Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 31


After Qin Wan’er returned the squad back to the station, she no longer stayed her temper and she smacked the desk with her palm.  “No more inactivity!  Come with me right now to arrest w.a.n.g ShunXi!”

“Director Qin, don’t be impulsive. w.a.n.g ShunXi isn’t someone that we can just go capture.”

“Yeah, Deputy Director Qin, the situation really isn’t that simple.  I think we should better consider the long term perspective right?”

Qin Wan’er heard these words and she became even more furious.  “The Four Wolves Gang are running rampant right now and you guys are just going to endure it?  Hmph, alright, alright, you guys can endure it but I can’t!  If you won’t go, I’ll go by myself!”

The forceful lady cop wouldn’t go in hopelessly.  Once Qin Wan’er was angry, even ten head of cattle couldn’t hold her.  A group of officers all blocked her off.  Upon seeing the bad situation, Little Wu immediately got up and went upstairs looking for Superintendent Liu.

“Everyone get out of my way!”, Qin Wan’er angrily glared at the crowd.  “Do you guys think you are worthy of your officer t.i.tle?!”

Just then, Liu GuangMing pierced through the crowd of people and came in.  “Little Qin, who bothered you to have so much anger?”

Qin Wan’er paused for a moment from the question.  Anger was anger, but after all, Liu GuangMing was the superintendent here, so she couldn’t give him no face at all.  “Superintendent Liu, I want to know why we don’t go capture w.a.n.g ShunXi!  The Four Wolves Gang that he leads in our district is clearly notorious!  It hara.s.ses the soft and oppresses the good!  Why do we do nothing against them!”

Liu GuangMing solemnly and seriously heaved a long sigh.  “Little Qin, do you know what kind of person w.a.n.g ShunXi is?”

“Of course I know!” Qin Wan’er scoffed, “He’s an evil person!  He opened that casino and is a triad leader!”

“It’s not just that.” Liu GuangMing shook his head.  “Aside from w.a.n.g ShunXi being the head of the Four Wolves Gang, that’s only his private ident.i.ty.  In our district he is the most famous magnate who breeds Tibetan Mastiffs!  Our district’s development zone is that top Mastiff breeder’s training base!  He has a good reputation in the business community, he raises Mastiffs, breeds Mastiffs, and tames Mastiffs – these are all legitimate businesses!  We don’t have any evidence to catch him!”

Qin Wan’er’s temper was completely drowned by Liu GuangMing’s words.

“You say that he is the Four Wolves Gang’s leader, then where’s the evidence?” Liu GuangMing snorted, “You say that he opened a casino, where’s the evidence?!  We are police officers!  Not some lawless vigilantes!  When we do things we pay attention to evidence and not emotions!!”

“But the destruction of the panacea restaurant was done by them!  On this point I’ll use my employment to guarantee it!”  Even if Qin Wan’er gave face to Superintendent Liu, she wasn’t the type of person to keep her head down.

Liu GuangMing smacked the desk, “What I want isn’t your job!  What I want is evidence!  With evidence we can capture him!  No evidence and your employment is of no use!”

Qin Wan’ers fists suddenly clenched, “Alright, then I will go find evidence for you!”  She didn’t want to think that w.a.n.g ShunXi wouldn’t have any evidence. Inside the Mastiff breeding base there was definitely a hidden secret that he didn’t want people to know!  “If you won’t go, I’ll go alone!”


The panacea restaurant being smashed to bits like this of course had no way of doing business.  Xu Yun called up QiangZi, asking him if he had any friends that did renovations.  QiangZi contacted his two a.s.sistants Fu and Kang with Xiao Fei, looking for Xiao Fei’s uncle who did contractor work.  After an hour, the three of them hurried to the panacea restaurant.

Seeing the panacea restaurant like this, QiangZi could not restrain his surprise.  “Yun-ge, this….the Four Wolves Gang did this right?”

“Mmmh.” Xu Yun had no desire to waste any time on that subject, “Let’s first talk about the renovations.”

Xiao Fei smiled widely and introduced, “Yun-ge, this is my little uncle!  He’s got a construction team, and has done many renovations.  The workers live very well!  I talked it over with him, and now we’re all not strangers!”

“h.e.l.lo, my name is Pang Gang.” Xiao Fei’s uncle was big and tall, but he had a very kind face.

“Xu Yun.” Xu Yun also smiled widely and introduced himself.  “You’re Xiao Fei’s uncle, then I won’t say much more.  The design and construction we will trouble you with.  The money angle is good to discuss – as long as it’s functional that’s fine.”

Pang Gang patted his chest, “Friend, don’t worry, you’re Xiao Fei’s friend. I’ll definitely put all my effort and strength in it!  I don’t really care too much about the money, as long as there is enough for my worker brothers to have a living, it’s fine!”

Xu Yun saw that Pang Gang was a straightforward person, and directly settled it.  “When can you start?”

“At anytime.  This afternoon I’ll get people to come over and clean up!  I don’t need your payment for half a day’s work!” Pang Gang was indeed a very refreshing person.

Xu Yun also sincerely smiled, “Great!  Pang-ge, then whatever you guys want to eat, directly tell the lady boss until you’re full!”

Three people heard the sounds and ran on down.  Ruan QingShuang paused, “What’s this for?”

“Renovation.” Xu Yun shrugged his shoulders.  “If we don’t renovate how can we do business?”

Ruan QingShuang felt a surge of grat.i.tude – she didn’t expect that so quickly, Xu Yun would find someone.  “Then, how much will the renovation cost…”

“Mommy, you don’t have to worry about that!  Daddy definitely settled it!”  GuoGuo would definitely help her mom save money.  “Let’s quickly go back up and try out our bras!  Mommy wearing it will definitely be s.e.xy!”

Ruan QingShuang was made 囧 blushing by GuoGuo, holding her, she quickly went back upstairs.

Qiu Yan looked at Xu Yun, and then looked at the other three people.  Without saying anything, she turned and went upstairs.

QiangZi’s and Xiao Fei’s drool was almost leaking out, in their hearts they couldn’t help but feel some envy for Yun-ge’s good luck.  He even lived with two such beautiful women together…..

“Friend, I couldn’t tell that you had a kid so big already.” Pang Gang brightly laughed.

Xu Yun laughed hollowly, he couldn’t explain it clearly anyway and just let it go.  “Pang-ge, then I’ll leave the rest to you.”

“Sure!  Then I’ll call people right away to start working!” Pang Gang did things decisively like a strike of lightning and swiftly like the wind.  After several phone calls, in less than half an hour’s time, seven or eight workers already came and this group addressed Xu Yun as boss.

Xu Yun got two hundred Yuan and gave it to Xiao Fei, having him go to a nearby shop to buy YuXi smokes, and then splitting a portion for each of the workers.

“You guys have it tough. Xu Yun will first thank you, and when the shop is fixed, the money I’ll give you won’t be little.”

The group of workers didn’t politely hesitate, they took the smokes and doubled their good impression of Xu Yun!  On a normal day they would stop at seven or eight cigarettes of Mt. HongTa or Mt. Tai General.  They couldn’t bear to spend twenty Yuan for a box of YuXi on an ordinary day – one Yuan per cigarette.

Xu Yun got the remaining two packs of cigarettes and gave them to Pang Gang.  Pang Gang wasn’t overly polite and took them with a laugh.

GuoGuo was restless. Taking advantage of Ruan QingShuang doing ch.o.r.es and cleaning the room, she again ran down the stairs.  Qiu Yan followed behind her, afraid she might trip and fall.

“QiangZi.” Xu Yun called out QiangZi to his side.  “Where’s the Four Wolves Gang’s lair?”

He already had no more patience to play with the Four Wolves Gang.  They messed with the panacea restaurant, already completely angering Xu Yun.  Right now Xu Yun only thought of pulling out this cancer; only then could it completely resolve his inner fury.

QiangZi’s happy smiling face faded away instantly.  He cautiously asked, “Yun-ge….you……you’re not thinking of doing…….but, the Four Wolves Gang really isn’t good to provoke!”

“What my daddy wants to do, does that apply to you?” GuoGuo walked over with her small hands behind her back.  “Hmph, those rotten eggs ruined mama’s blood and sweat.  Daddy, you definitely have to take care of them real good!”

QiangZi dryly laughed helplessly, a kid was after all, still a kid.  She fundamentally didn’t understand just how ruthless and how sinister the Four Wolves Gang was.

“You only need to tell us where those people are.” Qiu Yan also spoke, her voice was devoid of emotion, frigid and icy.

She was very sure of what Xu Yun wanted to do, and since Xu Yun was her savior and she had no way to repay him, then she could only lend a helping hand in these types of matters.

QiangZi couldn’t help but keep huffing his Adam’s apple dissatisfied. Before Qiu Yan’s cold, beautiful arrogant temperament, he swallowed a mouthful of drool.  “w.a.n.g…..w.a.n.g ShunXi has a breeding kennel, specializing in training and domesticating Tibetan Mastiffs.  It’s just on the east side of the development zone…..”

“Raising Tibetan Mastiffs?” The corners of Xu Yun’s mouth rose into a sneer, coldly penetrating the bones!

“I’ll go with you.” Qiu Yan said indifferently.

Xu Yun was startled a bit, and then with a knowing smile he nodded his head, “Sure.”

At the moment, he already fundamentally understood Qiu Yan’s character.  She was the kind of person that no matter what was to be done for her benefactor she would certainly do it.  Otherwise, after Millenium Feng was cleaned out, she wouldn’t still be staying with the Feng Clan’s only child, GuoGuo.

GuoGuo heard this and her small fist clenched, “I wanna go too!”

“What are you going for!?” Xu Yun was speechless, “Unless your mommy agrees, or else I firmly won’t take you!”

GuoGuo angrily said, “If you don’t take me with you, then I’ll tell mommy that you tried to peek on her bathing!”

With this remark, the shocked Qiu Yan and QiangZi both jaw-dropped.  Qiu Yan sighed while stunned, and QiangZi was enviously jealous!

“What?” Xu Yun right away was dumbfounded.  “When did I peek on your mom showering!?”

But GuoGuo’s face looked like her evil plan succeeded, with her eyes streaking with crafty radiance.  “Kid’s don’t lie, hehe!  As long as daddy promises to take me, then from now on, GuoGuo can help you peek ooo.”

Qiu Yan rolled her eyes, and sighed a breath.  With GuoGuo’s behavior even she would never understand.

Xu Yun stroked his chin, pondering it over, “Really?”

“Of course!” GuoGuo proudly raised her eyebrows.  “How about it?”

“Deal!” What was there to think about for Xu Yun?  This little adopted child definitely wanted to be taken along.  If he offended her, she could do absolutely anything.

Qiu Yan also didn’t say anything.  GuoGuo had already resolved to go, she knew that whatever she said wouldn’t work.  Also, there was Xu Yun coming to protect her – most probably, nothing bad would happen to GuoGuo.  If she wanted to follow then she could follow.

Ruan QingShuang discovered Qiu Yan and GuoGuo weren’t there, and also went down the stairs.  Seeing several people at the entrance, she couldn’t help but wonder.  “What are you guys doing?”

“Qiu Yan and I are going to take GuoGuo out for a bit, we’ll come back soon.” Xu Yun knew Qiu Yan definitely wouldn’t lie, and he casually made up a reason.

GuoGuo played along, “Mmh, we’ll be right back. Mommy wait devotedly at home, you can’t play it fast and loose.”

“If you don’t know idioms then don’t randomly use them!” Ruan QingShuang really wanted to crack her head on the wall.  “Come back earlier. Qiu Yan, you must watch the two of them!”

Qiu Yan nodded and *mmhed*.  Perhaps with these two, she alone couldn’t watch both of them right?

Xu Yun quickly blocked a taxi on the street, and the three of them directly got into the car without leaving a shadow.  Ruan QingShuang didn’t know where they wanted to go, and so felt worried.

QiangZi wasn’t the same, he stared with wide eyes and swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva. The Tibetan Mastiff breeding kennels was a right and proper wolf den!   They would really just go like that?  Three people man!  And it was Yun-ge taking a woman and a small child!

Like this and they want to exterminate the Four Wolves Gang?!  It was just a fantasy, how was this and going to die any different?

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