A monthafter w.a.n.g Yun Feng had entered the imperial court, the restless and extremelycautious Beiding City at long last once again was at peace and steady.

A resoluteperson wasn’t hard to find, the imperial censor w.a.n.g was in a very great mood.It was definitely on show, he had already not reported any one official of thecourt, the large and small officials which were in a perturbed state of mindreleased a breath. The officials who had married their eighth wife couldfinally peacefully lie with their intoxicating beauty, the corrupt officialswho had received bribes also went in and out of the treasury counting gold andsilver and jewels, those with things to do thought it was none of theirbusiness, those without things to do did nothing, the neutral group also restedtheir tired feet, beginning to talk nonsense and gossip, blowing their owntrumpet, the several hundred people up and down the court were comfortablyrelaxed and content.

Trulysacrificing the imperial censor w.a.n.g, Dayan has been blessed!

But, in theeyes of many of those in power, this was all just the calm before the storm.

Thelascivious emperor despite being lascivious, he was very secretive andoverbearing in his control over power. His weak body always gave people a weakimpression, making people forget this emperor had experienced two topplingchanges of palace and an emperor who had progressively gained power, what morehe was a blood-thirsty and warlike emperor. This sort of person, adept atpatience, even better at attacking, and striking fatally.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was a dog under the control of the emperor. As they say, a dog which barksdoesn’t bite, a dog that doesn’t bark, when it bites will take a person’s life.This dog w.a.n.g Yun Feng, had already had his chains untied, only waiting for theother person to relax their guard, exposing their completely bare necks, hewould wait for that moment they relax biting the other person’s head like athunderbolt.

Timesilently slipped away, after one month Xia Ling Mei was again summoned into thepalace by the empress.

The empresswas a woman who was even more cold and detached than an iceberg. This sort ofcharacter was best to survive in the palace, because coldness, makes her seemextra arrogant and hard to approach, the imperial concubines who intended toget close to her still couldn’t get a few words out before they couldn’t helpbut beat the retreating drum.

The currentemperor was lecherous, back when he was the crown prince every few days morebeautiful women were added to his residence. The crown princess back then was aperson who didn’t tolerate grit in the eyes, you respect me a bit, I willcompletely return it. By the time the crown prince became emperor, the day thepalace switched over, only three remained of the ten beautiful women in thecrown prince’s east palace, once more bestowed the t.i.tle of imperial concubine,a few more selections, not only were there less and less candidates, theimperial concubines were also more and more content, everyone said theempress’s method was outstanding.

Xia LingMei was the empress’s sister, she had personally seen the empress’s hardships.These women of the influential families, who wasn’t good at dealing withpeople, smiling as they spoke they would vanish their enemy in a puff of smoke.

What wasn’tsurprising was, the empress’s first son was also lecherous, along with hisemperor father together every day they were picky with the women in the palace,a.s.sessing the head and discussing the feet. For this reason the empress wasworried, her secret war with the emperor was a busy matter, so many peoplecoming and going.

This timeXia Ling Mei entered the palace, seeing the empress, also unexpectedly saw thecrown prince.

Hishighness the crown prince was one year older than Xia Fen, relying on hisstatus of the east palace he declared himself king and leader at Bailu academy,but there were followers who did not give into him, he was infamous forshouting at everyone, he was unable to easily establish himself at the academy.

To speakfrankly, the crown prince’s father is the boss of Dayan, the crown prince isthe mountain ruler of the Bailu academy.

The crownprince was good at scheming, his small eyes slightly raised, carrying a littlebit of love, when he gazes steadily at you, you would feel you were the onlyone in his mind, a kind of adoring illusion. His baby fat stuffed cheeks, glibtongued, grandiloquent enough to praise the very common palace maid into acelestial being of the highest of the heavens, from young he never failed toplease, he was the secret love target for numerous influential families’ andofficials’ young ladies.

The firsttime His highness the crown prince saw Xia Ling Mei, he couldn’t help throwinghimself into the other person’s arms, with a shy expression he said: “Thisolder sister seem very familiar, in our past lives we must have experienced auniversally appreciated story that captures the imagination.”

At the endof every year Xia Ling Mei returned to Beding City to celebrate the new year,sometimes at the Xia residence she would see the emperor and empress who hadsecretly arrived, the crown prince and little princess would also be there.However at that time there were a lot of people at the Xia residence, Xia LingMei was truly unremarkable, therefore there were very few people who rememberedher.

Xia LingMei with one hand held the crown prince steadily, putting on a fake smile shesaid: “We really are familiar. Before the crown prince was even one years oldyou were extremely naughty causing trouble, I took off your trousers andspanked your bottoms more than a few times.”

The crownprince was completely unashamed, twisting and turning he said: “Does thebeautiful older sister still want to spank my bottom? If you see my bottomyou’ll have to take responsibility for me.”

“Fine. Thecrown prince’s bottom is both soft and smooth, I also miss it very much. I’llbe responsible for every single hit I make, how’s that?”

The crownprince choked, mockingly he moved to the empress’s side, shaking his bottom afew times before sitting down: “Auntie is really not bashful, even wanting eather nephew’s tofu, no wonder Xia Fen is so difficult to deal with.”

That use ofauntie pulled closer their relationship, being able to call Xia Fen directly byhis name and surname, hearing it their relationship was clear.

Xia LingMei lifted her head glancing at the empress, the empress explained: “The crownprince and Fen Er at Bailu academy argued, he came back to complain.”

The crownprince immediately jumped up: “When did I complain? This crown prince walk talland sit straight, never talk badly behind someone’s back.”

Xia LingMei carefully pondered before understanding, sweeping her gaze over the crownprince from top to bottom, discovering one side of the crown prince’s shoulderwas high and the other side low, one of his chubby dragon claw was also hiddeninside his sleeve, there must be a clear scar, not daring to show people andcould only try his best to hide it not allowing people to laugh at him.

Thinking itover it came as no surprise, the emperor’s martial art skills weren’t great, hewas most adept at stratagem. The crown prince had been bought up in the mouthof the emperor, even before he was one year old he had climbed onto theimperial throne drooling, every day following the emperor at court listening topolitics, getting to know the most the court councillors fighting openly andmanoeuvring covertly measure for measure in the court. A perfectly normal childheard daily people arguing over a tiny little matter until they were flushedwith anger, along with his age, day and night under the influence of peoplebefore he could even employ a stratagem he was already able to sensitivelyperceive the selfish motives of officials, as time pa.s.sed, following after theemperor’s influence secretly the crown prince naturally learned how to transformsomeone’s strength against them, toying with all the court councillors in thepalm of his hands. But, the crown prince was young, he didn’t have the abilityto play with the court, by the time he was five years old, the emperor threwhim into Bailu academy, saying it in a nice way it was for him to study, in abad way it was only throwing an apparently pure of heart chubby dragon into anest of not yet grown up snakes, scorpion, tigers and wolves, let that group ofyoungsters squabble pettily, just like a miniature imperial court.

With hisstatus the crown prince, with his two older brothers and an older sister atBailu academy `fought at close quarters`, after two years, slowly they unitedtogether by his side into a group of `important ministers`, apart from studyingthere was war, step by step stabilising his influence.

The verysmall child, the seven apertures of his head and heart simply had onemore hole than other people, his mischief was so great it made people blushwith shame.

The dayswere originally very nice, in the end suddenly a fearless savage like Xia Fenappeared from nowhere, skilled in literature and martial arts, like a ferociousbeast pa.s.sing through the territory he wiped out Bailu academy.

The crownprince’s mouth was difficult to deal with, Xia Fen’s fist was difficult to dealwith, these two people were like the moon knocking against the sun, life ordeath vieying for superiority, to become the imperial ruler of Bailu academy.

A scholarmeets a soldier, was the best way to describe what the crown prince hasexperienced recently. Whatever reason, whatever small scheme could not stand upin front of Xia Fen. The child, even if he was smart he was still young, eachand every child studying at Bailu academy were from influential and officialfamilies, even if there were students from humble families it was stillwell-known in Dayan, even if it was the crown prince they couldn’t take a lifeat his accord.

Attackingand counterattacking, Xia Fen simply used his rude and unreasonable fist towipe out the academy, with the crown prince claiming as his equal.

More orless the crown prince’s subordinates suffered beatings, even if they werehighly skilled in martial arts, in front of Xia Fen, a killer on thebattlefield risking his own life, they only paled into insignificance bycomparison. Even the fifteen years old students on the eve of graduating wereunable to win against Xia Fen’s subordinates.

The crownprince’s subordinates were beaten, the crown prince himself could also notnarrowly and luckily escape.

Xia Fenalso learned from experience, he understood the people at the academy weredifferent from those on the battlefield, he couldn’t just stab someone todeath, however he could beat the other person so they were half alive, yetstill appearance wise the injuries couldn’t be seen. The crown prince’sinjuries were even more hidden, the crown prince still had his dignity, evenmore he didn’t dare tell the emperor and empress he wasn’t as skilled assomeone and was beaten up, he could only try to cover it up, speaking about itand withholding some wanting the empress to stand up for her son.

The empresshad a cold heart, regarding the crown prince’s education she spared the rod andspoiled the child, she deals with her own matters. Therefore, she immediatelyinvited Xia Ling Mei over.

Xia LingMei realised this invite, unexpectedly she smiled and asked: “The crown princehas gotten to know Fen Er’s martial art skills?”

The crownprince raised his head, snorting: “I’ve experienced it, nothing more than anordinary martial artist.”

Xia LingMei laughed: “From a young age Fen Er has been determined to be a greatgeneral, his martial arts has to be good.”

The crownprince didn’t care anymore. Your son beat me up, I am the crown prince,shouldn’t you be like the other mothers of the influential families, even ifyou’re sorry you should still kneel and beg for forgiveness, beg His Highnessthe crown prince to spare her own hot-headed and ignorant son? Unless you’renot afraid the crown prince will act out violently and chop off your son’shead? You actually don’t comfort me the crown prince, what more you boast yourbutcher like son, against reason, against the law!

“Thegreater his martial arts, the greater official he can become, the more he willbe capable to take over the world for the crown prince, charge and breakthrough enemy lines and guard home, defend the country. Is this not good?”

The crownprince gnashed his teeth: “He still might not certainly be a great general.”

Xia LingMei agreed: “That’s why, the crown prince must teach him very well, make himcapable of becoming a person able to bear heavy responsibility for Dayan. Crownprince, your responsibility is very great.”

Xia Fen’sfists were also very great! Could Lady Xia’s meaning be that the crown princego and face Xia Fen’s fists, not to be discouraged, not to give up, fight awide leopard to train it into a domesticated leopard, then wait until the smallleopard grows into an older leopard, then take the place of His Highness crownprince to campaign in battle, powerfully shaking up the four corners?

To tame abeast, how many beatings does the beast tamer have to endure?

The crownprince felt his teeth hurt, not talking about his waist, back, shoulders, hisarm and even his bottom had large and small wounds.

For thefirst time he profoundly learned from experienced his father’s pain; imperialcensor w.a.n.g’s family, truly were not to be trifled with, they simply were sharptongued and sharp hearted! Devious! Cruel as a wolf!

Xia LingMei was finished with making fun of the crown prince, again smiling at theempress she drank her tea, discussing for a while how soft the crown prince’sbottom was, then holding the little princess they chatted and laughed for awhile, the palace maids came to report, the imperial censor w.a.n.g was at thepalace entrance waiting for his wife to return home.

w.a.n.g YunFeng had lingering fears, afraid the empress would once again put up Xia LingMei for the night.

So-calledextreme joy turning to sorrow, complacently Xia Ling Mei had just returned tothe 

w.a.n.g residence, w.a.n.g Yun Feng unexpectedly nagged: “The residence is too lifeless,how about we invite Fen Er to also come live here?”

Xia LingMei’s smile frozen at the edges: “Fen Er’s surname is Xia, it isn’t good forhim to live in the w.a.n.g residence right?”

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