Xia LingMei was stumped for a split second, for the first time becoming aware of thisman’s completely unconcealed overbearingness, his kiss felt like he wanted toswallow her up, silently declaring ownership.

Xia LingMei pushed him a few times, the other person didn’t move a single jot. Shedidn’t know whether she was too weak, or whether the other person was tooenthusiastic.

w.a.n.g YunFeng caught her wrists, the redness at the corner of his eyes deepened a bitmore: “You deliberately want to infuriate me to death, right.”

Xia LingMei stared blankly for a moment, she smiled apparently right but actuallywrong, an unspeakable, unclear warmth slowly occupied her chest, both sweet andpainful: “What are you talking about!” Thinking about it, she diverted thesubject and asked: “When did you come back?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng bite her at the corner of her mouth: “I arrived home yesterday, I waitedfor you for a day.”

“I didn’tknow, I simply didn’t receive any news inside the palace.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng was annoyed: “Of course you didn’t get it, you and the empress plottedagainst me. Is it very fun watching me worry until I’m dizzy?” He leanedagainst her, virtually cramming her into the corner of the carriage, toweringabove her and staring: “You constantly act with a small temper, you’re notscared to provoke me, shut you inside the residence and not let you goanywhere?”

These wordsof his had another meaning, Xia Ling Mei could hear it. In fact, those who kneww.a.n.g Yun Feng well maintained that he was stubborn, unfeeling man of honour.This sort of person, the words of love would also be restrained, perhaps itwould be a bookish poem, it could also be a verse of out of fashion pampering, whatmore it could be a serious request of a trifle matter to cause you somedisorder that you can’t see the true meaning.

He wassuited for the unstable and furtive imperial court, and would not get tootangled up in the emotions of children growing up.

Thisperson’s ideas where too honest, right until when Xia Ling Mei heard these sortof words, first of all she thought of the general situation, could it be thatthe situation with that Wu Shi mother and son not been dealt with? Someone hadfound him and complained, as a result, w.a.n.g Yun Feng who most annoying turnsbig problems into small ones, and small problems into no problems at all,quickly found Xia Ling Mei who was soon to have managed the household for amonth to see reprisal, to teach this wife very well, tell her not to takecontrol without authority meddling with the w.a.n.g family’s issues?

The heavensknew, w.a.n.g Yun Feng simply didn’t mean it this way.

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s right hand intimately kneaded her waist, Xia Ling Mei practiced martialarts, her waist was even more ticklish than ordinary women, almost jumping up,staring at him she didn’t speak at all. She was scared to be confrontationalwith w.a.n.g Yun Feng, it was Mid-autumn festival, if she angered him when theyreunited with great difficulty once, it really wasn’t her intention.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was already holding her entirely in his arms, ruthlessly biting her on herbottom lip, watching those captivating red glistening lips, his heart was likebeing scratched by a cat: “Lock you up, unable to go anywhere, every day at theresidence, opening and closing your eyes you can only see me.” Xia Ling Mei wasstupefied, she only heard him sigh: “I’m an overbearing person, naturally sinceyou’ve married me, don’t dream of escaping.”

“I neverthought of escaping.” Xia Ling Mei had a guilty conscience, ever since she knew 

w.a.n.g Yun Feng would return home in these next few days, she was constantlyrestless, without a thought she immediately accepted a heap of invites, everyday she went out to meet with people outside, she wasn’t willing to honestlystay at the residence.

“Even ifthe empress summons you also can’t enter the palace.”

Xia LingMei struggled to sit up: “What are you actually saying?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s complexion went from white to red, finally again his appearance becamenonchalant, reciting deadpan: “One day apart seems like three years.”


Xia LingMei sucked in a breath, no matter what she had never thought w.a.n.g Yun Fengwould miss her so much to this degree. The two of them were used to being onand off, used to appearing united but divided at heart, and used to t.i.t fortat, even if they met again after, even though he clearly said she is his wife,he cared about her, he wanted her to carry out her wifely duties, but in XiaLing Mei’s heart, even if w.a.n.g Yun Feng was in love with her but it couldn’tcompare to a tenth of his feelings to Xia Ling Wo. She subconsciously refusedto differentiate who was more or less important between her and Xia Ling Wo.

w.a.n.g Yun Feng’ssweet words were only one of the ways to coax her home, she felt sad and couldonly believe in her own lies, he cared about himself, only he didn’t treat herwith the same measure as Xia Ling Wo.

However,w.a.n.g Yun Feng only needs to care about her a little bit, she would be willingstill to invest everything to reciprocate.

w.a.n.g YunFeng looking at her face knew she didn’t believe him, he pulled her furtherinto his arms, forcing her jaw to turn, again kissing her deeply.

When theygot out of the carriage, Xia Ling Mei didn’t dare to even lift up her head, herlips were so swollen already she couldn’t let people see. w.a.n.g Yun Feng asbefore held a dignified manner, supporting her down from the carriage, leadingher into the residence, delivering her into the room, each movement were toshow every possible consideration of a Twenty-four Filial Exemplars husband, considerablyunsuited to his famous iron masked imperial censor t.i.tle. Contrary, theconstantly confident and spirited Lady w.a.n.g had become a young woman who hadjust married, so bashful she basically didn’t dare to face people.

Ze, which direction did the sun crawl out from thismorning?

The oldhousekeepers gossipy mind was raging and burning, using the excuse of needingto report to the master and mistress of important matters over these two days,he secretly measured up the two of their words and actions once.

Themaster’s wolfish claws were always on the mistress’s waist, not allowing themistress to be apart for one step; the master’s dominating character drank drythe mistress’s tea, the two of their saliva marks were layered together; themaster every now and then quickly looked at the mistress, the mistress’s earswere bright red enough to heat up a pot; the master also held the mistress’shand, taking advantage of when the old housekeeper bowed his head deliveringseveral lord’s name cards, he secretly bit the mistress’s fingertips…

Themistress seemed to be staring, the mistress struggled, the mistress was angry,the mistress walked away in anger…the mistress’s long whip appeared, ah, ah,ah!

The oldhousekeeper moved his feet, he ran. On his way out he even closed the doors, onthe way he secretly made a gesture at the secret guard on the rooftop Xiao Bai,tonight everyone in the residence is waiting for you Xiao Bai to report thefighting between the master and mistress!

After thebattle, Xiao Bai had a solemn face, he spoke to everyone who was holdingteapots and cracking open melon seeds: “The mistress’s long whip simply did nothave the time to hit someone, before it was s.n.a.t.c.hed away by the master.”

Everyone: “Then?”

“After, themaster tied the mistress up using the whip.” Xiao Bai drank tea, “the mistresscouldn’t struggle lose, I paid attention, the master’s method of tying someone upwasn’t experienced at all, if it was any of us here would be able to escape.”

The oldhousekeeper lifted one leg over the other: “What does a child know, themistress is of course delicate and powerless.”

Juan Shujoined his thumb and middle finger, the rest extended, partly leaning against BaiYan’s body, lip-syncing Huangmei opera’s melody: “Hus…band…!”

“The masterthrew the mistress onto the bed.”

Everyonewas in high spirits, eyes filled with awe.

“Themistress scolded the master as a hypocrite, a truly vile person.”

Everyonesighed: “Everyone in the Dayan knows this.”

“The masterpulled the mistress’s belt off, tying the mistress completely on the bed…”

Everyonelet off a wolf like growl.

Xiao Baiswept his eyes over everyone once, unperturbed: “The master pulled the bedcurtains closed.”


“I thenleft.”

Everyonewas angry, beating up Xiao Bai in a group.

Juan Shulied down on Bai Yan’s lap, reciting: “A spring night…worth…thousand…gold, ah…”Bai Yan pushed the other person over.

Everyone inDayan imperial court knew Lord imperial censor w.a.n.g was a genuine honestofficial, a fair official.

The Emperorspent a day and night to finish reading all the memorials andecret letters w.a.n.gYun Feng delivered, afterwards gathering several trusted aids and chancellorsto discuss, by way announcing for imperial censor w.a.n.g to have an audience withthe Emperor.

Notdeclaring means not aware of, a young court eunuch nearly broke his legs fromrunning. Nothing else, Lord w.a.n.g wasn’t in residence.

w.a.n.g YunFeng had just returned to Beiding City, unexpectedly he wasn’t getting in touchwith his colleagues and establishing good relations, as quickly as possiblegathering gossip left, right, and centre from the previous dynasty, one day ofsmall discussion, three days of huge discussion, sorting out the officials whohave been idled for more than half a year, a powerful wind forcefullyresonating through the imperial censor government office?

He left,where did he go?

Scaredwitless, the big and small turtle like officials were very suspicious.

Could thisLord w.a.n.g be ill? It’s good if he is, everyone immediately bought their family undercontrol, shaping up their disorderly relatives, not letting imperial censorw.a.n.g from getting information that can be used against them, even if itwouldn’t cause you to lose your head but you would still lose an arm or leg.

Maybe, Lordw.a.n.g was delayed by personal reasons? No, who is Lord w.a.n.g, he is the rightfulmember of the emperor’s inner ministerial circle who thinks the nations bigproblems are bigger than the world’s, the first day he came back without beingseen he had already ran into the palace to conspire with the emperor, preparingto sort out so and so, flay and pull apart so and so, also so and so hasmilitary power they won’t transfer to higher authorities…he would have personalmatters? A joke. His greatest personal matter is mocking the emperor beingdominated by the imperial concubines, even though the emperor’s father-in-lawhad long pa.s.sed away, the empress imperial consort’s Xia family was also fairlylow-profiled, but still unable to block the imperial censor w.a.n.g all day longpointing at the emperor’s nose all day long scolding him for his wife notlistening to her husband’s words.

Perhaps,Lord w.a.n.g was kidnapped? Aiyo, that would be a great thing for the Dayan court,well kidnapped, wonderful a.s.sa.s.sination, decapitation, digging out his eyes,cut out his tongue, dying without a complete corpse was the best. Even though,this was a dream. However, Lord w.a.n.g hasn’t been to court for three days in arow, the corrupt officials could continue this dream of theirs.

The emperorcontinued to summon w.a.n.g Yun Feng for three days. Others didn’t know, theemperor with all the power in his hand didn’t know where.

w.a.n.g YunFeng didn’t go anywhere, he stayed hidden in the rear court, door closedlocking in his own wife, the door did not open for three days and three nights.

What was hedoing? Do you have to ask, of course the matter of pleasure of close intimacybetween a couple!

The emperorwho had been starving for a very, very long time complained, why does w.a.n.g YunFeng have meat to eat, the emperor with three thousand beauties in the imperialconcubine chambers have to be a vegetarian! That so and so, hear my edict, w.a.n.gYun Feng has not attended to his duties, abusing his favoured position, defyingthe emperor’s order and so on and so on criminal charges.

After threedays, a lively and refreshed Lord w.a.n.g opened the room door, putting on an acthe carried a long sword in the courtyard wielding it in an attractiveappearance, but without substance, afterwards in hindsight he instructed theold housekeeper: “These days boil more supplement soups.”

The oldhousekeeper deduced a lot from this, supplement soups, good, need to nourishand replenish. The master really put all his energy into his work for three dayand three nights, he really should properly replenish. The mistress has beentortured for three days and three nights, and should rest and recuperate.Everyone in this residence should also be dealt with again, not long later, ason will be added to the w.a.n.g residence.

The oldhousekeeper mischievously laughed, in one breath writing down the entire nextmonth’s diet plan. Not talking about deer skin being scooped out of the soup,even the seasonal green vegetables will also be stir fried using the grease ofa deep fried old chicken.

The ginsengthe master loved to drink, the mistress’s must have wolfberry and dragon eyefruit tea, also once cup of medicine every day, nourishing the husband and wifeuntil they 

almost have a nosebleed.

Even afterthree days and nights of not obeying the summon, w.a.n.g Yun Feng again startedthe ploy of leaving early. Anyway he had delivered the account books, he hadhanded over the criminal evidence of the officials, he’s said what he had tosay, he’s also scolded what he needs to scold, he worked so hard outside withhis for so long, in any case he also needs to take a break!

The emperorhas a hall packed of children, I w.a.n.g Yun Feng doesn’t even have a daughter atthe knee, It’s no good if he doesn’t work hard.

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