In onenight, several people struggled to sleep, finally the next morning, Ling Meistill got up early to practice her martial arts.

Only thistime not only was Zhuang Sheng also there, there was also the Zhao Princess’daughter Gu Shang Jin.

Xia LingMei’s weapon was a long whip, good at long range attacks, and the littleprincess loved welding swords, playing with spears, she loved close attacks.The two people tried out a few moves on each other, the little princess couldnot get near Xia Ling Mei’s whip, her own skirt was smashed to pieces by thelong whip repeatedly.

The littleprincess’ face was choked red, angrily she tossed the sledgehammer at Xia LingMei, trembling she said: “You bully me.”

Xia LingMei shrugged: “I am bullying you.”

The littleprincess picked up a long sword and threw herself at her: “You are a big monster.”

Xia LingMei put a hand on her hips, dodging the weapon: “Then you’re a small monster.Small monster, your hair has fallen out of its bun, you’re becoming a crazymonster.”

The littleprincess shrivelled her lips: “Aiya, your clothing style is so strange, are theworn out strips of cloth on your waist also your weapons? Is it possible youcan’t defeat other people, so as a backup you have strips of cloth to stranglethe other person? You know all eighteen kinds of weapons, yet you can’t killanyone with any kind, where are you portraying martial arts, you must bedancing? Look at your short gourd like height, your waist thicker than abucket, your chest even flatter than the door, also your small bottom.”

The littleprincess glared at her with wide eyes, covering her own bottom: “I, what’swrong with my bottom?”

Xia LingMei walked around her twice, frowning: “Your bottom doesn’t stick up even asmuch as my Fei Dao’s. `Clicking her tongue`, making people feel the urge tokick you twice.”

`Wa,wa----` the little princess covered her insufficiently stuck up bottom, loudlyhowling as she rushed towards her mother’s courtyard, crying heart wrecked andsplitting her lungs.

Xia LingMei clicked her tongue behind her, the big bullying the small, the strongagainst the weak and so on, it kept in line with her temper ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Hei Zi andBai Zi who were sparring on the rooftop wept: Lady, how can you be so tacky!

The ZhaoPrincess was tormented for half the day by the sound of the little princesscrying, with a bitter smile, nevertheless she did not mind it, she onlylaughed: “It’s great to be a monster. In the secular world, monsters are themost formidable. When they’re happy they eat people, when they’re sad they alsoeat people, eat and eat, not even a single bone will remain, so intelligent.”

The littleprincess blinked, peeping at Xia Ling Mei who had come soon after: “Will auntieeat me?”

The ZhaoPrincess said: “Can you also eat her?”

The littleprincess buried her head into her mother’s bosom, she `wu,wu` twice: “I’m nomatch for her.”

The ZhaoPrincess smiled: “You can ask you aunt to teach you martial arts, to becomelike her highly skilled in martial arts, then you don’t have to worry aboutbeing eaten.”

The littleprincess asked: “Is auntie even more powerful than father?”

The ZhaoPrincess said: “Your father is a black bear, your aunt is a lioness, they areboth very powerful.”

“Then,compared to uncle emperor, who is more powerful?”

Xia LingMei sneered twice: “That lecherous emperor has already been hollowed out bywine and women, anyone can squash him.”

The ZhaoPrincess glanced at her own cousin with amus.e.m.e.nt, stroking her littleprincess’ hair: “Your uncle emperor is a very, very fat dragon, your auntie is thereigning lioness on the ground, the two of them can’t compete.”

The littleprincess appeared very disappointed, sullenly: “Even the most powerful unclecan’t even defeat the big devil king, what is to be done.” Her troubled faceamused the two adults.

Xia LingMei carefully mulled over the Zhao Princess’ expression, seeing she wassomewhat tired and feeble, her expression free and light, not disturbed in theslightest by the tiredness of pa.s.sion. She then recalled the a.s.sembly of theZhao Princess and w.a.n.g Yun Feng in their childhood, last night afflicted byproblems old and new gradually came to her, although she wasn’t too bothered,she was certain the Zhao Princess was not having a love affair with w.a.n.g YunFeng.

Xia familyheld affection very importantly, Xia Ling Mei had taken care of this youngercousin quite a bit, now she let go of the thoughts, her face remained happy.

The ZhaoPrincess was very intelligent, after looking at her she asked: “Older sister doyou like Jin Er?”

Xia LingMei sat beside her, pinching the little princess’ chubby cheeks, sighing withregret: 

“Liking her is one thing, giving birth to a devil incarnate is anotherthing.”

“A marriedwoman, cannot ask for the sole love of a husband, children are nevertheless anecessity.”

The ZhaoPrincess seemed to have thought of something, “Back when I first married theZhao Prince, when I returned to manage the household that was when I found outthe difficulties of being a married woman in the imperial household. OriginallyI had thought the 

Zhao Prince was seriously pa.s.sionate and not lecherous, butbefore marrying he already had one or two maids. I had just gotten pregnantwith Jin Er, inside and outside the palace a flock of people offered to findhim someone to warm his bed, every day it was so lively in the prince’smansion. I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t argue with the Zhao Prince, even if myheart was sad I had to smile, or else people would say I’m jealous.”

Xia LingMei’s complexion darkened, she also remembered the years she had spent at w.a.n.gresidence. In those days, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was a brilliant young official who hadjust been exposed to the court, relying on the connections his grandfather’shad made, everything was smooth sailing. Who knew, the usually gentle, filialw.a.n.g Yun Feng walked a different path in marriage.

There werenumerous women in the Xia family, he only had feelings for Xia Ling Wo. XiaLing Mei and him were fairly close in age, because her temper was the mostdomineering, someone she cannot obtain she would want to marry them even more,setting her heart on the delusion that after the two were married they wouldlive in martial harmony, for this reason the second concubine and thirdconcubine were very disagreeable.

Xia LingMei chased after w.a.n.g Yun Feng, w.a.n.g Yun Feng however loved Xia Ling Wo.

Thoseyears, she countlessly saw scenes of w.a.n.g Yun Feng and Xia Ling Wo talking toeach other very happily, and countlessly saw the deep feelings w.a.n.g Yun Fenghad overflowing in his eyes facing Xia Ling Wo.

She did notresign, clearly she had invested so much in him, love him so deeply, why doeshis line of sight never linger on her. She wanted him all to herself. She wasto marry him. On the same night of her marriage, she also completely lost w.a.n.gYun Feng.

Who couldhave known on the newly wed day, the groom leisurely wrapped a bundle wantingto elope with another woman?

Who wouldhave realised, the newly wed after several days had to hang up whiteadornments, to cry mournfully for the husband’s mother who had died of illness?

She wasridiculed for having misfortune follow her, criticised by people `not the same`,estimated by people `ruining the husband’s family`. The humiliation of thewedding night, the days of grievance for the funeral, as well as those threeyears countlessly staying at home alone painstakingly waiting for that person’sresentment, it became the most painful thing in her lifetime.

Bycomparison, the Zhao Princess those trivial matters were actually notsufficient to mention.

“Now youdaughter and mother, husband and wife is all just as you wished, considered tobe the most blissfuly.”

The ZhaoPrincess smiled: “Whatever blissfulness cannot compare to having children.Older sister, I have to say something inappropriate, you really shouldseriously consider your happiness for the second half of your life.” Xia LingMei somewhat appraisingly looked at 

her. “I know you won’t forgive Lord w.a.n.g.”

“No,” XiaLing Mei stopped her, “me and w.a.n.g Yun Feng will no longer have anyconnections.”

“Oldersister, please hear me out.” The Zhao Princess grabbed her wrist, sincerely andearnestly: “Do you know that the years you weren’t there, how Lord w.a.n.g pa.s.sedhis 


Xia LingMei shook her head: “I’m not interested.”

“Then doyou know why he suddenly came to Chenzhou, the reason why he protects you dayand night?”

“It’s noneof my business.”

“You don’teven know the thing with him being denounced in Beiding city?”

Xia LingMei only felt twitchy and uneasy, suddenly she stood up: “My feelings for himhas already turned to dust, you don’t need to rack your brains again to makeplans for me.”

The Zhao Princesscomplexion suddenly changed, only then did Xia Ling Mei feel after that herwords were inappropriate, her brain chaotic, her mouth still malicious: “I knowin a lot of things I’m not as good as you, many years ago I had alreadyadmitted defeat, losing in a complete shamble. I don’t blame you, I also don’tblame him, I only blame myself for imagining my love was reciprocated,believing I was infallible, I ought to be like the compliant person I am rightnow, I have pa.s.sed the foolish punishment, I don’t want to hear anything abouthim, more than anything I don’t want to hear anything about him from yourmouth. The two of you together, will only make me angry, make me jealous, makeme…”

Shesuddenly shut her mouth tightly, in the Zhao Princess’ eyes she saw her own twistedface filled with suffering, she paused, finally taking out her whip she walkedthrough the door, halfway, she happened to come across w.a.n.g Yun Feng, her goodmood ceased to exist even more: “The Zhao Princess was just talking about youand you appeared, truly it’s a meeting of minds.”

Not lookingat his expression, panting with rage she struck his cheek and wanted to leave.

w.a.n.g YunFeng pulled at her: “Who has angered you?”

Xia LingMei turned around to glare at him: “Let go, do you still want a beating?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng with thick skin said: “A common saying to hit is to be intimate, to scoldis to love, the pain on my body, pains your heart.”

Xia LingMei raised her foot and kicked out: “Go dream.” She had kicked him once but herhate still hadn’t dissolved, again rushing over she beat w.a.n.g Yun Feng with herfists, the other person did not utter a word, only looking at her expression, seeingher gloominess slowly disperse then he felt relieved: “As expected, she stilllove…ah.” Covering his head, 

w.a.n.g Yun Feng once again deeply experienced the`love` Xia Ling Mei had for him.

It reallyhurts! He felt he would have to lay in bed for a few more days again.

Xia LingMei was sweating all over, stickily she returned to her courtyard, just as sheopened the door to the room, she only saw crimson directly in her face, thewhole room, from the seat to the window to the wall, was filled with adiversity of Chinese peony flowers, some blooming, some budding, in accordanceto the way they disperse a sweet smell, making the bottom of one’s heartextremely soft.

Xia LingMei deeply took in two breaths.

Since shewas young she loved gorgeous and colourful Chinese peony in the most, when shewas still a young lady, every year in May she would go to the Chinese peonygarden to appreciate the flowers, when the flowers were in full blossom, shewould pluck the flowers down grinding it into a powder, now as before she stilllike to use Chinese peony to make tea.

Only, sinceshe left home, she had not admired so many Chinese peony flowers in such a longtime, and very few people would go and pick flowers to spoil her.

In amoment, she only felt herself return to a time before she married, she couldn’thelp but go look at the courtyard, again looking left and right, afraid thatthis was just a dream.

“Lady, youdidn’t enter the wrong door, this is your house.” Ying Shi walked over from thehallway with its floors flourishing with flowers, “Lord w.a.n.g said Chinesepeonies suited lady’s temper the most, placing it in the house all cut anddried will definitely have a delightful fragrance, making you carefree andrelaxed.”

Xia LingMei grounded her teeth: “Is he crazy.”

Not knowingwhere Xiu Yu came from, in her arms carrying an already fat ball of the smallTibetan Mastiff, on her shoulder the charming kitten: “I heard Xiao Bai sayingLord w.a.n.g recently pondered over The Thirty-Six Stratagems or something. Lady,do you think Lord w.a.n.g is planning to deal with you?”

Ying Shitilted her head: “Could it be Lord w.a.n.g wants to use fresh flowers to bury mylady?”

Xiu Yuextended her head looking in: “Maybe, Lord w.a.n.g want so to make is so the ladycan’t stay in this house? Afterwards under false pretences he’ll invite thelady to sleep on the same bed?”

Ying Shi:“You’re so sinister.” Ashamed.

Xiu Yu:“You’re so malicious.” Provoked.

Xia LingMei already picked up the collar of the Tibetan Mastiff and the kitten, tossingthe two pets into the sea of flower, letting them trample all over the piece ofheartfelt gesture by 

w.a.n.g Yun Feng until nothing existed.

After anhour, Fei Dao who was outside hunting for food also joined in the procession offun, pulling down the wall which had become a mural of Chinese peony flowers,shredding it and sprinkling it over the heads of the two cat and dog, for amoment only countless cat cries, dog hisses and Fei Dao’s sharp birdsong couldbe heard in the whole house, rising and falling in succession.

Xia LingMei’s mood rapidly fluctuated with anger and made people gather the remains ofthe flowers, personally carrying a basket of flowers she ran to the w.a.n.g YunFeng’s roof, lifting up a tie, she poured the numerous broken pieces of flowerinto the bedroom of that cold and cheerless w.a.n.g Yun Feng. The inside of thehouse painted black completely lacking liveliness, innumerable red flowersscattered among the bed, making it somewhat cheerful.

Bai Zi wasfoolishly moved: “It seems like a bridal room.”

Xia LingMei turned her head glowering, it was already too late for Hei Zi to push BaiZi away, in a flash the two people were rubbing away for their lives, chasedafter by a lioness brandishing a whip wanting to kill.

Xiu Yulooked up to the roof to watch Hei and Bai running away: “So stupid.”

Ying Shiburst with laughter: Truly stupid.”

Fei Dao:“`ka`!”

w.a.n.g YunFeng by means of his injuries again did not go to the government office, GuLang like a cowhide sweet took the opportunity to stick to Xia Ling Mei’s side.Zhuang Sheng now became a genuine flower thief, as long as Xia Ling Mei wasthere, Zhuang Sheng was absolutely not far. She had a meal with the ZhaoPrincess, he and the drunkard with a wine pot in one hand, chicken leg in theother, sat on the beam of the roof biting and splashing grease; when she took anap with the little princess, he would hang up a rope suspended on the pillarof the house swaying side to side; when she needed to change her clothes, heabsolutely would poke a hole in the paper window, widening his eyes to peep onthe scenes of springtime.

Facing w.a.n.gYun Feng, Xia Ling Mei still beat and scolded him with extreme vigour, any wayw.a.n.g Yun Feng was scolded he didn’t retort, any way he was. .h.i.t he didn’tretaliate; facing Gu Lang, Xia Ling Mei directly ignored him; and Zhuang Sheng,Xia Ling Mei only felt her body and mind become haggard.

ZhuangSheng qinggong was good, he was used to being a flower thief, ginggong was askill in his trade for escaping, if he wasn’t in the top ten in the Jianghu,then he was in the top fifteen. Often waiting until his beady eyes werediscovered by Xia Ling Mei, as she was prepared to draw out her whip, the otherperson had already flown away without a trace of a shadow. She chased, he ran;she rested, he again continued to crawl back to peep; she attacked with rage, hewas calm and composed.

Finally,Xia Ling Mei waved her hand: “Come, let’s play mah-jong. Loser, has to take offtheir clothes.”

The eyes ofthe several people inside and outside the house brightened: “Really?”

Xia LingMei nodded: “Princess also come.”

A tablesurrounded by people, Xia Ling Mei and the princess sat opposite each other,the remaining few men, w.a.n.g Yun Feng and Gu Lang sat together, Zhuang Sheng andthe drunkard sat together, the pair taking it in turn to go into battle.

Xia LingMei placed her red long whip on top of the table: “If you lose, whoever daresto go back on the promise, don’t blame me for being blunt.”

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