Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 114

To Throw Oneself in a Net

Even though yesterday Su XiaoRan was beyond scared, but Qin Wan’er had done a little research into psychology – one night was enough to help her completely fix her frame of mind. Because GuoGuo’s backpack was still in her car, Su XiaoRan got up early in the morning and decided to still take GuoGuo to school.

So when Su XiaoRan and Qin Wan’er came early in the morning to the panacea restaurant, they were just in time for when the omelettes came out of the pan, the milk was warmed, and the group of people sat and had a beautiful American breakfast.

Qin Wan’er didn’t know how Xu Yun explained the situation to QingShuang-jie, so she shut her mouth and didn’t mention it. Ruan QingShuang wasn’t the gossipping type of person – as long as she saw that she was fine, she felt relieved. As for what happened yesterday, she felt there was no need to bring that scar up again.

Even though GuoGuo had moments where she’d talk without restraint, but there was no way she’d be at ease; yesterday she hadn’t done her homework. Even though she had special circ.u.mstances, but it may be hard to escape not doing the work of the teachers’ lessons.

“GuoGuo, yesterday there were special circ.u.mstances, so Teacher will help explain to other teachers why you didn’t do your homework.” Su XiaoRan seemed to notice GuoGuo’s nervous mood.

“Really?” GuoGuo paused – she sparkled her big eyes, thankfully wiping away tears. “Teacher Su is really the world’s best, best teacher. GuoGuo loves you. If I was a man, if it isn’t you, I wouldn’t marry!”

This little thing’s words caused the group of people to giggle.

In mentioning men, Qin Wan’er suddenly felt something was missing – indeed, where was this shop’s only man?

“QingShuang-jie, where’s Xu Yun?” Qin Wan’er looked all around. No wonder she felt that there was a lot of femininity while strangely not much masculinity.

“He’s upstairs resting.” Ruan QingShuang’s little mouth ate fried eggs, and with that she drank some warm milk.

Sleeping early in the morning? That really wasn’t his style. Qin Wan’er frowned, and felt it was a bit strange.

“Last night daddy was out all night.” GuoGuo was directly honest. “He was at a bar all night. In the morning when he came back his whole body had a strong smell of alcohol. I’m guessing last night he really went to go pick up girls.”

Ruan QingShuang glared at GuoGuo. “Children shouldn’t speak nonsense. Quickly drink all your milk and go to school.”

GuoGuo was unsatisfied. “Who spoke nonsense? I clearly saw a long hair on his shoulder.”

Xu Yun listening from his room upstairs was truly worried, directly breaking out into a cold sweat. He lowered his head and looked; GuoGuo was telling the truth. He was guessing it was when he and Fan Shuang’er were fighting that it was left there.

d.a.m.n! If because of this they decided that ge was picking up girls, then that would wrong ge big time.

Fortunately, just as GuoGuo drank the last mouthful of her milk and wanted to carefully explain, Qiu Yan picked her up and walked out. Su XiaoRan noticed and followed outside. Since she had come, of course she wanted to take GuoGuo and go to school together, just that she truly wasn’t used to the feeling of Qiu Yan in her car.

Even though Qin Wan’er didn’t sleep very well last night, but today there was the weekly meeting at the station, and she couldn’t be late. Rushing quickly, she also left.

Ruan QingShuang helplessly shook her head; these guys were truly getting busier and busier, even Xu Yun was so busy he spent the whole night out.

Maybe it was because GuoGuo played a role. Ruan QingShuang was still inexplicably curious – just what kind of friend did Xu Yun see yesterday? A woman? It seems that it was a very close friend, or else why would there be hair……

Forget about it, Ruan QingShuang used all her strength in shaking her head. She truly couldn’t understand what she was making random guesses about.

It was good that Liang Shan and Lu WenYi both came really early today. Very quickly they diverted Ruan QingShuang’s attention.

However, what made her even more surprised was that Shan JiaHao had actually come to the panacea restaurant before 9 am, just in time for the food market delivery person.

Shan JiaHao’s head was covered in sweat, putting the two wolfberries in his hands on the front desk, he also took out that one panacea restaurant’s menu. After saying his ‘Shuang-Jie good morning’, he directly went to carry groceries with Liang Shan.

Ruan QingShuang helplessly bitterly laughed, this little punk was too serious right? Did he really want to do what Xu Yun said?

Liang Shan couldn’t help but to say, “Kid, after just getting back from running so far, go drink some water and rest. I can do this by myself.”

“No need.” Shan JiaHao waved his hand. “Daddy doesn’t need your pity. This is Yun-ge training me, don’t you think about messing me up, I’ll definitely keep going.”

Liang Shan really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. This little b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a calf had a really tough mouth. “Alright alright, training you is good, then use all your might to do it. Originally this work was all yours.”

Shan JiaHao scoffed, “Then put it down. No need for you to touch.”

Ruan QingShuang saw the two of them battling with their words, and could only helplessly shake her head, these guys, ai.

“You think I want to?” Liang Shan put all the groceries from the car and directly threw them back. “Tch, daddy will be happily idle.”

The little bro that came to deliver the groceries was speechless – these two were fighting over nothing. “Big bros, I think you guys should use the time to take the groceries. I’m impatient to go back.”

The words made Ruan QingShuang embarra.s.sed, and just as she was about to speak up and have Liang Shang help unload, Liang Shan instead flatly refused. “What are you so urgent about? Daddy isn’t in a hurry, you on the other hand are quite fl.u.s.tered. Don’t understand that the customer is G.o.d? We’re G.o.ds!”

The little delivery guy was scared by this tanned guy, and didn’t dare to carelessly speak. Even though he didn’t say anything, but he directly got out of the car preparing to help them unload together.

Once Shan JiaHao saw this he was unhappy. “Don’t understand what people say right? I said I’ll do it myself! Go go go, don’t make trouble in front of me, go play.”

“h.e.l.l! Aren’t you ungrateful?” The little delivery guy was truly speechless and impatient – if it weren’t for them being customers, he would’ve already cursed their mothers.

Ruan QingShuang sighed, turned and went to go help Lu WenYi wipe the tables. She couldn’t be bothered and didn’t want to bother with it. Besides, Shan JiaHao’s brother had said that he was here to train him, and since he was willing to do so, then just let him do it.

Xu Yun watched from the second floor window and thought it was funny. Who knows how many days this punk could continue for? But the strength of his body was actually pretty good – the kid could be taught, and wasn’t a dead hunk of wood.


Liu Sheng got up early to have someone prepare breakfast, then shouted his hobbling son to get up, and the two of them personally went to go invite Crimson Scorpion.

But when they knocked on the door for half a day and didn’t get any kind of response from inside, such that they even awoke Jin Biao next door from the noise, he ran outside and asked, “What happened?”

“Dad, is my shifu not awake yet? How about we come back after a bit and call him again?” Liu TianYi’s body was indescribably heavy with what was called pain.

Liu Sheng frowned. He was a 1st-tier elite, it was impossible that Crimson Scorpion hadn’t heard the sound of knocking. Perhaps he wasn’t there?

But where could he go so early?”

Jin Biao was reading the trend of the mood. Seeing Liu Sheng’s face with a burst of red-blue like he couldn’t distinguish right from wrong, he couldn’t help but to say, “Old brother, how about we go inside and look? Couldn’t be that something happened right?”

“Bothering my shifu, you looking to die?” Liu TianYi glared at Jin Biao. He didn’t understand why his father hinted things, and directly scolded him. With his Liu family’s power, he completely didn’t need to be brotherly with Jin Biao.

Jin Biao had been scolded till his face went red, and in his heart he said, why didn’t this b.a.s.t.a.r.d get beaten to death by Xu Yun!

Liu Sheng let out a deep breath, then with a violent kick to the door, the door crashed open – inside was empty, without the slightest hint of a person’s aura.

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d…….” Liu Sheng cursed in a low voice. “He actually left without a word. Yesterday he was still saying this and that, now today he mysteriously disappeared…..hmph, and I was still thinking he was some kind of 1st-tier elite, plainly he’s just a coward, merely trash that doesn’t dare to move after being injured.”

Jin Biao completely didn’t understand what Liu Sheng was talking about. In his heart it could be considered a little more relaxing. At the very least that person leaving didn’t take his life with him.

Liu TianYi was rattled. “Dad! Where’s my shifu!? Wasn’t he preparing to get revenge for me?”

Liu Sheng snorted. “That ungrateful thing. I feel like me taking him wasn’t wrong, who would’ve thought that he would leave if he wanted to. Don’t count on him. Fortunately he helped you clear your meridians, so I didn’t save him for nothing.”

“Then what about my revenge?” Liu TianYi of course was unhappy.

“Father will personally help you get it.” Liu Sheng’s was roasting with anger and with really no place to vent, enraged he literally smashed his fist into the wall! The wall actually blasted into a concave crater, exposing the reinforced concrete inside.

Jin Biao’s two eyes widened as big as a bull’s b.a.l.l.s. If he was beaten to death, he wouldn’t have believed that Liu Sheng that was older than him was actually so fierce! His fist blasted through even the concrete in the wall! This was even better than a f*cking drill – earlier that spot was a load-bearing wall…..

“Jin Biao, do you know where that person is?” Liu Sheng’s brows p.r.i.c.ked up. “Take me there.”

Jin Biao’s head was endlessly surging – he suddenly realized that in this world one mountain was always higher than another. Before he thought that Xu Yun was unrivaled, but he hadn’t thought that Liu Sheng was a genuine elite. In one fist even a load-bearing wall had been punched through, no wonder he dared to be brotherly with an S-rank criminal. It seems that the person best hidden in HeDong City was him!

Indeed, Liu Sheng’s explosive strength of a 2nd-tier elite was quite terrifying.

After all that day Xu Yun and Qiu Yan didn’t use their true strength in front of Jin Biao. At the time they used the strength of a 3rd-tier elite at the most.

So in Jin Biao’s heart he was sure that Liu Sheng’s strength was absolutely higher than those two! In Jin Biao’s view, the chance had come for that developing power in the Southside that had completely flipped HeDong City. As long as it came to them, the remaining South City Tiger Trio was merely dog s.h.i.t!

Jin Biao was counting his chickens before they hatched with a rage. Now that the Northside’s Ma PingHai was already dead, the only person in HeDong City that was his peer was Wu Lei. But Wu Lei and Liu Sheng had no relations. If he took advantage of Liu Sheng’s relationship, and directly seized the two districts of HeDong City’s Southside, then Wu Lei could only lower his head.

By then all of HeDong City would still be his, Jin Biao’s!

If Liu Sheng refused to cooperate with him, Jin Biao decided to go to the police and tell them that he had done the crime of harboring criminals! Hmph, anyways his own nephew was someone from the police world, and waiting for when they began moving, he should be able go to the city’s police stations. By that time truly if he wanted things black, they would be black, and if he wanted them white, they would be white!

“I know where he is, I’ll take you to him!” After Jin Biao made his plan, he readily agreed. “Old brother, do you still need to bring other people?”

Liu Sheng scoffed. “No need. The two of us, father and son are enough.”

Jin Biao was secretly pleased, he knew bringing people was useless. Only with strength would a person say this. It seems like he was right to come, Liu Sheng indeed had strength. “Alright! Then let’s go over now!”

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