Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 56


A white Lexus in WenHui District went to an upscale neighborhood called the Waterfront Courtyard, closely followed by a very domineering black Toyota Prado that also went inside.

Full of extravagance, Weng Qing stepped out of the car. With her eyes full of soft love, she looked at the back. From the black Prado came a pompously dressed, pampered little prince. His whole body was wearing clothes like an explosion – his hair permed into a perfect arrangement, he had earrings, bracelets, and a large necklace. If it could be worn his whole body was full of them, looking like some Visual Kei rocker wannabe.

“Mom, you really want to conquer HeDong City’s Southside?” Upon getting off the car, the dandy laughed and walked up front. Like an innocent girl, he leaned on Weng Qing’s side.

Weng Qing had a big smile – to her son at her side she said, “But of course, to have you command HeDong’s Southside has always been my plan. That way our power in HeDong City will increase to nearly 40%. I would like to see who would dare compete against us then.”

The playboy bitterly laughed. “Me? Mom, you aren’t looking for an excuse to force me out of the house right?”

Weng Qing stared at her son, and a bit like she was disappointed that iron didn’t become steel, she lightly said, “After Fan NanJie capsized in the southeastern district, no one has a strong influence. I originally thought the opportunity to expand our influence had come, but then I heard that a newcomer jumped out from nowhere. I was wondering who it was but who would have thought it was actually her.”

“Who?” The dandy raised his brow, his whole expression curious. From his pants pocket he pulled out a smoke, and leisurely lit it up.

Weng Qing looked at her son who didn’t care about much a bit unhappily. “Do you still remember when I wanted to get involved with the southeast region, I bought that property?”

“Mmmh, I remember.” The playboy nodded. His face showed a bit of nostalgia and unwillingness. “Last year, didn’t you rent out the property to someone? Hey hey mom, I went with you, of course I remember…..”

Weng Qing stared at her son again. “It seems like you remember that woman I rented the property to right?”

The playboy didn’t deny one bit, and without a sense of shame he recited a poem, “*Guan guan* cry the ospreys, on the island of the river; a beautiful and virtuous young lady pairs well with a gentleman. I really like her. Mom, if it wasn’t for you blocking me that one time….. I would’ve already……”

The blocking Weng Qing became furious, and the playboy no longer continued to talk.

“I’m telling you, right now that woman wants to become the leader of the southeast region.” Weng Qing coldly laughed, “Do you still dare to underestimate her?”

“What?” The playboy’s face changed, and hid away that frivolous expression from earlier. “You’re saying that woman wants to conquer HeDong’s Southside? Mom, did you make a mistake? Exactly that woman, with that weak-looking face?”

Weng Qing scoffed. “I also hoped that I made a mistake, but today I went over there. Her panacea restaurant was having a re-opening ceremony. Everyone with a bit of talent in HeDong’s Southside had all gone to congratulate her, including the South City Tiger Trio.”

The playboy heard this and then coldly laughed. “South City Tiger Trio….. hmph, seems to me like the South City Dog Trio.”

“Tomorrow I want you to recover the property for me.” Weng Qing lightly said, “Remember, from now on HeDong’s Southside is our territory. If tomorrow anyone dares to interfere, let them know Jin Biao has an even fiercer son called Jin WenWu!”

The playboy’s face showed a smile like the world was merely whimsical. “Mom, don’t say it so horribly. I still don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Today I’ll stay here. Get busy with your things, and tomorrow morning I’ll give you a call.” Weng Qing lightly said, then followed closely with a reminder. “At night get a good and honest rest, don’t follow your shifu blindly running amok the whole night.”

Jin WenWu smiled his eyes squinty. “I know mom.”

The huge body of the Prado pulled away, and Weng Qing turned around and went inside. This property was just like that other property, both were purchased by her two years ago. Two years before, she had had the intent to expand their influence into HeDong’s Southside.

However, to try to obstruct the regional boss with many years of foundation like w.a.n.g ShunXi, and to also try to obstruct the new and growing Fan NanJie’s tough style of handling things – thus the whole while Weng Qing didn’t have an opportunity. Originally she wanted to have Jin Biao secretly support Fan NanJie, wanting to have Fan NanJie become their own puppet – but who would’ve thought that the Westside’s Wu Lei and the Northside’s Ma PingHai were also secretly supporting Fan NanJie.

Originally Weng Qing had already given up the idea of swallowing up the southeastern district, but to think that now w.a.n.g ShunXi and Fan NanJie had both capsized in quick succession – she had thought that Su YanQing would stand up and stake her flag a.s.suming control over the southeast district, but she didn’t think that that woman would suddenly not even let out a peep.

Following in a week’s time, the name Ruan QingShuang had spread all throughout HeDong City. No matter what, Weng Qing couldn’t believe that that weak woman who rented her property last year would actually stand up to become the Big Sister of an army…..

With this being the case, then don’t blame her, Weng Qing, for not being affectionate. If she wanted to conquer HeDong City, she must first seize HeDong City’s southern WenHui and HongNan Districts!


That night Ruan QingShuang had practically not slept. Her brain was watching the scene between a crack of her door. She was most worried that GuoGuo had found out. What if this kid poked them in their weakness, and before a crowd of people revealed the situation? Then from then on she would be too ashamed to see people.

This night, Ruan QingShuang tossed and turned. In her heart she could only pray that tomorrow morning GuoGuo could forget everything that happened tonight.

With insomnia throughout the night, Ruan QingShuang finally got a bit of sleep at five in the morning. As a result, when she just went to sleep, she simply didn’t even know when GuoGuo got out of bed.

Fortunately, Ruan QingShuang hadn’t awakened, or else she would definitely want to commit suicide.

After GuoGuo got up and washed up, the first thing she did was run around looking for Xu Yun. “Daddy, I have something to say to you, but you have to give me a 100 Yuan as an information fee.”

“Uh, no problem.” Xu Yun fished out 100 Yuan and gave it to GuoGuo. He was indeed interested in this kid’s information.

GuoGuo triumphantly took the money, then looking around for a moment and seeing no one else around, to Xu Yun she said, “Daddy, last night after you showered and walked out naked, mommy saw everything. Mommy was so excited that she didn’t sleep the whole night.”


Xu Yun was in a trance for half the day, was this information truly worth 100 Yuan? However….. this was too horrible. He was so careful and still let someone see him?

“Don’t tell mommy. Yesterday she was sleep-talking threatening me to not randomly say it.” With some lingering fear GuoGuo patted her chest – with an expression like her life was full of hardships, “Earned an easy 100 Yuan…..”

‘Too easy for you right?’ These few words Xu Yun didn’t say outloud – he pulled GuoGuo over. “GuoGuo, I’ll give you another 100. From now on, don’t tell anyone else about this, how about it?”

GuoGuo shook her head especially happy. “Nope. Then I would lose. With this gossip news, I think Wan’er-jiejie and Qiu Yan-jiejie would definitely be willing to spend 100 Yuan to hear.”

What the fudge! Should I say you have good business sense, or say you were born with the kind of stuff to be paparazzi? Xu Yun wanted to just crack his head on the wall and screw it all.

Of course, there was no way Qiu Yan would be interested in this kind of gossip. After she got ready, she looked at the time, and came out from her room. Clearly and concisely to GuoGuo she said, “It’s time. Let’s go to school.”

“Qiu Yan-jiejie, I have something I want to tell you.” GuoGuo repeated the words she said to Xu Yun…..

“Not interested.” Qiu Yan rejected it instantly. Not that she wasn’t giving GuoGuo face, but that just now when she was in her room she heard it. Who told GuoGuo to say it without lowering her voice in the least?

The two headed off to school had just left the restaurant, when Qin Wan’er covering her belly ran out of the bathroom laughing. “Hahaha, Xu Yun, yesterday your offense had actually been seen by QingShuang-jie! Hahaha, I’d like to see how you act from now on.”

Xu Yun scoffed, and objected, “What would big granddaddy be afraid of if someone sees? What? Is that you didn’t see that you’re envious? If you wanna take a look just say it, ge is a very open person.”

“Go away!” Qin Wan’er directly threw the towel in her hand. “You had better think about how to defend against the landlady!”

Xu Yun dodged sideways. “Right, that landlady seemed really intense. Don’t you recognize her?”

“No I don’t.” Qin Wan’er shook her head. HeDong City’s Eastside was divided between the Calm Pavilion District’s police station and the Southern Bank District’s police jurisdiction. Qin Wan’er only knew HeDong City’s Eastside had a G.o.dfather named Jin Biao, but didn’t know that Weng Qing was Jin Biao’s wife.

Xu Yun shrugged, “Then I’m forced to resolve it myself.”

Qin Wan’er didn’t understand Xu Yun’s meaning, and was too lazy to care about what he was going to do. Because she didn’t know who Weng Qing was, she didn’t think about the situation leaning towards trouble.

Waiting until after Qin Wan’er had to go to work, the vegetable delivery came. Xu Yun was as busy as any ordinary day. Knowing that Ruan QingShuang hadn’t slept well, he didn’t intend to wake her. Perhaps for her this was best. If she was asleep then she didn’t need to be distressed about the problem of moving or not.

Actually Ruan QingShuang was already awake. Even if at night she hadn’t rested well, in the morning by eight she would awaken. She hadn’t left her room because she didn’t know how to face the situation – if they didn’t move, what would Aunt Weng do?

As early as last year when Ruan QingShuang rented the property, she knew that this woman Weng Qing wasn’t a simple person. At the time when she went to go see Weng Qing, Weng Qing had brought four people. Each one had tattoos of dragons and tigers, and at her side she also had a little playboy – the whole time he constantly ridiculed her.

At the time, Ruan QingShuang only knew Weng Qing was a woman from BeiJing – but because she simply liked the area, and the price was reasonable, she gritted her teeth and rented for two years. To think that before it was even a year, Weng Qing would actually want to take back her property.

Very quickly, the things that should come eventually do. Even though Ruan QingShuang had always prayed that Weng Qing would let her go, but she still heard a sound from downstairs.

Behind yesterday’s white Lexus were several types of cars, all of them parked in the open s.p.a.ces in front of the panacea restaurant. Weng Qing was still wearing that expensive outfit, only that at her side there was a whimsical youth. Behind him were dozens of tiger-like, big fierce guys.

Weng Qing walked into the newly renovated panacea restaurant with familiarity. Standing in front of the reception desk waiting for her was Xu Yun with a squinty smile.

“It seems that you didn’t prepare according to my desire for you to move out?”

Xu Yun nodded, and returned with a squinty smile to her. “Aunt, didn’t I say it yesterday? The contract hadn’t expired so we won’t move. If you like the property’s former appearance and style, then when it expires naturally we will change it back.”

“Hey hey, has anyone told you to not talk like that to my mom?” Jin WenWu with a face full of a whimsical smile disdainfully looked at Xu Yun and said, “To dare talk like that to my mom, you really will die very painfully…..”

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