Xia Fen compliedwith respect to the stronger person, this little bit of discipline by w.a.n.g YunFeng could not tame him.

Although hewas holding the writing brush, he didn’t actually write a single character, hedirectly drew over w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s name into a hiding turtle, moreover makingthe last stroke of the `Feng` character into a thick and long tail. Extendingit continuously filling the entire writing paper.

Xia LingMei looked over through the window several times, only seeing his writing brushmoving, as if he was diligently studying

w.a.n.g YunFeng lifted his head while he was working through his numerous affairs, seeingXia Ling Mei’s distressed expression in the corner. Sighing, he couldn’t helpdiverge her mind asking: “Call your messenger over, help me deliver a letter tofather-in-law.”

Xia LingMei slanted her head, her temper rising on behalf of her son: “It’s not likeyou don’t have your own, my Fei Dao cannot be used by just anyone.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng had a rather deep meaningful smile: “But I’m not an outsider.”

Xia LingMei was stumped for word, in her mind the pa.s.sion last night involuntarilyappeared. Her eyes completely narrowed, cheeks filled with love, she turned herhead again to see w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s gentle smiling expression, distracted.

He hasn’t smiledwith such carefree in such a long time.

In hermemory, all his tenderness was given to Xia Ling Mei when she was younger,indifferently alienating her Xia Ling Mei; after they married, in the end allhis love was given to Xia Ling Wo, hate buried at w.a.n.g Residence where she waswithdrawn; after she had gotten her divorce paper, the him that she saw again, allhis happiness was frozen under his unmoving tranquil mask, only when he hopedto see her would there be eagerness and devotion.

She hasalso accidentally seen his appearance when he faces outsiders, unfeeling,intense, extreme, as if he was a cold blade being unsheathed, every word couldinjure someone.

Right now,his gentleness once again appeared in front of her, yet made her feel she hadalready experienced a lot in life.

Xia LingMei felt somewhat indescribably sad.

Not knowingwhen w.a.n.g Yun Feng had already pulled her into his arms, stroking her hair: “Idon’t like seeing your anxious expression, my Ling Mei should behaveunscrupulously, the temper in this world which solely holds supremacy over me.”

Xia LingMei pushed him several times but he wouldn’t move, she coldly snorted: “Youdon’t even consider my age, do you think we’re still young and frivolous, thatwe can randomly squander our own family’s power, not hiding our own truedesires.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng pushed aside her messed up hair, softly saying: “We really are no longeryoung people at a loss and ignorant, even you know how to think of your owndesires, let alone other people.”

Xia LingMei stared at him: “Did you suffer hardship these past years?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng deliberately made her feel guilty, he firmly nodded: “A lot of hardship.”

Xia LingMei exhaled slowly, suddenly she pushed his arms away, proudly raising herhead: “Serve you right, you bought it on yourself.”

Thisarrogant and as it should be by rights manner made w.a.n.g Yun Feng happy to thebottom of his heart, making fun of her: “Placing my suffering above yourhappiness, it’s too insincere.”

Xia LingMei clenched her teeth: “You volunteered, you can’t blame me. Stop sheddingcrocodile tears pretending to be a gentleman in front of me, be worried that Iwill tear apart that dignified skin of yours, let everyone see just howhard-hearted you are.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng pacifyingly patted her back: “Your worthy to be called mother and son,both have an unruliness difficult to tame. I’ve made a mistake, wife forgivethis husband, how about it?” His mouth was saying such words begging for mercy,his expression was unperturbed and calm, where was he admitting his wrong? Ifothers saw it, they would only think he was only patiently coaxing aninsensible Xia Ling Mei.

Xia LingMei looked at him, pondering over the fact she was just intending to stick upfor her son, how could she in a moment be swayed by his smiling expression,then feel regretful? Feeling regretful was normal, reflecting on her pastignorance was also normal, complaining about his manner towards her in the pastwas also normal, he told her he regret it, he truly apologises, but how werehis words odd? Clearly he was the one who suffered, but nevertheless she wasfeeling sorry; obviously he was the one who had taken every step back, howeverit appears she was the one who was overbearing; undoubtedly it was his fault,instead in the end it felt like she was incorrigibly obstinate and cold.

Knowing andfeeling later, Xia Ling Mei only then discovered, she had been played seeminglyby some sort of crafty person. A burst of green and a burst of white on herface she was so angry she couldn’t speak a word for a while.

Unwittingly,her mood was already completely in his control, twisting it around, unable tothrow him off.

Thirdranked senior imperial censor, expectedly was an expert at fiddling withpeople’s hearts. Looking at it in this way, in the past he really was lenienttowards Xia Ling Mei. If on the first day they had met again he had used atenth of today’s method, Xia Ling Mei would have long ago become a thing withinhis pocket, unable to runaway unable to escape.

Perhaps,even if she was sold off she would still help him count the money? Xia Ling Meiangrily thought about it.

The twopeople tormenting each other, Xia Ling Mei again flying into rage out ofhumiliation nevertheless called the bird over.

Xia LingMei knew the meaning behind w.a.n.g Yun Feng wanting to definitely use this birdto deliver the letter, he needed to tell Xia Ling Mei’s daddy, tell the Xiafamily, Xia Ling Mei has once more returned to his side. Her pet, his letter,were fairly convincing, and also inadvertently remind Xia Ling Mei: you are amember of the w.a.n.g family, you can no longer run off.

w.a.n.g YunFeng saw Xia Ling Mei was no longer staring at Xia Fen, he was a bit lessworried.

He alsounderstood the importance of Xia Fen in Xia Ling Mei’s heart, he himself hadmixed feelings at first when he found out he had a son. There was joy, with a sonthe family relationship could no longer break apart again; there was worry, hisson was considerably naughty and mischievous, if he was sent to Beiding Citylike this, not talking about bringing honour to the family, other than relyingon the two family’s power to stir up trouble, it would bad for him to dosomething wrong. Beiding City is located under the emperor’s eyes, any trivialmatter could implicate a dispute between the influential families and theimperial court, becoming information that can be used against them by otherpeople.

w.a.n.g YunFeng only had one son, if Xia Fen really did do something wrong, no matter whathe would not ask the Xia family to step in, he could only rely on his ownstrength to hold up the sky above his son’s head.

Before hewas by himself, even if he had moved Xia Ling Mei’s heart, thinking deeplyabout the past of them two the love, regret, pa.s.sion and hate, how muchconfidence did he actually lack. The numerous times his plans were frustratedhe had turned a stream filled with pa.s.sion into a cold murmuring stream, apartfrom abandoning himself to despair his temper increasingly worsened, anyway noone cared for him, sincerely protect him with love, it would be better for himto use all his boldness to work on behalf of the dynasty, help the emperor withhis worries and difficulties, so his mortal life would not be in vain.

Many atimes when he was confronted with a.s.sa.s.sination, he was somewhat faintlypleased, in death, he would be completely free. He truly could not stand theemptiness of that full residence, as well as the shadowing loneliness. It hadto happen, when the blade was coming down, in his mind that only night brushedby, Xia Ling Mei’s face of painful struggle and weeping. He still hadn’t gottenher forgiveness, he still wanted to see her once again, he… didn’t want to seeher tears again.

If hereally did die, would she cry? Maybe she would be like how she was long ago,avoiding outsiders, withdrawing by herself under the great ancient tree, unableto cry.

This XiaLing Mei, he couldn’t let her go.

“Xia Fen, whomade you like this?” A sickened shout, disturbed everyone inside and outsidethe house.

When w.a.n.gYun Feng raised his head from the new report from his subordinates, he saw afl.u.s.tered and exasperated Zhuang Sheng in the middle of the courtyard rushinginto the corridor with Xia Fen in his arms.

Xia Fensunburnt chubby bottom looked like two round steamed roll rocking twice, heextended both hands tightly holding Zhuang Sheng’s neck, his ink covered clawsmaking the other person’s collar jet-black. Breathing out a heavy sigh out ofhis nose, Zhuang Sheng upon seeing this quickly undid his acupuncture point.

Xia Fencried out loudly: “Brother Zhuang…Sheng, someone’s bullying me. He won’t let meeat, forcing me to write the scoundrel’s name, and torn my clothes, allowingants to bite the soles of my feet. I’m so hungry, my stomach has shrivelled,listen to it, isn’t it still rumbling and grumbling? The scoundrel’s name islong and ugly, he even said if I can’t write it I can’t rest. Don’t worry, Iturned the scoundrel’s name into a b.a.s.t.a.r.d turtle, I added to his name and itbecame a turtle, I drew a lot of turtles…”

Everyone’sforeheads burst out in cold sweat, the Xia family and w.a.n.g family’s guardscould not help glancing at w.a.n.g Yun Feng. Really wanting to remind Xia Fen, ifyour father is a huge turtle, then you’re a small turtle, idiot.

Xia Fenwiggled twice in Zhuang Sheng’s arms, Zhuang Sheng forced himself to stifle hislaughter and tears asking him: “What else?”

Xia Fensecretly glanced at Ying Shi and Xiu Yu by the door, face bright red, his handssuddenly covering the two red beans on his own chest, rudely saying: “Lecher,don’t peep at me.”

The twomaids were stared blankly, from his infant chubby cheeks sweeping to his sunbasked like honey peach chest, suddenly realising, they covered their mouthslaughing heartily: “Young master Fen’s own naked body doesn’t know how to beembarra.s.sed, instead calling us perverted women.”

Ying Shialso deliberately said: “Just now, all of us has seen your entire body from topto bottom, front and back.” Inadvertently shooting a glance below the youngmaster’s waist, ignoring it: “A small child, it’s nothing special.”

Xia Fenloudly screamed, one hand covering his chest, one hand going to cover his smallelephant nose, covering his top half he couldn’t cover his bottom half,covering his bottom half, again his top half was exposed. Originally he didn’tunderstand these things, on the warships apart from his mother was soldiers andhis general grandfather, everyone went into the sea a lot of times, themajority of them bared their chests and showed their backs, only where Xia LingMei appears do they drape on an outer garment, those people said, this iscalled the difference between men and women. Also he had never seen hismother’s body, he only vaguely knew mother’s chest was warmer than theofficers, and was softer than the soldiers, he didn’t know what was actuallydifferent. And just now outside, he discovered the maids would secretly look athim, some took a quick look, he would feel numb from top to bottom unable tomake head or tail of it. Some people when they walked past behind him, he wouldfeel his naked b.u.t.t somewhat itchy. That’s when he thought of what happened onthe ships, many times when mother wasn’t there, he went swimming with thesoldiers, numerous times he would compare his small elephant nose between histhighs with everyone’s, afterwards, without a doubt, his was the smallest.Everything of his was smaller than everyone’s, especially his small elephantnose was the smallest amongst everyone’s.

He wasmocked by everyone!

Aftercoming onsh.o.r.e, Kong Xian also reminded him many times, the principle ofhara.s.sment and the difference between men and women, he didn’t understand ittoo well. However after experiencing today, he vaguely felt, uncomfortable allover being looked at by the maids, he didn’t want everyone to say he was`small`.

As aresult, he was embarra.s.sed, distressed, angrily covering his own small chestand small elephant. Oh, even if he’s beaten to death he wouldn’t tell them,just now outside, ants had crawled over his small elephant nose, boo hoo, henearly wet himself.

Seeing theusual fierce young master’s chaste movements guarding himself with his life,everyone restrained themselves again restrains, finally they burst outlaughing.

Xia LingMei glanced at w.a.n.g Yun Feng once, afraid he would once more send their son outinto the sun, hurrying over with her arms stretched out: “Come, mother willtake you to put on clothes.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng moved, finally seeing his son in the embrace of Xia Ling Mei, behind XiaLing Mei’s back he bared his teeth and claws at him pulling a face. Expressionslightly warm, thinking to himself that he would deal with him once moreshortly.

Unexpectedly,Zhuang Sheng blocked the mother and son’s path, staring at Xia Ling Mei,profoundly saying: “A few days before, what you said before about repayment,does it still hold?”


ZhuangSheng took a deep breath, saying one word by one word: “I want you to marryme.”


T/N: Dun dun dun a cliffhanger...now you have to wait for a week...or do you? Another chapter is up after I worked my slothy b.u.t.t of translating two chapters this week, why? Because I know you guys read through this quickly (and obviously not because I"m going on holiday) hahaha enjoy the turtles!

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