Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 76


Xu Yun again took out that box of HongTa Mountain that he had just put in his pocket, and again took out half of a cigarette b.u.t.t and handed it before the taxi driver Feng Wei.

This time Feng Wei didn’t take the smoke, and the corner of his left eye clearly twitched. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Did you find the wrong person?”

Xu Yun put away the cigarettes. “Dude, I’m a straightforward person. I’m also hoping you’re a straightforward person. You should understand that I’m not a cop, so when I do things, I don’t have so many rules and principles.”


Feng Wei stared fiercely at this little young guy in front of him wearing beach shorts and flipflops, driving an Audi. “I said you got the wrong person! Don’t bother me again. Everyone in this building is our village’s people. If you don’t want to provoke trouble, then you had best leave early.”

“You definitely wouldn’t have the guts to say that to the cops.” Xu Yun squinted a smile. “I’ll ask you one question, after that wanted man at the airport hailed your taxi, just where did he go? Tell me and I’ll leave immediately, and rest a.s.sured as well that I guarantee that I won’t say it was you that told me.”

Feng Wei suddenly flew into a rage. “I f*cking told you I didn’t know any wanted criminal! I also haven’t gone to the airport to pick up customers! Get the f*ck out!”

Xu Yun completely didn’t have half a shred of intent to leave. “I know that you’re afraid that if you say it, you won’t be alive. Also, as long as you bite down on not acknowledging, then you wouldn’t have the charges of harboring a criminal, so no matter what you won’t speak.”

Feng Wei with surging rage looked at Xu Yun. “You’re sent by the police aren’t you? I said it many times that I don’t know! So stop bothering me over and over!”

“I already said I’m not a cop, so when I do things I don’t have so many rules and principles.” Xu Yun’s voice dropped, and directly with one leg like a whip carrying strong winds, thrust it over!

Feng Wei’s belly fiercely endured the kick, and his whole body nearly buckled kneeling on the ground!

Xu Yun with a look like a ruffian said, “If you don’t talk, then I’ll beat you till you talk.”

“I’ll fight you!” Feng Wei with a belly full of evil fire suddenly exploded, and his whole body directly shot up from the ground with a fist like a hammer directly headed towards Xu Yun.

Xu Yun only slightly slanted his body and flashed a fist over, followed with seizing the advantage with his knee, fiercely delivering it to Feng Wei’s belly! Feng Wei with a *wah* then dropped on the floor; the huge intestinal pain made it hard to bear. This unremarkable young guy with a seemingly weak physique actually contained such enormous explosive strength.

Feng Wei breathed with big gasps of air. Because that wanted criminal had hailed his taxi, he had already pa.s.sed the days without any peace. If it wasn’t the Northside G.o.dfather Ma PingHai coming to threaten him, it was the cops coming to investigate…..his ability to endure already was nearing its limit.

Xu Yun still stood where he was. “You still set on not talking?”

“……” Feng Wei bit down tight with his back teeth. He believed that as long as he held on, this affair would definitely pa.s.s over. As long as it boiled over, this affair could become like calm winds and still waters!

Xu Yun suddenly again attacked. His toe ruthlessly hooked Feng Wei’s chin and 150+ lbs of man in the prime of his life simply flew two meters into the air! Closely following that, a fist containing immense explosive strength boomed onto Feng Wei’s body, directly smashing him five meters away.

Always thinking his own body’s qualities weren’t too bad, Feng Wei already complete laid down without getting up.

Some idle neighbors with nothing to do saw this scene and were shocked one after another. After all this was a rural resettlement area – inside the rural homes were mainly women. Seeing this situation, not many dared to come out and speak. A few ardent people could only go to the village leadership to call someone.

Even though, in his heart, Xu Yun felt rather sorry for this taxi driver, but he also had no choice. He truly couldn’t think of another method. In order to make Feng Wei speak up, he could only use this one ruthless way.

When a person’s life has become endangered, if you want to draw out this thing from his mouth that could endanger his life, there is only one method. Let him know that if he doesn’t say it, he can only die even faster!

Even though this method was a bit brutal, but Xu Yun still persisted doing it like this because if he was to catch Crimson Scorpion a day earlier, everyone would be free of the threat one day earlier. These people also included this taxi driver who had his life endangered.

After all, Xu Yun suspected because Crimson Scorpion was worried that this taxi driver would tell others about his whereabouts, he would kill him to silence him. Him doing this was also for this taxi driver’s good.

He’s a man, he should be a bit resolute – since he made a decision then he should use all his might carry it out.

“If you thought it over then tell me.” Xu Yun neither quickly nor slowly walked to Feng Wei’s side, unhurriedly squatting his body down. “I already said it twice, I’m not a cop. When I do things there aren’t any regulations or rules. If you don’t tell me, I’ll kill you.”

His voice was calm and indifferent – without a bit of tone, but carried tremendous menace.

“I’ll kill you.” The words dug into Feng Wei’s ears, and his whole body’s trembling muscles had no way of hiding the fear in his heart.

Xu Yun continued, saying, “I have to find that person, because I have sh*t with him. If you tell me where he is, that’s helping me. I won’t treat people who help me badly. But if you don’t tell me, then that’s helping him. Whoever helps him, is my enemy. My enemies only have the path towards death.”

After he finished, Xu Yun used one finger and put it on the ground in front of Feng Wei. Suddenly using strength, with a *pu* he directly used his hand of flesh to penetrate the limestone ground, not one bit of didn’t penetrate it!

Simply horrifying – if it weren’t for the ma.s.sive pain in his entire body like he had been broken apart that let him know he wasn’t dreaming, he had no way of daring to believe that this world would have this kind of person’s existence!

Feng Wei’s voice spazzed twice, and his whole body’s psyche was already on the verge of collapse. Finally, in the end, he couldn’t resist the death threat that Xu Yun gave him.

“He……hailed a taxi, look……looking ……for Ma PingHai!”

Ma PingHai? Such a familiar name.

Xu Yun suddenly understood why Shan HongNing was looking for him today. He said Jin Biao wanted to set up a banquet and invite them for a meal, also mentioning both the G.o.dfather of the Westside Wu Lei and the G.o.dfather of the Northside Ma PingHai.

So it was like that……

“It was him! The one who beat him up was him!” Suddenly woman’s voice cried out sharply.

A whole crowd of men carrying all sorts of farm tools seething with killing aura ran from some far away place. Xu Yun was stunned. Oh sh*t! After all this was their land, it looked like if they didn’t beat him to death they wouldn’t give up.

Without much time to think, Xu Yun said a completely apologetic thank you to Feng Wei, then speedily jumped into that Audi A6 and quickly fled.

But the townsfolk definitely weren’t good to provoke, already someone took a hoe and smashed down. Xu Yun only heard a banging sound, and didn’t dare to stop the car. Speedily fleeing, he moved away from this dangerous community.

Going back on the road, Xu Yun called Shan HongNing.

“Yun-ge, what should we do about that matter? That messenger grandson is still waiting at my place for a response. Or should I refuse him?” Shan HongNing said, “Anyways we already broke into hostilities with Jin Biao, and have no need to give him face.”

Xu Yun lightly smiled, “No, agree with him. Just say that tonight Shuang-jie and I will definitely go.”

Xu Yun was making Shan HongNing confused till he couldn’t make heads or tails of it. “Mmh, I’ll tell them that. Only, Yun-ge….why do we have to give Jin Biao face?”

“It’s not for going to see him.” Xu Yun finished talking with those ambiguous words and hung up the phone.

Shan HongNing could only tell himself Yun-ge was unfathomable – of course he didn’t understand his meaning. Anyways Yun-ge saying that was exactly how he was going to do it. Yun-ge even dared to charge solo into Steep Mountain District and violently beat up Jin Biao; presumably that Jin Biao wouldn’t dare to have some kind of stupid idea!

A person that was just a few miles away from heaven would have such reasoning. Right now the Southside gangsters already weren’t the type like a soft persimmon in someone else’s mouth from years past. Right now Shan HongNing absolutely had the guts to challenge any gang, anytime, anywhere!

With Shuang-jie holding the fort, and with Yun-ge and Yan-jie, both great generals, even if the police station captured them, they still had Officer Qin to fish them out. This was a combination no foe could match.


After Xu Yun drove the car to the panacea restaurant, GuoGuo just got out of school. Seeing Xu Yun suavely get out of the car, GuoGuo had a face of scorn. “Daddy, were you driving to go pick up girls? QiangZi-gege said you’ve been gone for 2-3 hours.”

Xu Yun smiled mischievously, and threw the car keys to QiangZi. Squeezing GuoGuo’s little cheeks, “Without my good daughter’s order, of course I wouldn’t go to do that kind of exhausting and wasteful thing. Whoever you let me pick up, I’ll pick up.”

“I have you hooking up with mommy, and you still haven’t made any progress? I will also tolerate you hooking up with Wan’er-jiejie, also with no progress right? I even helped you hook up with Teacher Su. You haven’t made any movements.” GuoGuo had a face of disappointment. “Ai, truly disgracing your daughter. Then are you getting ready to hook up with Qiu Yan-jiejie?”


Qiu Yan shot a pellet on GuoGuo’s forehead.

“*Hiss!” GuoGuo hurt till her lip curled, looking at Qiu Yan’s stern expression, she didn’t dare again say whatever she wanted.

“Go do your homework.” Other than Ruan QingShuang, Qiu Yan was the second person here that could control GuoGuo.

GuoGuo stuck out her tongue, then honestly went upstairs to do homework.

QiangZi suddenly called out loudly, “Yun-ge! Where did you drive the car to?! This……this! How did this happen! Who smashed this back door?! Such a big dent! I…..aiyo, my…..my new car!”

Xu Yun only now thought of that dull banging noise when he was fleeing that little neighborhood. So it turns out someone grabbed something and smashed the car.

“Eh, about this…..” Xu Yun looked at the wronged QiangZi, and then laughed mischievously. “Don’t be so short tempered. Isn’t it just a small dent? If you aren’t looking for it you won’t see it, hahaha. Anyways while driving there wasn’t anything unusual, it’s a pretty good car. You profited big time.”

QiangZi’s mouth twitched and he pointed at that fist-sized dent. “This is called unnoticeable? Yan-jie, you judge it!”

Qiu Yan turned and glanced. With a cold grunt she said, “Unnoticeable.” With that she directly turned and went upstairs.

Xu Yun carefreely patted QiangZi’s shoulder. “Look look, the two of us couldn’t even notice it. This shows your eyes have a problem.”

“You guys bully people too much…..” QiangZi’s face blacklined.

Ruan QingShuang just then went downstairs. Xu Yun no longer concerned himself with QiangZi. “Tonight let’s close the business. Come with me to a dinner party.”

“Dinner party? Ruan QingShuang froze. “With who?”

“Uh, you don’t know them.” Xu Yun shrugged his shoulders, and then with a squinted smile, “Once you go you’ll know.”

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