In thedark, both of Xia Fen’s legs kicked out, rushing into Xia Ling Mei’s embrace.His small body rocked in his arms for a little while, finally he grasped holdof her waist, rapidly breathing he climbed a little higher, then holding hismother’s neck, rubbing his head against hers over and over, repeatedly calling`mother`.

Xia LingMei held her son tightly, slowly exhaling. This small idiot was like a catseeing fish when he sees his mother, no matter where, no matter what he wasdoing, he wouldn’t care, as if in his eyes apart from his mother there was nolonger anybody else or anything.

“Speak inwhispers, your daddy is sleeping.”

Xia LingMei turned her head to look at w.a.n.g Yun Feng on the bed. Maybe he was tootired, Xia Fen had made such a ruckus, w.a.n.g Yun Feng still slept very deeply.Bedding were kicked off, showing the arm he was half hugging, originally XiaFen was lying in there, now it was already completely empty. It looks as if,these days that Xia Ling Mei hasn’t been here, w.a.n.g Yun Feng looked at his sonvery importantly.

Xia LingMei patted Xia Fen, this clever child was already very familiar with hismother’s moves, rumbling he climbed from the front of his mother to her back,still holding onto her neck and not letting go. From over her shoulders he sawXia Ling Mei rearrange w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s lapel, arranging him into a comfortableposition. w.a.n.g Yun Feng budged a little, seeming as if he woke up for a shortwhile, probably thinking it was Xiao Bai coming to check on Xia Fen’s sleepingposture, he felt around the bed for a bit, directly coming across Xia LingMei’s wrist, muttering: “How can you roll from the bed to the floor.” Pullingher hand under the quilt, subconsciously tucking the quilt in, falling asleepagain in a daze.

In the darkroom, there wasn’t a sliver of light, but Xia Ling Mei could distinguish whichash-colour was his face, which was the quilt. Xia Ling Mei heartachinglyextended her fingertip to touch his cheeks, his skin was rough, pushing downthere was no feeling of plump flesh.

Xia LingMei examined w.a.n.g Yun Feng closely up down and everywhere once, then did shepiggyback Xia Fen out of the room, turning into the side room next door. Duringthe day this was where w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s trunks and baskets of junk were piledup, when Xiao Bai saw Xia Ling Mei had arrived, he hurriedly tidied up the bedin that room. Even if it’s the mistress, there was still no reason for him tobe sweet with the master in the disaster region, it would not be good toattract suspicion and jealousy. Because it was Winter was coming, 

Xia Ling Mei hadthe shadow guards bring along some winter clothes, there were hers and w.a.n.g YunFeng’s, the shadow guards were also concerned about their comrades here, theydid not bring too little personal goods here, there was nowhere to hide it, everythingwas piled here, crammed in that only the bed was empty

Xia LingMei herself shook out a sheepskin cape, it wasn’t good to bring too luxuriousitems to disaster regions, sheepskin was both common and warm, and was sewn onthe inside, on the outside it was a very common material, in truth it was warm.After carrying Xia Fen inside she immediately used the cape to wrap him up, XiaFen was much more well-behaved in Xia Ling Mei’s arms than w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s.Compared to w.a.n.g Yun Feng, Xia Fen had been away from Xia Ling Mei for muchlonger, increasingly not willing to take half a step away from his mother,tightly shrinking into her arms not moving.

Xia LingMei stroked her son’s head, and pinching his cheeks, shoulders, chest, waist,hands and foot, even his bottom was not let off and was squeezed, even moreheart-broken than compared to just before.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was an adult, and was doing his job, it was certain the demanding workwould make him lose weight. But her son who ought to have been free andunfettered on the outside unexpectedly came here to bear hardships, as a mothershe couldn’t help be anxious. She had intentionally looked over the dinnerbefore, even the third ranked maids at the residence ate better, her eyesnearly reddened on the spot. Everywhere around them were victims, she couldn’tsay, but in her heart it really hurt.

“Mother!”Xia Fen moved around a little in her arms, yawning, “mother sleep with me.”

“I can’t,mother is only worried about you, wanting to see you. Just sleep with yourfather tonight, tomorrow I’ll come and join you.”

Xia Fenpursed his lips: “I don’t like him, I want mother.”

Xia LingMei flicked his nose: “You don’t like daddy but allow him to protect you? FenEr don’t fuss, mother has something to do tonight, tomorrow morning I’ll comefind you again, you can’t be an annoying troublemaker.”

When is XiaFen willing to honestly behave. In accordance with his former behaviour, XiaLing Mei in any event hated to scold him, if there was something wrong he wouldjust act cute. Consequently, Xia Fen struggled a little while in Xia Ling Mei’sarms, using all his strength he forced his mother onto the bed, he crossed hislegs together, hugging her with both arms: “I want to sleep with mother!”

Xia Ling Meistared, turning him over she placed him on her knees, brushing aside the capeshe pulled down his trousers, hitting her hand on her son’s bottom. A speedysound, like a thunder exploding in the night, both resonant and ringing.

Xia Fen wasshocked, almost crying out loudly. Granted w.a.n.g Yun Feng had spanked his bottomwith a chicken feather duster, why is the mother he loves the most hitting himas well? Mother has been led astray by the cheap father! You are…en, accordingto the crown prince’s theory: villains colluded together, husband and wifefollow each other’s bad example! Specialising in bullying their own son!

Xia Fensobbed completely broken-hearted sprawled on the bedding, even though therewasn’t a single tear, but his heart was genuinely wounded. He still didn’t dareto make a noise, because mother was still staring at him in anger. Why wasmother angry? He was obviously the person who was beaten, mother looked likeshe was the one who suffered. 

According to Juan Shu’s teaching: This is the wayof the world, bully intolerable!

Xia Fen hadbeen with this w.a.n.g family of bookish hypocrites for a while, inevitably healso learned a lot more, when they wanted something in a daydream some certainwords couldn’t help but be spoken, appearing to be of great talent.

Xia Fenfeeling aggrieved was carried back to w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s room by Xia Ling Mei,then once again squeezed back in w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s arm, compared to thecontinuous affection from when she rushed over, when she left it was simplyunfeeling, she didn’t even turn her head to look at Xia Fen once.

Xia Fen boreinto w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s arms, mother is too bad, mother is too brutal, motherdoesn’t love Fen Er…again shrinking into the warm chest, putting the sole ofhis feet into his cheap father’s inner clothes, putting his father’s armsaround his waist.

w.a.n.g YunFeng deeply asked in a muddle: “Where did you go just now?”

Xia Fenquietly: “To wee wee.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng simply didn’t suspect him, hugging his son tightly not leaving a gap:“Sleep.”

When hiseyelids fluttered, Xia Fen thought: mother even hit her own son, cheap fathermust have often been beaten?

Xia LingMei truthfully had something to do that night. At first she had only thoughtw.a.n.g Yun Feng’s body was slightly weak, but after seeing him did she thendiscover he had lost a terrible amount of weight. w.a.n.g Yun Feng was unlike XiaLing Mei and Xia Fen, he was a weak scholar, hitting pressure points was simplyto use in a sudden outburst against enemies, usually he very rarely trained hisbody, and with the old wounds over these few years, arriving at Zhuozhou, heavyhumidity, and tiring, if he didn’t take care of his health sooner or later hewill be serious ill. Moreover the unexpected Xia Fen, the father and son didnot know how to look after people, if they collapsed, Xia Ling Mei would bescared half to death.

However,seeing the father and son sleeping together, her secret worries during herjourney here was reduced. At least, with Xia Fen here, w.a.n.g Yun Feng wouldn’tlet his imagination run wild like the old housekeeper said. The power ofrelatives, to w.a.n.g Yun Feng it was immense. And cannot be excluded, with XiaFen by his side, even if w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s body collapse his spirit would stillnot collapse, he would protect his son with his last breath.

Therefore,the over worried Xia Ling Mei could no longer bear to see Xia Fen’s actingspoiled, wholeheartedly wishing it would be slightly better if her son woulddepend on w.a.n.g Yun Feng even more.

Late atnight she ran to the little kitchen, Hei Zi who had not revealed his face atall had long ago complied with her order to go hunt pheasants and hares in themountain forest, it was winter, a lot of animals were hibernating, he searchedeverywhere for prey, and accidentally catch a female bear deep in the mountain.He didn’t kill the mother bear, only knocking the bear out, then from her chestcut a little opening to take out some bile, after he applied herbal medicinethen released it.

Xia LingMei shredded the pheasant, strips of fowl and plain rice congee was boiledtogether with medicinal ingredients. The fowl’s bottom was especially left outto string together into a skewer to be fried, and with noodles, making mushroomsteamed dumplings, thinking about it, she also threw  a few sweet potatoes into the open fire,hanging a medicine pot to boil medicine for w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

She askedHei Zi to watch the fire in the kitchen, she herself returned to the room againto tidy w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s personal items. He didn’t have many winter clothes, nowhis health was poor, it was best for him to wear fur, but this would also makeit easier for him to be criticised by people. Xia Ling Mei pondered over it,turning his middle layer clothing inside out, cutting another of her own rabbitfur cloak, sewing it into the belly, waist, shoulder and other such areas ofthe middle layer clothing, again making him several knee coverings that hecould wear under his trousers, so people couldn’t see it. Adding two morelayers to the sole of his shoes, putting rabbit fur into the insole. Afterdoing the knees, she again did the hands and elbows, then made wristprotectors. Only she used three layers for the wrist protectors, the middlelayer was rabbit fur, on the surface it looked like common material. 

Aftermaking it for her husband, she then had to do it for her son, busy continuouslyuntil early morning, only then did her eyes feel a light sting.

Compared tothat father and son, at least she could still preserve the dignity of anofficial family, in order to not attract attention Xia Ling Mei, had removedall the golden hairpins on her, only wearing the clothes of a Jianghu marriedwoman, not splendid but actually simply and practical. When she was in Beidingcity, as long as she was awake she would definitely wear makeup, here she wasnatural without makeup, restraining the pampered rich woman’s att.i.tude, only alittle bit more neat and imposing than a common woman.

After shehad tidied up properly, when she heard the sound of w.a.n.g Yun Feng leaving nextdoor, that’s when she went to find Xia Fen. Xia Fen was already used to lookingafter himself, he didn’t need someone to worry about dressing him and eating,like an extremely wild young beast, a little bit too savage, but still didn’tneed to rely on others, even more he didn’t have the usual arrogance of a childof an influential family.

Xia LingMei made Xia Fen wash his face and rinse his mouth, she swiftly cleaned thatentire room, seeing that it wasn’t going to rain, she might as well put thequilt outside, by the dried up thin tree trunk and the wall she put up a bambooframe to air out the quilt and other things.

The fatherand son personal matters were dealt with by Xia Ling Mei, Juan Shu and Xiao Baidid other things, running errands for w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

Waitinguntil w.a.n.g Yun Feng had organised his own family’s important matters, she thenwent to the kitchen to bring out the basket of food, going to the lobby.

Thereweren’t many people in the early morning, the smell of food wafted out frommany of the houses, some people were carrying things in succession. The gap inthe dam had long ago been repaired, the sun was out over these last days, theground also gradually revealed moist earth, some villages on higher groundswere already safe and sound, the villagers who had received supplies to pastthe winter already wanted to go back. If there was still time, they could fixtheir houses before the new year, then rush to plough the fields in the spring,in time for the first harvest.

Xia LingMei stood at the courtyard entrance for a while, unexpectedly she saw that Huafamily sedan. Could it be that Lady Hua has come again?

Xia LingMei grinded her teeth, w.a.n.g Yun Feng, you really believe you don’t attract loveaffairs?

Heroriginal carefree mood immediately vanished like smoke in thin air. Xia LingMei strolled in along the broken rocks, before she spoke, she saw Lady Hualeaning in w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s arms in the inner hall, Xia Fen aggressivelyadvanced at Hua Bao Xia waving the biggest long sword.

“You foxdare to seduce my daddy!” He shouted violently, shaking the village chief whohadn’t left tottering.

Xia LingMei stepped forward, stepping inside the threshold, she laughed sinisterly infront of everyone, exposing her sharp teeth like a vixen: “Lord w.a.n.g, you’re solucky with woman!”

w.a.n.g YunFeng suddenly lifted his head: “Ling… Ling Mei!”


T/N: Sorry I have to leave you hanging for this week >_

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