Many times,clever people always thought everything would be under their control. w.a.n.g YunFeng’s grasp on Xia Ling Mei’s temperament if not completely, it was almostcompletely.

On his wayhome he fervently thought of many scenarios of when the two people met again.

Xia LingMei was a person of resolute, once she’s made a decision whatever the mattershe would rush head first in it regardless of the consequences, not scared ifshe hits her head and blood gushes. Therefore, he only needed to swindle herinto the w.a.n.g family, he simply didn’t have to worry about her leaving. Also,the matter with Zhuang Sheng had happened nearly three months ago, w.a.n.g YunFeng was completely aware that at Xia Ling Mei’s most painful, most hesitant,most confused time, he decided not to persuade her to forget about ZhuangSheng, rather allow the two people to be apart for some time, make hercompletely and without worry miss Zhuang Sheng, at the same time appreciatew.a.n.g Yun Feng’s consideration and indulgence.

Xia Ling Mei wasn’t a rag doll, whatever harmgiven from another person were not significant, she only needed w.a.n.g Yun Fengto unconditionally love her, believe her.

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s clear love and indulgence avoided a quarrel between the two of themarising from Zhuang Sheng’s death. They separated, each calmed, afterwardsagain lifting their heads to look at the person beside them, then slowly cleartheir minds coming back to reciprocate everything the other person has given.

w.a.n.g YunFeng thought, Xia Ling Mei must also be looking forward to the two of themmeeting again.

There wassomething, a little bit needing to taste to know, can’t help but say, even ifon the surface w.a.n.g Yun Feng was a man of honour, in fact beneath the surfacehe was still a little chick who has found his first wife. He wished to returnto his nest immediately, tightly embrace that wife who belonged to him,exchange every kind of longing during their time of separation, then an endlessspring night.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was yet thirty years old, every aspect of his vitality was fairlyexuberant, this made him somewhat even more restless. On the way home, he waspractically impatient, in the end he couldn’t bear it abandoning numerousofficial duties, taking great pains to ask constantly where are we? And howlong until we reach Beiding City? Has any news of the mistress arrived?

Bai Yan wasvery suspicious: “What’s wrong with the master lately? He seems very irritated”

Juan Shubiting on a rice straw, half dead on the horseback: “How can he not be irritated.The prime age of his life with a strong body and mind, supressing his desiresfor several months, any man would not be able to stand it.”

Bai Yankicked him with his feet: “Can you not be a bit more civilised?”

“Fine, themaster is yearning for love.” With a bang, Juan Shu had already been kicked offthe horse.

When theywere soon arriving at Beiding City, there was only five days until Augustfifteen. It was very busy outside the city, everywhere were people living farfrom home and travelling merchants full of joy hurrying to return home for areunion.

w.a.n.g YunFeng had only told Xia Ling Mei he would arrive home around August twelve, hepractically hastened on his journey unrelentingly night and day, in the end hewas two days earlier than predicted, and without additional notice, he wantedto give Xia Ling Mei a surprise. When a pedestrian with grandiose ran to themain entrance of the w.a.n.g residence, the old housekeeper smiled widely, whileshouting for someone to open the main doors, he incessantly said: “Finally he’sreturned home.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng was barely calm as he swept his eyes over all the several hundred servantsonce, simply not catching sight of a certain person, he couldn’t help benervous, quietly asking the old housekeeper: “Where’s the mistress?”

The oldhousekeeper beamed: “The mistress has entered the palace, the first wife ofthird rank and above officials from the empress’s uncle’s residence alsoentered the palace at the same time, supposedly to celebrate the festival inadvance.”

Augustfifteen the whole family reunited, the empress is the imperial daughter-in-law,naturally she could only celebrate it in the palace, therefore her own familycould only celebrate in advance. Not just the empress, from the beginning ofAugust, the wife and children of the imperial concubines’ family had already insuccession pa.s.sed their names to the empress, asking for an audience with theEmperor. The emperor hadn’t been well these past years, there weren’t manyconcubines, the imperial concubines with sons because of the empress’ solepampering, they were fairly content these past years. Looking from the outside,the previous dynasty and the imperial concubines chamber were all at peace, atranquil environment. But w.a.n.g Yun Feng knew, with his return, when he handover the accounts book in his hand, that peaceful appearance will be broken.

After XiaLing Mei returned to the w.a.n.g residence she had made people spread the newsthat Madam w.a.n.g’s health had completely recovered, she also gradually appearedin the rear courts of the influential families, officials and chancellors,slowly rebuilding relations with numerous ladies and young ladies. w.a.n.g YunFeng was no longer the clan leader, Xia Ling Mei not appearing in the rearcourts of the influential families for the past seven years amongst thepowerful, right at the beginning it aroused a lot of guessing and probing, evenmore teasing and slandering.

In totalthere were twelve branches of the w.a.n.g family, there were six in Beding City, becauseof all sorts of reasons they more or less have a misunderstanding with the mainbranch. w.a.n.g Yun Feng hadn’t returned, the majority of the issues with the mainbranch fell on Xia Ling Mei. Before, Xia Ling Mei’s temper was shrewish andirritable, not giving much respect to people. Vanishing without a trace for thepast seven years, there were plenty of people from the other branches of thew.a.n.g family pushing w.a.n.g Yun Feng to take up a concubine, there were evenpeople who guessed Xia Ling Mei was jealous, the few somewhat good-lookingbeauties were destroyed by her temperamental hands. There were also marriedwomen who crawl high, step low without vision rejoicing in other people’smisfortune to say Xia Ling Mei was unable to give an heir for Lord w.a.n.g, whyshe wasn’t completely divorced was because the w.a.n.g family feared the Xiafamily’s power.

Herreappearance, although she was arrogant and shrewish as before, but after allw.a.n.g Yun Feng was no longer the w.a.n.g clan leader, and her temper after so manyyears have settled, unlikely to lightly offend someone, wane and wax, the Ladyw.a.n.g after seven years was instead more easily denounced and made fun of bypeople, what more there were people who picked up the Lady of the w.a.n.g clanleader had littered w.a.n.g Yun Feng with beauties.

Xia LingMei did not take these words and schemes to heart.

Althoughshe’s a woman, in the end she had experienced the bloodbath of battlefields,now she was in the unstable circle of Beiding City, to matter she stillretained the manner of a soldier not bothered about trifle matters. To speakfrankly, tolerating it little by little letting it go, honestly she couldn’tbear it, a knife hit to the other person, blunt and agile. Women, spouting offwas common, as long as it doesn’t spoil w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s major plans, Xia LingMei also did not care. However, she also secretly observed which influentialfamilies had persevered to maintain good relations with the w.a.n.g family. Somemarried women were other people’s firing target, some genuinely had vision, hadinsight. Less than half a month, she had quarrelled a little with people, yethad become extremely close with the wives of generals, nothing to it, onlybecause they were similar in character, not liking to pointlessly blather. Therest, were women of influential families with literary reputation who weretalented, these people were virtuous and arrogant, not good at fawning, and didnot like to stir up trouble, usually they met up, drank some tea, played asong, read a book, leisurely and at ease, not concerned and maintaining aneutral favourable impression.

The mattersbetween married women, w.a.n.g Yun Feng would not go ask about and would notintervene.

He returnedhome, seeing the silent and gloomy official residence for the past many yearsonce again full of vitality, he couldn’t help be happy.

It wasright in autumn, the maple trees from the pavilions and kiosks flowingly flewout like a splash of ink, red leaves, green roof tiles, white walls, thediverse forms and colours added an elegant charm. b.u.mper harvest season, theorchard in the backyard was also heavily laden with fruit, golden-bright anddazzling tangerine hung packed on the branches, convenient for picking.

w.a.n.g YunFeng in pa.s.sing ate one, his teeth almost falling off from sweetness, for along time he couldn’t open his eyes.

In fact,while he was wondering around the residence to pa.s.s the time, he discovered alot of novel things, the most important thing was: Xia Fen did not come to thew.a.n.g residence.

Here, therewasn’t a single trace of Xia Fen’s existence, even his footprints from hisoccasional visit home did not exist.

w.a.n.g YunFeng calmed and collectively inquired about every movement Xia Ling Mei had madesince returning home, and vaguely asked whether an almost seven years old boyhad taken a stroll in the residence. The answer he received was definitely not.

That wasn’tthe most depressing thing.

The firstday w.a.n.g Yun Feng returned to the residence, he washed off the windblown dustfrom his entire body, spending two hours to dress with meticulous care, afterhe told the kitchen to prepare an abundant dinner, he himself carried the mosttender and deep smile from the beginning of the morning sishiwaiting for his beloved wife, until the first quarter of haishi,he still couldn’t see Xia Ling Mei.

Until hisface was stiff from smiling, his sleek hair from neat to messy, bright, neatand beautiful n.o.bleman clothes from being spotless to being covered in dust,waiting  wholeheartedly to beingimpatient, when anxiety and jitters seized him, the old housekeeper swayed ashe withdrew to the courtyard filled with fragrance, keeping a good distance hesaid to w.a.n.g Yun Feng: “The empress and the mistress have been talking withextreme joy, tonight she said she still wants to continue talking to themistress for a close long talk, increase their sisterly friendship.”

A blue veinsuddenly jumped on w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s bright and clean forehead, gnashing histeeth he asked: “Does the mistress know I’ve returned to the residence?”

The old housekeepercleverly took a step back: “The news has already been delivered, but it wasblocked by the empress’s personal head palace maid.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng eyes were like a knife: “The emperor? He’s willing for the empress to notreturn the entire night, leaving him to guard the bedroom alone.”

The oldhousekeeper again took a step back: “From what’s been heard, last night theemperor lectured the crown prince to not lose yourself in the female charms, sohe’s allowing the empress to do as she wishes tonight, the emperor’s debility,he must pay more attention to maintain a good health, so, he’s been shooed outof the imperial concubines chambers.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng was itching to smash the wine cup: “Incompetent emperor, indulging theempress in this way, sooner or later something big will happen.”

The oldhousekeeper coughed, thinking the most important issue to the master nowadays washis inability to act like newlyweds with the mistress. Ze, when will there be a young master in the residence? Reportedthat young master Xia Fen of the Xia family is the mistress’s adopted son, washe actually the master’s son?

That nightw.a.n.g Yun Feng looked in the distance at the almost full moon, deeply regrettingwhy he didn’t tell Xia Ling Mei in advance the actual day of his return, whatsurprise, didn’t this destroy his own happiness?

The secondday, w.a.n.g Yun Feng decided to take action, he carried a pile of books andmemorials to the emperor, heading to the curtains which had not been pulledback yet he entered the palace, attending the imperial court.

With a pairof eyes filled with red veins he finished court, afterwards he was called in bythe incompetent emperor to the side chamber. The best way to retaliate againstthe empress was to torment the emperor, thus, so the leisurely emperor who hadnot had his nose pointed at and scolded for over half a year again thanked w.a.n.gYun Feng’s harsh tongue. The royal prerogative was picked at from thehairs on his head to the sole of his feet, from criticising his eyes not beingsharp enough to him not sitting straight enough, to the emperor’s personal headeunuch delivering tea, trying in vain to interrupt to allow the emperor toescape from suffering, again scolding the serving maid dispirited and downcaststooping over. Finished with scolding the people in front of him, again hewidened the range to the small number of imperial concubines’ children, regardlessif it’s trifling matters of the Empress Dowager being a vegetarian and prayingto Buddha, the crown prince creating his own gang, bad at literature andmartial arts, all the princes don’t have a sense of responsibility and lackdedication, the princesses only know how to spend and not conserve…and so on,finally he presented the memorials.

The emperoropened it with a glance, my G.o.d, the officials who have wronged the court rangedfrom seventh ranked small officials to the high first ranked, digging out whiteradish yet still covered in mud. To truly restore to good condition, Dayan willonce again be shaken up.

The emperorwiped the sweat from his forehead, saying to the head eunuch by his side: “Go, seeif Lady w.a.n.g is still at the empress’s palace, request her to come at once totake her King of h.e.l.l back home. Our roof is going to be turned over by Lordw.a.n.g.” On the way bestowing her with a large pile of gold and silver jewellery,only beseeching Lady w.a.n.g to hurry home.

Now whoeversaid again Lady w.a.n.g was jealous, the emperor would hurriedly say to thatperson, how can Xia Ling Mei be jealous, it’s w.a.n.g Yun Feng, that person ofjealous nature has struck, even the imperial concubines are grieving turningover the heavens.

Therefore,after w.a.n.g Yun Feng exhaled clean a chest full of rage, when he left the palaceand climbed into the carriage, Xia Ling Mei already sat inside filled with asmile looking at him.

w.a.n.g YunFeng at once blinked twice, pulling easily, he trapped her in his arms, puttingtheir heads together he kissed her.

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