T/N: As I am an amazing sloth you get an update today (not because I"m away this weekend or anything) hahaha 


Threeyears of marriage, every night guarding the bedroom by herself, she dreamedabout him finally coming back, standing brightly, gazing at her with longing.She constantly waited, and always looked forward to their next meeting, if hecould discover her good points, she imagined him grasping her own hand, walking together to the end of time.

But everyday, every month, every year, the greater her hope, the greater herdisappointment.

Shegradually was unable to breath under the numerous pressures of her life in aninfluential family, the pity and laughter in each upper-cla.s.s women’s eyes madeher feel ashamed and resentful. Right at the beginning she had responded, but gradually she became taciturn, until in the end she ignored it, it was like a bluntknife grinding against her heart, stabbing every day, finally the woundbecame bigger and bigger, when she left w.a.n.g residence, the blood on her brokenand smashed heart had long ago dried, not a single tear flowed.

No onecould have imagined, after she turned to leave, he would come back, chasingafter her for seven years, finally once again gathering her into his armsagain.

This XiaLing Mei distressed w.a.n.g Yun Feng, stirring up the gentleness and kindnessstill left, that momentary outburst of companionship slowed down,switching to softly placating.

Xia LingMei found her breath, eyes lightly fluttering looking at him.

w.a.n.g YunFeng pecked her twice on her ear lobe, each time smoothing out the stress lines onher forehead. From today on, she should be elated and joyful, every expressionshould make people feel as if she was soaked in the spring breeze, every one ofher movements should make clear she was completely content. From today on, he willstand behind her, serving as her support, when she faced problems, he wouldstand in front of her, as the spear in her hands, knocking down every obstacleon behalf of her.

Carryingher behind the screen into the inner room, Xia Ling Mei laughed: “I’ve washedalready.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng smiling: “Husband is still unwell, wife isn’t prepared to help me a bit?”

Xia LingMei was placed down on the bath tub, her b.u.t.t just on the edge, in front of herwas a man’s warm body, behind her was a steaming hot bath, his thoughts werepractically self-evident.

Xia LingMei used one hand to support herself on the edge of the tub: “Since you’vewoken up you’ve had the idea of bathing together, you’re determined not to letme go.” Apart from the first time she planned to wipe his body, w.a.n.g Yun Fengmerely prepared two tubs of hot bath water himself, how could Xia Ling Mei notsee the the burning longing in the other person’s eyes.

“We arehusband and wife, how can I let you go. You are mine, I’m naturally yours, husbandand wife sharing the same heart and same body complies with the nature ofheaven and earth, the principle of yin and yang.”

The candlelight behind the screen flickered, reflecting like white jade andjadeite, faintly giving Xia Ling Mei an indistinct hazy layer of multi-colouredmoonlight, as if she was a precious jade covered with a natural silk, onlywaiting for the man to lift up that veil, touching her real self delicately. w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s every breath sprinkled onto her skin, it scalded even more than lava.

With such an eagerexpression where was the usual calm and self-controlled imperialcensor, instead he had become a young man who had just gotten married, agitatedwith a bit of unease.

Tearsformed on the corners of Xia Ling Mei’s eyes, she wanted to approach him butagain was somewhat afraid, suddenly taking in two cold breaths, she then spoke:“Anyway I can’t beat you with words, firstly don’t move, I’ll help you bathe.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng lifted his head, looking at her for quite a while, colour in his cheekshe said: “Good.”

Theirritability in his whole body was like time, it noiselessly drifted away.

The waterwas very hot, w.a.n.g Yun Feng who had taken off his clothes sat in the bath tubsilently, eyes shut, letting Xia Ling Mei wash his hair.

The firsttwo days of May, there still wasn’t a moon, everywhere outside the window wascovered in darkness, trees were invisible, flowers and plants could not beseen, even if there were people wondering around outside it would only be anindistinct blob. It was almost midsummer, the curtains over these past few dayshad already been changed to thin reversible cotton curtains, covering in betweenthe carved window, making everything look blurry.

Xia Ling Meiused the light from the room outside, wringing the water from w.a.n.g Yun Feng’shair, picking out the few completely white hairs in his hair, carefully pullingthem out, again twisting it into a ring, winding it around her own wrist. w.a.n.gYun Feng seemed to have fallen asleep, his arm only slightly shook for a littlewhile in pain, stirring up rings of waves.

Xia LingMei’s fingertips skimmed across his cheeks: “Are you tired?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng moved a little, opening his eyes he looked up at her inclined face,smiling: “I’m not tired. I’ve slept for so long, how can I be tired.” No matterhow you interpreted these words there was still another meaning, Xia Ling Mei’sface reddened, rebuking: “Since you’re not tired you can wash yourself.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng sat up: “Help me scrub my back.”

Xia LingMei knew his rascal behaviour, testing the water to make sure it wasn’t cold,she simply picked up a soap, giving it to him, she broke off a few piecesrubbing it onto a towel, using all her strength to rub along his shoulders,completely treating the grown man like Xia Fen, serving him with all hereffort.

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s brazenness had already at an earlier time become incorrigible, and could really take advantage of an opportunity for his own ideas, afterscrubbing his back she scrubbed his chest, now and then giving a suggestion, here was a bit of an itch which needed more strength, there needed to bemore gentle because there are old wounds. The fresh cold aroma of bitter teaand bean soap evaporated from the heat of the flesh, the stomach, the waist,there were some small wounds on his outer thigh, being soaked in hot water forso long it was slightly red. Xia Ling Mei did not know what sort of role heplayed in the imperial court as a government office, but seeing those wounds,even though they weren’t serious injuries, but there were many bits and pieces, new and old, again thinking about when the two of them had metagain, he had been whipped nearly to death by people, only after this did XiaLing Mei feel heartache, her movements increasingly gentle and cautious.

w.a.n.g YunFeng felt her movements, he knew his own little plan had worked again, hecouldn’t help be somewhat content, after he saw her making a lot of effort tostifle her tears, he immediately spurned his ego.

She hadsuffered a lot more injuries on the battlefield than the a.s.sa.s.sination attemptshe had obtained in the imperial court, there was no need for him to scheme forher sincerity, guess her love?

Wiping awaythe tears from the corner of her eyes, he forced a smile: “If I had knownearlier how soft-hearted you are, that day I saw you I should have let yousee the scars on my body, then we wouldn’t have had to take such a roundedroute, suffering so much.” He kissed the corners of her eyes, “Sorry, Ideliberately caused you heartache.”

Xia LingMei stared blankly, glaring, she suddenly she threw the towel at him: “You evenscheme against me! You’re happy seeing me make a fool out of myself.” Sherushed out from behind the screen extremely angry, burying her head on the bed,not knowing whether she felt angry or felt more wronged.

w.a.n.gYun Feng hurriedly chased after, `pat, pat` as his steps left puddles, hecouldn’t help laugh seeing her both ashamed and angry face: “I care about youso of course I would want you to pay more attention to me, that way I wouldfeel my own investment at long last would be paid back. Apart from the peoplebeside me, not involving the government, I wouldn’t even give them a glance, whatmore I wouldn’t beat my brains out to lay down a trap.”

Xia LingMei said angrily: “Then should I grateful to you?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng pulled off the damp clothes on her body, removing her hairpin, pulling thesoft quilt over the two people: “I should be the one to thank you.” Hesupported himself by the top of her head, pulling apart the twisted hairs,kissing her cheeks: “thank you for still loving me…” He had just spoken halfthe sentence, his entire body suddenly dropped on her, Xia Ling Mei taken bysurprise groaned, her cheeks which were just panting with rage were already inpain, she pounded on him: “It hurts!”    

“It’s rightto be in pain.” w.a.n.g Yun Feng said: “Wedding night, should be half painful andhalf joyous. Ling Mei, forget the past, rather tonight is our first night ashusband and wife.” He kissed her lips, swallowing her grumbles.

Xia LingMei persistently struggled, the first time she had s.e.x was the first time shetruly hated w.a.n.g Yun Feng. They had gotten back together with great difficulty,she had thought since the two of them had mutual feelings, he would take intoconsideration her experience, make her gradually forget that night’s strugglein bed, who would have imagined, he was even more fierce than before, even moreresolute than before.

Seven yearsago that night he had dominated her body, this night seven years later he alsowanted to thoroughly seize her mind and body, not allowing her to resist theslightest and shrink back.

In bed, theman was forever dominant.

Xia LingMei eyes were very red, she was unable to speak.

w.a.n.g YunFeng lifted his upper body, calmly a smile blossomed: “Ling Mei, you are mine.”

Xia LingMei was very humiliated, she couldn’t scold him, she could cry either, shedefinitely couldn’t laugh. This man, really wanted to use this night to burythe pain from the first time seven years ago, he went all out to trap her,embrace her, own her, the pain she had felt every time she willingly didsomething thoroughly covered the shouts and struggles of that entire year.

w.a.n.g YunFeng strength of character had already pushed his gentleness and elegance overthe cliffs off the top of a steep mountain, he was telling her, the man whofanned her with smiles during the spring breeze had already long ago gone. Thew.a.n.g Yun Feng right now was a sharp sword, he was a knife blade, he was alreadyunsheathed, a weakling was not suited to stand by his side, he needed someonestrong, what more he needed someone by his side who could see clearly hisstrengths, see clearly his icy arrogance.

He was nolonger the confused young man who sought for other people to like him, a ratheroverbearing man declaring you have to love me, respect me.

w.a.n.g YunFeng wanted Xia Ling Mei, Xia Ling Mei must only belong to w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

Gentle anduncivilised, happiness and suffering, the amalgamation of fire and ice.

Xia LingMei was an amateur in love, she had long forgotten the teachings of her motherbefore she got married, the her now was like that night, bashful and nervous,unfamiliar emotions rushed forth bewildering her, her eyes gradually glossedover.

w.a.n.g YunFeng fixed his eyes on her, seeing her slowly hesitating, helplessly poundingat him, bringing her bliss of the human world, making her heart and body his.

He knew inher memories he was somewhat gentle and elegant. However, that was the w.a.n.g YunFeng from seven years ago, the him right now was senior imperial censor Lordw.a.n.g. That bamboo like w.a.n.g Yun Feng had long ago been buried by loneliness,the him right now was the ironwood which had broken out of the ground, with thecoldness heart, and a wide chest that can contain the person he needed toprotect.

He must lether know, w.a.n.g Yun Feng has changed, becoming even stronger. He would love hereven more, even if they meet with more suffering they would never leave eachother.

The`shuffling` disturbance for half the night in that wing of the room finallyquietened down.

Thesleeping Xia Ling Mei still wore an expression of grievance, w.a.n.g Yun Feng inthe dark smoothed out the wrinkle in between her eyebrows, he couldn’t helpgather her in his embrace, kissing her forehead.

Xia LingMei was truly too tired, the exhaustion built up over the years were pulled outby 

w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s forceful nature, nearly completely downing her entirely. In hismemories, this was the second time she had wept in his embrace, compared to thetearing of the heart and splitting of lungs that night many years before,tonight Xia Ling Mei felt wronged, spoiled like a child, a little bit timid, alittle bit satisfied.

w.a.n.g YunFeng pushed aside the strands of hair on her cheeks, he couldn’t help put herhair between his neck, Xia Ling Mei moved a bit, finally settling down.

Noiselessly,w.a.n.g Yun Feng smiling unconsciously chuckled.



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