ZhuangSheng used the greatest courage, again emphasising: “You said you are a personwho knows how to repay kindness. Right now, I want you to repay me, I want youto devote your life to me.”

Xia LingMei’s lips trembled, indeed she was already so angry she couldn’t breathe,unable 

to say half a word.

Xia Fenstared blankly, only feeling the lively small courtyard for most of the day hadsuddenly calmed like stilled water, a drop of a pin could be heard. Mother’sarms around him tightened more and more, wanting to break his bones. In hisvery small mind a burst of panic swiftly appeared, and not acting out, he onlyloudly shouted: “Adoptive mother it’s me!” Unwaveringly holding Xia Ling Mei’sneck tighter, his chubby b.u.t.t sticking up, angry towards everyone.

Xia LingMei was so angry she smiled: “Zhuang Sheng, you ought to know, I am alreadylong ago a married woman, if I was able to remarry, even if my husband washere, even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t so easily repay kindness with my person. Ifyou’re sincere, apart from me and Xia Fen, you can make use of any of my othermere worldly possessions. The Xia family doesn’t have much land, but we havesome riches and influence.” The successive generations of the Xia family hadama.s.sed wealth over hundreds of years, low profiled and calm, easily making ithard for people to ask for favours and seek compensation. Xia Ling Meipromising in this way, had already greatly broken the bottom line of the Xiafamily. Xia Ling Mei promised a large amount, later she may have to contributeeven more than that, maybe a small repayment of kindness, will tire herthroughout her life, too late to remorse.

ZhuangSheng himself was a qian shi tong, forXia Ling Mei he had specially investigated the Xia family’s background, furthermore he knew these sort of things somewhat well. But he still firmly said: “Iwant you, even more wealth and power couldn’t compare to a single hair ofyours.” He also looked at Xia Fen, “Marry me, I will naturally treat Xia Fen asmine, in no way treat him unfairly.”

Xia Fenunderstood these words, angrily saying: “I do not want a cheap daddy.” Hesubconsciously glanced at the motionless as a mountain w.a.n.g Yun Feng, his lipscurled together, again tightening his grip on Xia Ling Mei even more.

ZhuangSheng lightly laughed: “Small child doesn’t know the advantage of having adaddy, at least, afterwards if someone humiliates you, I will give it my all totake revenge on behalf of you, not allow outsiders to hurt you a little bit. Iwill be like your adoptive mother, protect you, love you, not allowing anylittle mishaps.”

Xia Fenpulled a face at him: “You are a skirt-chaser, you’re best at sweet speechesand honeyed words. General Xia said, a person who is nice to me for no reason,maybe wants to sell me off pound for pound, then kidnap adoptive mother.”Shifting his chubby waist, 

“Adoptive mother, you can’t easily be scammed bypeople. My flesh isn’t tasty, don’t sell me to someone.” With a childish toneand manner, although his words were crude, his words stung, the nearby peoplewho heard grinned from ear to ear.

Xia LingMei knew Xia Fen was the best at being dramatic, before on the boats he wouldfrequently throw insults with those soldiers, best at inverting right and wrongwith babbling nonsense. However, he couldn’t even say most of the reasons, shecould only pat her son on the back, making Ying Shi bring out clothes for himto wear, while she smiled she said to Zhuang Sheng: “A good woman does not takea second husband. Zhuang Sheng, if you’re set on marrying me, then it won’t begood for me, rather it would hurt me, it would ruin my reputation.”

ZhuangSheng said nonchalantly: “We are people of the Jianghu, we don’t care for usingthose false reputations for benefits. I am genuine and sincere, as long as youmarry me, naturally I would protect you and prevent you from being hurt in theslightest.”

Xia LingMei laughed grimly: “Gossip is a fearful thing, from the moment you proposedsuch a request, you had already put me in a heartless, unjust, not loyal,unfilial position, this is protecting me? Even in the Jianghu, there is no suchthing as forcing someone to marry you.”

ZhuangSheng clucked his tongue: “How is this forcing, this is only repayingkindness.”

The twopeople were measure for measure, not yielding a single step. Xia Ling Mei onlyfelt herself preaching to deaf ears, at her wit’s end.

w.a.n.g YunFeng took a step forward, pulling Xia Ling Mei behind him, indifferentlysaying: “You a person of the Jianghu, no need to press hard on a feeble womanand young child. Ling Mei owes you a life, she cannot devote her life to you,you also don’t want wealth or power. Then, as her husband, I will takeresponsibility, repay you with a life on behalf of her.”

Everyonejolted to a halt, incredulously looking at w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

Xia LingMei subconsciously grabbed his back, only feeling profoundly helpless.

That timewhen she fell off the cliff, no one had thought Zhuang Sheng would protect her,even she was surprised, she truly could not understand why the other personcared about her in such a way. If the other person really wanted to marry her,apart from the Xia family objecting to it, even she herself would also beunwilling in every way. When she promised she would repay his kindness, she didnot consider marrying him, right now after picking up the pieces and startinganew with w.a.n.g Yun Feng, what’s more she cannot abandon w.a.n.g Yun Feng onceagain, make him guard the w.a.n.g residence all alone living a life of desolation.

Xia LingMei had a firm temper, she was unwilling to hopelessly muddle with ZhuangSheng, w.a.n.g Yun Feng had an extreme disposition, what’s more he could nottolerate a man without clear distinguishable grat.i.tude and grudges by her side.

“Since it’slike this, I will repay you with a life.” Finished speaking, she had alreadyvery quickly taken out the treasured knife from Xia Fen’s waist, wanting tostab herself in the stomach. An unforeseen event, Ying Shi and Xiu Yu only hadtime to shriek.

Drops ofblood splashed down, the edge of that knife stopped only a hairsbreadth awayfrom her. w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s hand firmly gripped the edge of the knife, coldlysaying: “I only said I will repay him a life, I didn’t say I want you to repayhim.”

Everyoneonly felt their hearts were lodged in their throats, even Zhuang Sheng’s facepaled, he did not think Xia Ling Mei would make a decision to this extent,saying not wanting her life and just taking her life.

When thewords left w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s mouth, those people with a brain calmed down.

ZhuangSheng’s entire body tensed, a bitter and hateful expression, he bitterlylaughed: “Lady Xia there is no need for you to self-harm. This is you usingyour own life to seize mine, making me so grieved as to wish I was deadincessantly remorseful”

Xia LingMei did not even look at him, only tightly kneading the knife handle, lookingat the bursts of blood flowers on the floor: “Why?”

ZhuangSheng hoa.r.s.ely laughed twice: “You know how I feel about you, naturally youknow I would hate to hurt you. You committing suicide is using my love for youto purely threaten me.” His expression was complicated, quietly: “Your usingyour life to gamble with the feelings I have for you, so cruel.”

Xia LingMei lowered her head, from her voice you could hear she was lightly laughing:“If 

I’m not a little bit cruel, then how can I make you let me go.”

ZhuangSheng’s face suddenly changed to displeasure: “Then fine, I don’t want yourlife. Lord w.a.n.g, you acknowledge yourself as her husband, the husband pays offthe wife’s debt, right?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng brows stayed creased together: “That was my intention.” Also not afraid ofpain, immediately following alongthe handle of the knife, from Xia Ling Mei’s hand he wrestled the treasuredknife over, sliding it across the palm of his hand, blood flowed more and moreextensively.

Xia LingMei tried to seize the treasured knife several times away, he also did not knowwhere he had learned to be such an expert at avoiding capture, blocking herapproach, the two people dazzlingly exchanged tens of blows in the air, XiaLing Mei saw his movements, she could only think of the red blood in front ofher eyes, this actually made his wound even more deeper, blood splashed moreand more rapidly. Alarmed, she could only give up, her face somewhat paler thanwhite paper, biting her lips she could not say a single word rigidly.

w.a.n.g YunFeng faced her, there was no coldness at all in his eyes, placating her hesaid: “I haven’t been by your side constantly over these years, I owe you quitea bit. Now I can finally make up for it, naturally I have to wholeheartedlyprotect you from the wind and rain. It’s only a life nothing more, it’s nothingserious.”

Xia LingMei nose soured: “Who wants just your life, you want me to be buried with you.If you die, what’s the point of me living alone. At that time I’ll send Xia Fenback to the Xia family, where you go, I will follow, in the past I didn’taccompany you, from now we will never leave each other.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng abruptly relaxed drawing in a breath, laughing out loud: “Fine.” He turnedaround to face Zhuang Sheng and smiled: “Where do you want me to stab myself?My stomach, or heart, or directly slash open my neck?”

Everyonesurrounding them loudly cried out, further more Bai Zi and Hei Zi lept over,Bai Zi urgently shouting: “Master your life is important, let this subordinatetake your place.” Saying this he was going to wrestle his knife away, w.a.n.g YunFeng flitted by, sternly saying: “This is an important matter between me andZhuang Sheng, outsiders must not interfere.” Once again turning his head,already staring at Bai Yan who was preparing to throw a concealed weapon:“After I’m gone, you and Bai Zi escort the mistress and the young master backto 

the Xia family together, there must not be any mistakes.”

Bai Yan grabbedJuan Shu’s collar pulling him back, his face tranquil and calm: “We sincerelyobey the master’s command.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng nodded, again looking at Xia Ling Mei, suddenly hugging her waist,suddenly kissing her lips. Xia Ling Mei’s eyes heated up, like this she kepther eyes open looking at him, full of hot tears they finally flowed down. Bothhands holding his head, she couldn’t help kiss him back.

In front ofeveryone, these two people unexpectedly amongst the four social bonds of theworld, actually started kissing.

The maids coveredtheir mouths, stifling their bitter tears; the secret guards couldn’t help 

themselves and turned their heads, could not bear to peep; Xia Fen wasstupefied, ignorant of the matters of the world.

However ZhuangSheng only felt his whole body was powerless, long ago his legs could not withstandit heading to the pillar in the corridor leaning against it, both hands hiddenunder his sleeves could not stop shaking incessantly, his eyes firmly staringat the two dizzyingly kissing with pain and sorrow.

And so, XiaLing Mei’s single cry of fear, everyone opened their eyes to again examinecarefully, seeing w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s waist was already bending forward, his wholebody falling towards Xia Ling Mei. On his lapel, very quickly layers of watercoloured rings blossomed, once again more and more blood flowed out of w.a.n.g YunFeng’s palm, each trail little by little flowed along the ground gathering intoa puddle.

Xia LingMei supported him almost falling over, both lips trembling like a sift, holdingthe other’s hand tightly covering his veins, hatefully saying to Zhuang Sheng:“Is this enough? Do you need me to repay you once more, give you even my life.”

Only thesewords, easily hacked Zhuang Sheng to pieces. And all these people here, whowould appreciate his sincerity, who cared about his suffering, everyone hadflocked to w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s side, even Xia Fen stuck close to Xia Ling Mei’sarm, crying loudly in fright, totally oblivious as to how matters had gotten sofar.

ZhuangSheng almost dragged his feet out of that small courtyard, he didn’t imagine,Xia Ling Mei was fierce, but w.a.n.g Yun Feng was even more fierce. That slash, itdoesn’t matter whether w.a.n.g Yun Feng lives or not, Xia Ling Mei could alreadynot marry Zhuang Sheng. 

w.a.n.g Yun Feng completely broke off Xia Ling Mei’s andZhuang Sheng’s marital fate.

Asexpected, he wasn’t his opponent.

ZhuangSheng bitterly laughed, laughing until, the expression on his face was alreadyfilled with extreme pain, making people feel daunted.

Behind him,remained only the sound of Xia Ling Mei low calling: “Yun Feng, Yun Feng, don’tabandon me…”

w.a.n.g YunFeng held onto her palm, only feeling weak, his head and eyes blurred, simplyunable to say a word.

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