charge.

That security guard felt wronged, and quickly explained.

If he didn’t explain it wouldn’t have mattered, but after explaining the head of security became even more p.i.s.sed. “Did you see proof?!”


“If he was a f*cking fake, who would bear the responsibility? Not just taking away the bag, he even drove the car away!” Because of his own team, the Security Captain was in rarely seen silence – this kind of thing of a young thief pretending to be a cop wasn’t something that hadn’t happened before.


Xu Yun was fortunate that he slipped away quickly; he was afraid of coming across that type of person that asked for proof. He still didn’t know what the destination was, so he could only press on along the curve that the car had left by. Once he arrived at the intersection, without the slightest idea, Xu Yun could only rely on his own instincts to guess their direction.

Luckily Qin Wan’er’s speed of investigating was quite timely. Very quickly she found a monitoring video of the same route – after all Su XiaoRan was her friend, so she was naturally very worried.

“Based on the investigation, we confirmed that car entered a secluded villa area in the eastern outskirts with about thirty private villas. I have no way of confirming about that.” Qin Wan’er in a pressing voice said, “Immediately come to the station and pick me up. You and I go together, and we won’t need to worry about breaking the rules with speeding and getting photographed. I’ll give the police department an explanation of the situation.”

Xu Yun wasn’t vague, directly agreeing with Qin Wan’er. This time he wouldn’t be annoyed with her being a drag. Forcing his way into that kind of villa district wasn’t as good as bringing a police officer for a little more convenience.

At the very least they could go in and investigate in the open, and wouldn’t suffer from the condescending watch of the villa district’s property management or security guards. And also going to where Qin Wan’er’s location was at WenHui District’s police station wouldn’t need a detour.

With his foot tight onto the gas pedal, the little car known as ‘Cannon’ beautifully charged over. Anyways Qin Wan’er could use the in order to a.s.sist police in handling a case explanation to wash away the speeding violations – Xu Yun didn’t dawdle, if he got there a minute earlier, Su XiaoRan would be out of danger one minute earlier.

Five minutes later, Xu Yun arrived at WenHui District’s police station. Qin Wan’er was already at the entrance waiting. Seeing Xu Yun arrive, she quickly got in the car. Without waiting for her b.u.t.t to sit tight, Xu Yun already stomped on the gas pedal, fiercely charging out.

Qin Wan’er believed in Xu Yun’s driving skills, completely because of last time when he drove that Citroen to chase after the Benz. That he was able to use that kind of car and chase after a Benz, directly driving it until the cylinders burst, this guy was simply a professional race car driver.

Xu Yun flew on the road. Qin Wan’er was worried about disturbing him, so she didn’t ask him how he made such a determination.

Averaging a speed of 165 km/h(~100 mi/h) wasn’t something just anyone could do – Qin Wan’er was so nervous her heart was about to jump out.


After Liu TianYi took Su XiaoRan and took her home, he quickly tied her to a chair. He wasn’t eager to use his hands – pouring out a gla.s.s of whiskey he sat on top of the sofa, calmly waiting for Su XiaoRan’s awakening.

To conquer a woman while she was unconscious was absolutely incapable of satisfying Liu TianYi’s desires. If they were to discuss idols, he enjoyed Teacher Chen’s style of having girls come by themselves to visit and take photos, and despised Li something-Rui’s style of relying on drugs to knock them unconscious then grope.

Liu TianYi didn’t want to do the latter, so he was waiting, even though he had already essentially done the unmanly trash behavior of the latter type.

“……” After an hour of unconsciousness, Su XiaoRan finally regained consciousness. She weakly opened her eyes, blankly looking around. Inside she was wondering, “Where is this?”

Suddenly, behind her a voice carrying smiles gave Su XiaoRan a whole lot of fright. “XiaoRan, you’re awake? Don’t be scared, this is my home.”

Liu TianYi’s voice made Su XiaoRan’s spine give off a chill. Her mind quickly came up with the idea of escaping, but when she was about to struggle, her wrists felt a burst of binding pain. Only now she discovered that she had already been tied on top of a chair. From her feet to her hands, everything was bound solidly, without any way to struggle half a bit.

“Help-!!” When Su XiaoRan became aware of situation, her first reaction was to call for help. “Is there anyone! Help!”

Liu TianYi saw the struggling, panicking Su XiaoRan, and the smile on his face began to become angry. Su XiaoRan’s frightened cries made him feel like he was like Li XiaoRui – that kind of shameful feeling made him feel like the idol Teacher Chen was holding a camera and teasing him.

“Yell! Yell out as loud as you can! Even if you yell till you tear your throat, no one can come and save you!” Liu TianYi’s mutated thinking had already been forming step by step. “I’m telling you, here all of the rooms have very good sound-proofing. To say nothing of yelling, even if there were gunshots outside you wouldn’t hear a sound! And even if someone outside heard it, absolutely no one would meddle.”

Su XiaoRan nervously looked all around. In the dark lighting, she couldn’t see clearly just what there was around.

“This is a secret underground room in my house. Hehe, besides me, no one comes here!” Liu TianYi’s voice appeared extremely sinister. “XiaoRan, I’m very true-hearted to you. Why won’t you accept me?”

“Teacher Liu, don’t do this, this is against the law!” Su XiaoRan nervously said. Secret underground room – just thinking of these words was enough to make her shiver.

Liu TianYi coldly laughed. “Against the law? Then I have no choice, I love you too much. Me breaking the law is for love, and even more, no one knows about this place. Even if I lock you up here for a hundred years, no one would know!”

Su XiaoRan felt cold in her heart, locked up? These words incomparably pierced into her eardrums. She had seen news reports of a few mentally sick people that would lock people up for fun in other countries. She had only thought that those people were extremely pitiful – without freedom a person’s life was immeasurably horrible. She didn’t even dare to think.

And now Liu TianYi had actually said he wanted to lock her up!

“You don’t have to do this, Teacher Liu. Let me go!” Su XiaoRan began to struggle in spite of the intense constricting pain on her wrists.

Liu TianYi laughed darkly – a small laugh became bigger and bigger, and more and more shrill. “Hehehehe, hahaha!”

Su XiaoRan truly felt the feeling of fear, and she completely didn’t dare to believe everything that was happening right now. If she was truly locked up like this, to survive in a sky-less, sunless life, then she would simply rather die than live!

“I beg of you, I beg of you to not do this!” Su XiaoRan’s struggling became pleading.

Liu TianYi knew that his goals had been reached. To have a person give themselves up necessitated having them know what was called fear. Once a person’s fear had been boundlessly aroused, they would agree to any request.

“XiaoRan, I also don’t want this. If I imprison you, your family would definitely look for you everywhere, and I’ll feel unsettled. As long as I send every last one of them to the other world, my heart could finally feel at ease.” Liu TianYi walked in front of Su XiaoRan. With a slight smile and a light voice he said, “What do you think?”

As though Su XiaoRan felt five lightning strikes in her mind, instantly she saw darkness. No matter what, she hadn’t thought that Liu TianYi’s mind would mutate to this point, to actually threaten her family’s lives. “Don’t…..don’t…..I beg of you….I beg of you don’t do this…….”

After suffering an immense panic attack, Su XiaoRan’s mind began to become blank, her mouth muttering ‘don’t’ incessantly.

Liu TianYi coldly smiled, squatting in front of Su XiaoRan. “Of course, you can change all of this. XiaoRan, become my girlfriend. How could I lock up my girlfriend? How could I do anything against my girlfriend’s family members? What do you say?”

“Don’t…..I don’t…..don’t force me, I beg of you, let me go. Let my family go…..” In the end Su XiaoRan still didn’t relent.

Liu TianYi felt tightness in his chest. He didn’t understand just where he wasn’t good enough for her! Why would Su XiaoRan, time after time refuse him? Such that even forced into desperation, she would actually still reject him!

Want money? He has it! HeDong City has no one richer than his family!

Want looks? He has it! With looks from his mother, Liu TianYi was praised as handsome and elegant, and with many years of exercise at the gym, his body maintained an excellent physique.

“Just where am I not fit for you!” Liu TianYi nearly roared yelling.

Su XiaoRan quaked in fear and trembled, besides begging for mercy, she already didn’t know what little bit she could still say. “Please I beg you…… let me go……”

“Impossible! I want to lock you up for a lifetime! This lifetime you will forever live your entire life among the insides of this bas.e.m.e.nt, forever! You didn’t hear wrong!” Liu TianYi shouted, “Only if you agree to my request, otherwise I will never let you go! I also won’t let your family go!”

“Help——!!” Su XiaoRan was almost hysterical, but she could only sense that kind helplessness of her voice being completely absorbed by walls.

Liu TianYi frenzied and crazily said, “Scream! Scream! When you scream until you’re tired, I’ll let you know what it feels like to be locked up!”

Su XiaoRan’s almond eyes glared with fury, “I absolutely won’t let you prevail! Even if it means death, I won’t!”

She already mentally prepared well for the worst in her heart. If he made her give in, she would rather choose death.

“Hahaha, come, XiaoRan, drink a little water, otherwise you won’t have any strength.” Liu TianYi grabbed a bottle of mineral spring water and opened it, propping it on the side of Su XiaoRan’s mouth.

Su XiaoRan turned her head. By fasting without water, 3 to 5 days was sufficient to make people to die. If she couldn’t escape, then she would rather choose death.

Liu TianYi’s eyes shone a cold light, “You think that if you don’t eat and don’t drink, that you can just die? Heh, I’ll tell you, Su XiaoRan, since I’ve dared to kidnap you, I dare to lock up your family! You had best obediently do what you’re told, otherwise, tomorrow the people that run out of luck will be your most intimate people!”

“Don’t!” Su XiaoRan’s shout almost tore her heart out and split her lungs.

The corner of Liu TianYi’s mouth revealed a victorious smile, “Then obediently listen to me. Drink the water. Hehe, I don’t only like your person, I also like your type of voice like silver bells. You seem like your throat is hoa.r.s.e, I know it hurts. Quick, drink it, drink the water and I won’t start on your family.”

Su XiaoRan again couldn’t help but to have tears of humiliation. While drinking the spring water that Liu TianYi brought over, she incessantly flowed with tears.


The bas.e.m.e.nt’s iron gate suddenly opened by a powerful force of impact, directly falling down the steps and heavily smashing onto the ground.

Liu TianYi’s hand trembled, the entire bottle of water fell onto the ground, and his whole person lost his head out of fear looking towards the doorway. Instantly Su XiaoRan had a kind of feeling of seeing the light again – that kind of excitement and surge was indescribable.

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