w.a.n.g YunFeng’s trick of injuring himself to gain the other’s confidence, seemed to havescared people, in fact he actually wasn’t seriously injured.

After hiswound was bound up, by the Dragon Boat Festival his skin and flesh had knottedtogether. Xia Ling Mei relaxed, setting her heart on taking care of thearrangements for the celebrations at the small courtyard. Originally sheintended to take Xia Fen to see the dragon boats, but she didn’t bring it uptaking into consideration w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s condition.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was forced to stay in bed by Xia Ling Mei for two days, at the same timethe tiredness built up over the past days were all swept away, although he hadfree time his relationship with the imperial court however was not severed.

Having beenschemed against Zhuang Sheng, was increasingly not seen. Contrary the drunkarddropped by for a day, yelling and demanding to drink with w.a.n.g Yun Feng. JuanShu by chance came in with a bowl of medicine, seeing the jug of wine hedrooled, rolling up his sleeves he said: “You a man of the Jianghu how can youdo something hitting a man when he’s down. My master had his stomach rippedopen, a jug of wine going down will only be spilt in vain, a waste, if you havethe courage then have a drinking compet.i.tion with me a person with a goodstomach, I guarantee I will drink you away.”

Theforthright drunkard, also didn’t say much, immediately asking someone to bringten jugs of wine, with Juan Shu the two people sat on the floor, unrestrictingtheir belly and starting to drink.

Juan Shu wasno good at martial arts like w.a.n.g Yun Feng, ordinarily he was responsible forbeing a personal servant waiting upon him, working a little as an a.s.sistant andan attendance in pressing matters, occasionally subst.i.tuting as a wine and meatboy, taking the place of the master in blocking wine, blocking meat, blockingbeauties, his belly capacity was absolute not like the gentle and feebleexternal appearance that can easily be bullied. 

An entire earthen jar wentdown, his face flushed, eyes misty, a bit more naïve and innocent looking.

“Drunkard,I tell you ah, I was not a servant before, I was a Buddhist monk.”

Thedrunkard was steady, and b.u.mping into Juan Shu’s shoulder: “Hehe, young brotheryou’re the same as me, before I was a Buddhist monk of wine and meat. When Iwas at the small temple I would stealthily drink alcohol, when I reached thebig temple I would stealthily eat meat, afterwards I was discovered by theBuddhist abbot, I ran to the Anguo Buddhist temple’s kitchen, getting drunk forseveral days on the roof.

Juan Shu gavean alcohol belch: “Anguo Buddhist temple is great ah, daughters of influentialfamilies, young ladies of officials, ge, once in a while you may also see aprincess or lady, ge, you young fellow has a lot of luck with women.” Two,three jugs of wine down the belly, Juan Shu had already started to babblenonsense, his whole body leaning on the drunkard: “Say, have you broken l.u.s.t!”

Thedrunkard was also faintly intoxicated, having heard what was said he laughed mischievously:“What do you know. I’ll tell you, those dignified princesses and ladies are allfake, what female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts are allnonsense.”

Juan Shuagain opened a jar of wine, suddenly taking two gulps, obscurely asking:“What?”

“Actuallythat isn’t right, there was simply a seven, eight years old little girlstabbing a small monk to death, that imposing manner, hahaha…”

“Did he saythe family name of that girl?” w.a.n.g Yun Feng sat on the couch, with Xia Fen inhis arms as he held his hand forcing to correct his writing technique.

“No.Afterwards Juan Shu tried to probe once more, the drunkard changed thesubject.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng did not ask again, waving his hand to signal the secret guard to leave.

Xia Fen satin his arms, it felt like there were nails under his b.u.t.t, wiggling about hecouldn’t get comfortable. w.a.n.g Yun Feng wound was not completely healed, butdid not bring it up, letting his restlessness open up his wound once more,soaking through his clothes.

Dragon BoatFestival, the weather was very hot, Xia Fen’s stomach burned with rage, hethought the wetness behind his back was sweat, reaching out his hand to wipeit, blood covered his entire tiny hand. His small sensitive nose sniffed,turning his head to look at the indifferent w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

w.a.n.g YunFeng held his hand, still steadily putting pen to paper, only saying:“Concentrate.”

Xia Fen didnot listen, instead pressing his claw into his wound with all his strength, thinkingw.a.n.g Yun Feng would release him from pain, how did he know the other person wasvery stubborn, clutching him even tighter within his arms: “If your writingtechnique does not improve today, don’t think about visiting the night markettonight.”

Xia Fen snortedwith boredom, unable to tell whether the other person was in pain or not, wigglingabout for a while he well behaved began to write characters.

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s hand was different from General Xia’s. A scholar’s palm was colder, tenfingers slender, no coa.r.s.e skin from cutting people, only the three fingerswhich held the writing brush had thick callous, they looked like the clearshoots of white bamboos, a bit cold, not weak. Xia Fen’s small claws lookedchubby, in fact his palm was coa.r.s.e, it was a pair of small hands that heldweapons all year round. A martial artists body temperature was unusually high, beingheld by the large hand of a scholar, it was a little cold, a little soft, thebig hand covered the small hand, for no reason at all he felt he could dependon it, displaying some stamina when it came to his temperament.

The fatherand son joint together practiced writing characters for the afternoon, half wayhe let go off Xia Fen to do it himself, Xia Fen knew being raucous had noeffect on w.a.n.g Yun Feng, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was even more not afraid of a fight, hehad tried all kinds of thick skinned shameless acts, all useless, finally hecould only temporarily comply.

To asoldier, switching to another barrack meant kind of changing a way to exist. HeXia Fen feared nothing in Heaven or Earth, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was nothing.

When thecolourful sun slowly climbed down the high mountain, w.a.n.g Yun Feng changed hiswrappings once more, one hand pulling at Xia Ling Mei, another hand being pulledby Xia Fen, swaying leisurely walking out of the manor.

En route,by chance they ran into the martial arts leader Jiu Fang Xi. Xia Ling Meientered the carriage first as if to avoid arousing suspicion, Xia Fen already shookoff w.a.n.g Yun Feng jumping onto a steed, almost s.n.a.t.c.hing the horsewhip to leavewanting to abandon w.a.n.g Yun Feng at this point.

People ofthe Jianghu and officials throughout history minded their own business, howeverJiu Fang Xi had taken over the position of martial arts leader, probablyknowing the relation between the former martial arts leader and the Xia family,he also did not speak lowly to w.a.n.g Yun Feng, not cold not hot. Greeting himsimply, he smiled: “Tonight the manor has prepared wine, this owner inviteseveryone to celebrate together, I wonder if Lord w.a.n.g has free time?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng coughed once, right hand pressing at the wound on this abdomen, expressionpale: “The owner has requested, w.a.n.g will certainly return soon.”

Jiu Fang Xinodded his head, quite without thought he glanced at Xia Fen on the horse,dropping his head he turned and left.

w.a.n.g YunFeng got into the carriage, pulling close the curtain, grasping both of XiaLing Mei’s hands tightly: “Have things been sorted?”


“Then let’sgo, don’t return.”

Xia LingMei suddenly smiled: “Okay.”

The tens ofli of land around Xia Yun manor wasthe manor house’s property, wanting to go the closest small town for a wander wouldat the quickest on horseback take over an hour. From the surroundings aroundthe carriage, only a deeply sleeping Juan Shu and Bai Yan urging on the horsecan be seen, no other servants. Xia Fen the wild animal like nose however hadlong ago smelled the numerous familiar scents on the road, not only the secretguards of the w.a.n.g family and Xia family, even Kong Xian and Wu Sheng chargedwith accompanying him were also hiding in the surroundings.

Xia Fen wasextremely strange, growing up from a young age he had been protected by GeneralXia’s people, knowing no matter where he went he didn’t have to worry aboutbeing alone, however the amount of people tonight seemed too much. He sat onthe belly of Juan Shu who was sleeping like the dead, not feeling the b.u.mpingof the carriage at all, every now and then he would take out a small stonethrowing it at the birds who flew overhead, gathering a few things unfamiliarthings beaten to death, the carriage flew by during the whole journey, theredead bodies of birds in the surrounding area. Not long after, Fei Dao could beseen flying in the sky in a circle over the carriage, finally landing on hisskull, he killed another bird, Fei Dao would stretch out his neck calling outonce, with a hint of using powerful connections to intimidate people.

Wujia town,was surrounded by mountains, a brook divided the small town in half, a greatnumber of stores stood by the sh.o.r.e. Because it was close to Xia Yun manor, alot of people of the Jianghu came and went, making the small unknown townunusually lively, during the holidays it was even more busy.

Riverlanterns, fragrant wine, handsome and clever women and crude and violent peopleof the Jianghu brought out the best in each other, a harmonious and happygroup.

It was thefirst time Xia Fen stopped over in a small town, seeing the completely distinctliveliness by the seaside, his childish nature slowly appeared. Seeing childrensitting on the shoulders of their father, he didn’t even ask, doing as he likedhe flew on top of Bai Yan’s shoulders, with his two short legs wide open heprompted the other person to buy this, buy that, even in his hand he held roastmeat saliva splattering everywhere. Behind him swaying side to side as if verydrunk, was Juan Shu carrying numerous delicious foods and fun things, againbehind him was w.a.n.g Yun Feng and Xia Ling Mei.

These twopeople’s cold war had lasted nearly ten years, today was the first time theyheld hands having fun in the streets.

w.a.n.g YunFeng rubbed her slender fingers, light emotions, the corner of his mouth held aslight smile, his relaxed expression held a bit of content. Xia Ling Meifollowed by his side, no longer the arrogantly reckless and valiant posture asbefore, actually becoming a lady who held her husband as the sky, refined andproud.

The nightbreeze was cool and refreshing, willows everywhere, lights waning, just like aloving married couple made by Heaven and arranged by Earth, along the wayunware of how many red eyes they attracted.

However,the happier they are now, the easier it was for former pains to arise.

As Xia LingMei walked along she suddenly said this: “I remember one year, by everypossible means you ditched studying to go outside to play. I thought you werebeing bullied, I secretly followed you, how was I supposed to know you entereda gold and jade filled hall.”

The goldand jade filled hall was a famous gold and jade store in Beiding city. Everyyear it would release the newest style ornament, it was very much loved by themarried women of the influential families. w.a.n.g Yun Feng remembered the timeshe spoke about.

“I bought ajade hairpin, isn’t it now in your accessory box?”

Xia LingMei snorted: “When did you buy it for me, it was a birthday present you boughtfor Ling Wo, I demanded it.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng bitterly smiled, back then he had given a lot of things to Xia Ling Wo, manyof those were in Xia Ling Mei’s hands through different methods.

Even ifthis small town had a gold and jade store it would not have the same elaboratejewellery as Beiding city. w.a.n.g Yun Feng thought about it, taking Xia Ling Mei to a painting and calligraphy store,finding the shopkeeper he asked for first-rate paper and writing brush, notlooking at anything else, lifting his hand drawing the outline of a flyingwoman’s beautiful body.

White jadecheeks, supple waist, flying red whip, a body of red moving in a dance in abamboo forest. The woman in the middle, light green bamboo leaves followed,faintly a grey clothed man quietly watched.

The storeswaiter rushed over to take a look, he couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration,again raising his head to look, amazed: “Isn’t the woman in the painting thelady?” The grey clothed man naturally was w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

In a shortwhile everyone stood in a circle and watched inside the store, even the bitterscholars recited poetry: “I"d been looking for her for thousand times. When Ilooked back, I just found that she is just there where the lights are shining.”

Xia LingMei couldn’t help but blush at such words, only hating from now to the dawn oftime, there was a manner in the way he put brush to paper, able to remember theother person deep in his mind.

That night,Xia Ling Mei was perfectly content, Xia Fen propped up his round as a ballbelly, w.a.n.g Yun Feng seemed to have long ago forgotten his arrangement with themartial arts leader, taking his wife and child to stay at the best tavern inthe small town.

In the deadof the night, it was darker than ink.

Opening thewindow widely, Fei Dao flapped his body rushing in.

Inside thehall, Kong Xian and Wu Sheng pairs of eyes were already flickering with ablood-thirsty radiance, Hei Zi and Bai Zi, one leaned against the window, theother stood by the door, Bai Yan kicked the sleeping like a pig Juan Shu awake,everyone’s gaze looked at the ruthless and indifferent w.a.n.g Yun Feng.



T/N: WYF knows how to woo a woman and XLM knows how to get what she wants haha

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