When thesound of birdsongs had just entered into ears early in the morning, anear-splitting noise already came through from next door, continuously, XiaFen’s alarm and anxious shouting resounded completely through the air of XianYun manor.

“Adoptivemother! Adoptive…mother…”

Xia LingMei lifted her head in a daze, as if she still hadn’t woken up from her dream.She was too tired, feeling like all her bones had lumped together, placed intoa cooker to boil for a night.

A handcovered her ear, putting her head towards a chest, the person beside her softlysaid: “Sleep again for a bit, it’s still early.”

Xia LingMei responded in a daze, finally she couldn’t resist the tiredness, shecontinued sleeping.

From thebeginning she didn’t think, who the person next to her was, why they weresleeping on the same bed as her, to the extent that, she didn’t even think, whyshe was this tired. What did she actually do yesterday? What time did shesleep?

Shecouldn’t ponder over it, she also didn’t feel like pondering over it.

w.a.n.g YunFeng hugged the woman in his arm, waiting for that shouting outside to getfurther and further away before uncovering her ear. Seeing herextremely tired appearance, he unexpectedly felt very satisfied.

He was alsovery tired, but his mind nevertheless had never been this awake.

Pulling upthe embroidered quilt, he couldn’t help place his lower jaw on top of herhead rubbing against it for a little while, before he too fell asleep.

Bai Zi dida flip from the beam of the roof, Hei Zi on another beam couldn’t help but flypast, pulling the other person’s already half opened lapel close tidying up,teaching him: “Were you sleeping or fighting, your clothes are in suchdisorder.”

Bai Ziscratched his chest, smacking his lips: “I didn’t sleep the entire night,listening to the happily married couple tussle all night. I took a quick napfor a moment with great difficulty, and had a wet dream.”

Hei Zishook out his frowning eyebrows: “Your desires are unsated?”

Bai Ziimmediately felt wrong throwing himself into it: “Wife, husband thought of you,take a bite, `kiss`…”

“Get lost!”a palm went flying.

“Ai, takecare. Bai Zi you dare to knock over w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s medicine, I’ll carefullytear your skin apart” Ying Shi pa.s.sed by through the corridor, almost beingknocked over by the flying Xiao Bai, while dodging with one hand she gripped XiaoBai’s earlobe and started scolding him.

Hei Zi wasabove them: “Be quiet, the lady is still asleep.”

Ying Shimoved closer to the window listening carefully for a while, looking at thesteaming bowl of medicine in her hand, again looking at the incessantlystruggling Xiao Bai, calmly and collectively said: “This medicine has to betaken when hot, we can’t waste it.”

Hei Zisilently looked at her, she looked at Xiao Bai.

Ying Shistood on Xiao Bai’s stomach with one foot, Hei Zi pinched Xiao Bai’s nose withone hand, the other hand prying open his chin, a bowl of strong black, pipinghot, bitter and difficult to drink medicine, the whole thing was poured intoXiao Bai’s stomach.

In the end,Hei Zi closed his mouth, hinting at Ying Shi: “Lady likes silence.”

Ying Shiunderstood, putting pressure on her foot, Xiao Bai who still had not had thetime the cry out for help, his spirit was already wondering the corridor.

“AmitabhaBuddha, excellent, excellent.”

Hei Zi: “…”

Ying Shiclapped her hands together: “After waking up, young master Fen almost woke theentire manor up, he actually didn’t know the lady is sleeping next door, hereally is too stupid.”

Hei Zi:“The lady should have made him sleep by himself in another room ages ago. Itcouldn’t be helped at sea, but spoiling him like this after returning home willmean he definitely won’t grow up.”

Ying Shigave a side glance and laughed: “Whether young master Fen will return to theXia family is still not certain.”

“Young masterFen’s surname is Xia.”

“Yet hisfather’s surname is w.a.n.g.”

Hei Zicrossed both his hands across his chest: “Lord w.a.n.g is only the adoptivefather.”

Ying Shistill thought to dispute, pausing for a moment, before sighing: “The mattersbetween the masters, isn’t for us to discuss, everything will reign itself tofate.” Picking up the still unconscious Bai Zi, confident and at ease sheturned, walking away.

Xia LingMei’s maids and guards were truly worried for her. So many years of suffering,at long last has changed with the return of the prodigal son Lord w.a.n.g, whowasn’t happy for Xia Ling Mei, but apart from happiness there wasapprehensiveness.

Sevenyears, how many seven years does an ordinary person have?

In theseven years, even if Lord w.a.n.g had experienced tough times for a smooth sailingin his career, Xia Ling Mei was also tossed about by the wind and rain, livingon the edge. The three years they were married, they were together, they hadexperienced difficulty and distress also. But the seven years after, they wereapart. The difficulties after being apart, they did not get involved with eachother. In the seven years a lot of things happened, hiding so many choices andmisfortunes, later when the two’s feelings have eased, the truths concealed indarkness will gradually surface, at that time, can one sentence `I understandyour suffering` really resolve it?

The peopleof the Xia family were not stupid, what hasn’t the servants of the Xia familynot seen, what’s more they wouldn’t simply believe the saying ` A day togetheras husband and wife means endless devotion the rest of your life`.

True fate,then how can there be so many unhappy couples in this world.

Xia Fenfinally came back to the courtyard in his search, and saw the dazed Xia LingMei who had just gotten up from bed.

He climbedonto his mother’s body, moving her head looking left and right, as if he wasmaking sure his mother was intact. In the end, pointing at the pink mark on herneck, he asked: “What is that?”

Puzzled,Xia Ling Mei touched her neck, using her eyes to ask w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

w.a.n.g YunFeng just at that moment was calmly drinking his medicine, hearing the questionhe rushed over to look at the mark on Xia Ling Mei’s neck. He knew, there werea lot of this sort of mark all over Xia Ling Mei’s body.

“A mosquitobite.”

Xia Fenhurriedly pushed his collar aside, extending his fair neck for Xia Ling Mei tosee: “Adoptive mother quickly been I been bitten by a mosquito?”

Xia LingMei who had cleared her head turned red, powerlessly she stared at w.a.n.g Yun 

Feng, helping her own son to fix his clothes: “Yes, in a while mother willbring you medicine to apply.”

Thenumerous maids and guards inside and outside the house could not help but rolltheir eyes, such martial harmony, they don’t even need to communicate to lie.Teasing your own son, is it interesting!

What apity, regardless if it’s w.a.n.g Yun Feng or Xia Ling Mei they had an incomparablehonest expression, noiselessly stating: it really is a mosquito bite, which oneof you would say it’s not?

Ying Shiturned her head, Xiu Yu pursed her lips; Hei Zi was polishing his sword on theroof, oh my, it’s so sunny.

Where wasXiao Bai?

He wasdead!

Xia Fen wasnot very fond of mosquitos, in a blink of an eye he was hugging Xia Ling Meiasking: “Adoptive mother why didn’t you sleep with Fen Er last night?”

Xia LingMei turned red, again shooting a glance at w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

The otherperson could already no longer stand Xia Fen’s spoiled childish actions, hegrabbed Xia Fen’s collar ready to pull him off: “How old are you already, notsitting properly, standing without posture. Stand up!”

Xia Fenoriginally acted up for w.a.n.g Yun Feng, when did he agree to listen to the otherperson, without wavering he clung onto Xia Ling Mei’s neck, firmly saying: “Whatright do you have to control me, I don’t know you.” Aggravating thesituation even more, “Adoptive mother, he’s bullying me, beat him up for me.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng sarcastically smiled: “You really don’t know me?”

“I don’tknow you.”

Before XiaLing Mei had the time to convince him, w.a.n.g Yun Feng suddenly curled his arms aroundXia Fen’s waist, carrying the small wild leopard under his armpit, with a fewsteps he was in the courtyard.

The sunabove his head was taking its time crawling towards the direction of midday, eventhough it still wasn’t too warm, if you stayed under it for too long it wouldcause people to feel dizzy.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was vicious. Before he was an upright person of n.o.ble character gentlelike jade, after becoming imperial censor he became a person who perverted thelaw by playing with legal phraseology with wile and mischief, the people of theimperial court didn’t dare to lightly offend him.

Xia Fenwith a child’s temperament, had completely forgotten aboutfalling into w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s small scheme yesterday after a day, right now being carriedunder his armpit he couldn’t help screaming out loudly, as if he was beingtaken to the guillotine by the other person. Until, he was standing under thesun for a long time, his pressure points had been hit, his clothes were alsotorn off, the small elephant nose between his legs swayed with grandiose underthe gaze of the older sister maids, he was resentful, he was spiteful, he…hewas made mute by his pressure point being hit.

w.a.n.g YunFeng made people bring a table, a low stool, the essentials of calligraphy andscholarship placed in succession. Juan Shu swiftly grinded the ink stone, w.a.n.gYun Feng on a sheet of spotlessly white paper wrote in large, w.a.n.g Yun Feng,three characters, afterwards he placed the writing brush into the claws of XiaFen who could only move his arms, callously saying: “As my son, if you don’tknow then you’ll learn, this is my name, write it following this, continuewriting until you know me.”

Xia Fenopened his mouth, he couldn’t speak.

The sun washeating up, his body was very cold, the wind blew his little elephant, therewas only one word ---- crisp!

Xia LingMei finished washing her face and rinsed her mouth and only saw Xia Fen in themiddle of the courtyard time and time again throwing the writing brush away,Juan Shu at the start picked it up twice, the third time he paid no heed. Hewaved a palm-leaf fan behind his head, once in a while he walked pa.s.sed Xia Fencarrying light refreshments permeating the whole place with its aroma, again hewould be carrying past his eyesight a bright washed seasonal fruit, anothermoment, a monotone celadon plate packed with all kinds of cold food, smell,looked and tasted great slid under Xia Fen’s nose. Finally, Juan Shu holding achicken b.u.t.t as he chewed on it he also laughed at his expense completing twolaps around the table, before walking away.

“Thisunruly nature of his going to Bai Lu academy would be a disadvantage to him,taking advantage that he was still here I will firstly guide him a bit, tamehim first then send him to the academy to study, in order to avoid him ruiningthe reputation of mine and yours two family’s reputation.”

Xia LingMei endured the distress: “If he isn’t willing to write at all?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng smiled: “If he really doesn’t want to write then good. The sun will beblazing at noon, there’s a scorching sun in the afternoon, in the evening thereare mosquitos, there’s cold wind in the middle of the night, cold dew in theearly morning, the day he doesn’t know me, he will spend that day outside; forthe time he can’t write my name, then he will starve for that time; if hedoesn’t listen for a moment, I will make him understand, in this world noteveryone will spoil him, pamper him, indulge him.”

Truly aheartless daddy, there was also a group of servants helping the evildoer.

Tearsglistened in Xia Fen’s eyes, mother…

Xia Fen wasstubborn, he had firm willpower, furthermore the determination to resistagainst the enemy, also a tenacious ability to resist.

All hisvirtues were being used to resist w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s dictatorship, overbearing andcold-blooded heartlessness.

The maidswalked past, looking at that small baby with his chest puffed out standing onthe low stool, hand stained with ink, forehead covered in sweat, behind his twonaked round bottom were shiny basking in the scorching sun, also that shiveringsmall elephant nose from the wind, the maids bashfully, timidly, covered theirmouths laughing secretly as they pa.s.sed.

His bottomwas very hot, his little elephant was a little cold, standing there for justover two hours, his stomach which hadn’t had breakfast was also so hungry itwas growling.

Hescratched his empty chubby claws, glancing at Juan Shu in the corridor enjoyingthe cool air eating lychee, remaining silent, Bai Yan had finished practicing,pa.s.sing by the courtyard, he stared at him for quite a while, kindly picking upthe writing brush and placing it in his hand, this time, Xia Fen did not throwit away.

Not knowingwhere Ying Shi appeared from, she added water to the ink stone, grinding it,then feeding him a cup of tea, looking at the slightly dizzy Xia Fen from thesun, gritting his teeth, with deeply ingrained long-standing resentment hebegan to copy the three large characters, with every stroke a drop of sweatflowed.

Xia LingMei stood in a hidden place, she almost broke off all her fingernails.       


T/N: These servants are the most entertaining thing in this book topped with XF"s punishment hahaha

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